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Defining and analysing post-1945 architecture remains a relevant subject. Popularising knowledge about post-war Modernist architecture is a part of building public awareness and our collective identity. Many still- existing specimens of post-war Modernist architecture, particularly those located in smaller cities or towns, have neither been placed under proper conservation nor documentation. Their value is not widely appreciated and their continued existence is threatened. The objective of this paper is to present a major project by Włodzimierz Ściegienny — the Cepelia exhibition pavilions, as well as an unimplemented development plan for the entire exhibition grounds in Częstochowa.
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Błaszczyk, W. (1961), Rezerwat archeologiczny, Cmentarzysko łużyckie, Częstochowa: Muzeum Regionalne w Częstochowie.
Braun, J. (1979), Częstochowa: Urbanistyka i architektura, Warszawa: Arkady, p. 84.
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Haładyj, T. (2018), Dożynki na Jasnej Górze. Historia wystaw rolniczych — w miejscu Cepelii stała grecka kolumnada [online:] https://czestochowa.wyborcza.pl/czestochowa/1,48725,18710097,dozynki-na-jasnej-gorze-historia-wystaw-rolniczych-w-1946.html (accessed: 24.01.2021).
Kaczmarska, K. ‘Budynek Cepelii jako przykład architektury modernistycznej’, Rocznik Muzeum Częstochowskiego, 18/2018, p. 55.
Malec-Zięba, E. (2020), ‘Korelacja architektury i sztuki w twórczości Włodzimierza Ściegiennego’, Państwo i Społeczeństwo, 3/2020.
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Ściegienny, K. (2005), Ars longa vita brevis, Częstochowa: Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Gaude Mater.
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Stelmach, B., Andrzejewska-Batko, K. (ed.) (2019), Tożsamość. 100 lat polskiej architektury, Warszawa: Narodowy Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki.
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Szczodrowska, M., Nasze spotkania. Architekt, artysta malarz, grafik. Rozmowa z Włodzimierzem Ściegiennym, „Życie Częstochowy” 119, 20 May 1984 (Ściegienny’s archives).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Emilia Malec-Zięba

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts


Loess is an important component of cave deposits. Loess and loess-like strata in caves and rock shelters may serve as stratigraphic correlative units and paleoclimate indicators. For the Polish Jura (southern Poland), one of the key regions of cave deposits studies in Europe, the published information concerning the stratigraphic importance of loess is limited to the sequences from around the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In this paper, a review of the archival data about loess deposits situated below the LGM strata in caves and rock shelters of the Polish Jura is presented. The paper discusses the occurrence, lithology, stratigraphy, chronology and paleoecology of the pre-LGM cave loess. The most important sites of the pre-LGM cave loess in the region include: Biśnik Cave, Nietoperzowa Cave, Mamutowa Cave, and Ciemna Cave (only the outer zones). The loess strata in these sites correlate with cold Marine Isotope Stages (MIS): mid-3, 4, 5b–d, 6, and possibly 10. They represent all the main facies of cave loess: typical eolian loess, colluviated loess-like deposits, loess with bedrock debris, and loams of complex grain-size composition but with the predominance of a loess component. Stratigraphic correlations with loess-paleosol sequences are proposed.
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Maciej T. Krajcarz

  1. Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland


An important source of palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental information is intra-specimen variability of isotopic composition of mammal tooth enamel. It reflects seasonal or behavioral changes in diet and climate occurring during a life of the animal. While well-known in ungulates, in carnivorans this variability is poorly recognized. However, carnivoran remains are amongst the most numerous in the Pleistocene fossil record of terrestrial mammals, so their isotopic signature should be of particular interest. The aim of the study was to verify if enamel of a fossil cave hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) and a cave bear (Ursus ingressus) records any regular inter- or intra-tooth isotopic variability. We examined intra-individual variability of δ13C and δ18O values in permanent cheek teeth enamel of fossil cave hyena and cave bear from the site of the Perspektywiczna Cave (southern Poland). We conclude that the isotopic variability of the cave hyena is low, possibly because enamel mineralization took place when the animals still relied on a uniform milk diet. Only the lowermost parts of P3 and P4 enamel record a shift toward an adult diet. In the case of the cave bear, the sequence of enamel formation records periodic isotopic changes, possibly correlating with the first seasons of the animal life.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Czernielewski
Magdalena Krajcarz
Maciej T. Krajcarz

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