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In this work microbiological air pollution at several commune sewage treatment plants (capacity up to 15,000 PE) was investigated. The bioreactors in all plants had a covered construction. The air samples were taken indoors as well as outdoors (both on the windward and leeward side) during different seasons. The samples were collected using the collision method. The presence of indicator organisms in the samples was determined according to the Polish Standards. Identification of individual indicators was performed on solid selective-differentiating substrates. To verify the presence of bacteria from Salmonella, Shigella, coliforms and enterococci species, the colonies observed on the MacConkey substrate were then sifted onto SS and Endo substrates. At all facilities (with one exception) the average CFU for the total number of bacteria and fungi did not exceed 1000/m3, which is the limit set by the Polish Standards for a pollution-free atmospheric air. Bacteria and fungi concentrations, observed at windward and leeward sides of all plants, were relatively low (<100 CFU/m3 and <1000 CFU/m3, respectively) and comparable. A sewage collection point had only a slight impact on the bioaerosol emission. The concentration of microorganisms in the immediate vicinity of covered reactors (aeration chambers) was rather low and remained below the limits sets by the Polish Standards at three facilities. The CFU of individual indicators, measured in rooms accessible for the personnel, was comparable to the CFU in technological rooms. However some indicators, e.g. a number of Actinomycetes, were significantly higher and reached >100 CFU/m3, which means significant air pollution. Similarly, the CFU of hemolytic bacteria had nonzero values. The only place where higher concentrations of bioaerosol were found was the centrifuge room, where digested sludge was dewatered. The number of fungi stayed below the limits there, but the amount of heterotrophic and hemolytic bacteria exceeded the limits and reached the values of ~10000 CFU/m3 and 800 CFU/m3, respectively; it means that the personnel working in this area is exposed to microbiological agents.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Polus
Zbigniew Mucha


Toys emitting sounds are classified as significant sources of noise found in the children environment. Impulse and continuous noise emitted by toys, used in close to the child’s ear, acting directly on the organ of hearing, can lead to serious adverse health effects. This is especially true for children under the age of three, in which the state of the hearing organ determines their intellectual development. The current level of safety of sound emitting toys intended for children in this age group is insufficient. This is confirmed by the reports from the control of market surveillance authorities. A new approach to the assessment of children’s exposure to noise generated by toys, included in EN 71-1:2011 + A2:2013 Standard, based on the permissible values applicable to the workplaces, requires further tests and verification. The paper presents the results of the research work and assesses the level of sound emitted by toys in the light of current standard requirements, carried out using the author’s methodology. Toys intended for children under the age of 3 years, commercialized on the European market by Polish manufacturers and importers were tested. The results of the tests allowed us to determine the impact of duration of the sound pressure level measurement on the final result.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Grynkiewicz-Bylina
Bożena Rakwic


This article shows incidents associated with the use of gas as an energy carrier. It presents selected incidents which have occurred in Poland and around the world in recent decades. Based on this, consequences of gas and air mixture explosions were analysed as well. The article presents the main causes of gas incidents which have taken place, as per instances which are similar worldwide. Incidents associated with the use of gas are not frequent, but at the same time very tragic as they often lead to illness or even death. In Poland, in the last twenty years, construction area disasters caused by gas explosions account for only 5% of all which have occurred, but the number of fatalities resulting from these cases is approximately 14%. The number of individuals injured reached 39% of all construction disaster victims. Considering all these facts, it is necessary to undertake wide preventive measures in order to increase safety in the use of gaseous fuels.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Szer
E. Błazik-Borowa


Metan towarzyszy większości złóż węgla. Zagrożenie metanowe to występowanie nadmiernych zawartości tego gazu w wyrobiskach górniczych. Stanowi to źródło poważnego zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa i ciągłości ruchu kopalni. Mieszanina powietrza z metanem, w zależności od jego stężenia, ma właściwości palne lub wybuchowe. W Polskiej Grupie Górniczej sp. z o.o. tylko KWK Piast-Ziemowit jest kopalnią niemetanową. W 2015 roku z pokładów metanowych pochodziło 66,4% węgla wydobytego w kopalniach byłej Kompanii Węglowej S.A. Najbardziej skuteczną, ale i bardzo kosztowną metodą obniżenia zagrożenia metanowego jest odmetanowanie górotworu. Koszty ponoszone na profilaktykę i zwalczanie zagrożenia metanowego obciążają koszty wydobycia węgla. Dlatego też wydajność odmetanowania w kopalniach Polskiej Grupy Górniczej sp. z o.o. dostosowana jest do skali zagrożenia metanowego. W artykule przedstawiono analizę kosztów profilaktyki metanowej dla kopalń o różnej metanowości bezwzględnej.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Halina Potoczek
Piotr Bojarski
Leszek Kloc


Metody sejsmiczne są powszechnie stosowane w górnictwie, geofizyce oraz inżynierii lądowej. Aktualnie pomiary sejsmiczne prowadzi się głównie w zakresie rejestracji prędkości i przyspieszeń trzech składowych translacyjnych drgań. Wiedząc jednak, że pełny opis ruchu fali sejsmicznej, oprócz wspomnianych składowych translacyjnych, zawiera również trzy składowe rotacyjne, konieczne było podjęcie działań mających na celu pomiar i określenie charakteru tych ostatnich. Jeszcze do niedawna analiza rotacyjnych fal sejsmicznych prowadzona była wyłącznie w sferze teoretycznej, gdyż brakowało narzędzi umożliwiających rejestrację prędkości obrotowej cząstek gruntu, na poziomie często nieprzekraczającym ułamków μrad/s. Obecnie jednak sejsmologia rotacyjna jest zagadnieniem cieszącym się ogromnym zainteresowaniem, co wynika z pojawienia się na rynku czujników umożliwiających bezpośredni pomiar składowych obrotowych drgań sejsmicznych. Brak jest jednak kompleksowych opracowań w zakresie analizy tychże składowych w przypadku drgań indukowanych działalnością górniczą. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki pilotażowych pomiarów składowych rotacyjnych drgań. Analizie poddano zapisy wstrząsów górniczych o energii w zakresie od 3 × 103 J do 1,5 × 107 J. Zarejestrowane wartości obrotu zostały skorelowane z zapisami drgań translacyjnych w celu określenia różnic w ich podstawowych parametrach takich jak czas trwania, częstotliwość i rozkład amplitudowy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Fuławka
Witold Pytel
Piotr Mertuszka
Eugeniusz Koziarz


Podziemna eksploatacja górnicza złóż węgla w Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym (GZW) powoduje naruszenie równowagi w rozkładzie naprężeń górotworu, zarówno w bezpośrednim, jak i dalszym otoczeniu wyrobisk górniczych. Konsekwencją tego procesu jest między innymi występowanie wstrząsów sejsmicznych. Intensywność zjawisk sejsmicznych, które występują w kilku rejonach GZW (niecce bytomskiej, siodle głównym, niecce głównej, niecce kazimierzowskiej oraz niecce jejkowickiej) jest bardzo zróżnicowana, począwszy od wstrząsów niewyczuwalnych przez ludzi, do silnych o charakterze słabych trzęsień Ziemi (Patyńska i Stec 2017). W okresie obejmującym 15 lat, tj. 2001–2015, poziom aktywności sejsmicznej ulegał zmianom i zależał zarówn od intensywności eksploatacji, jak i od zmienności budowy litologicznej i tektonicznej. Analiza sejsmiczności górotworu kopalń węgla kamiennego na Śląsku wykazała, że w ostatnich latach, pomimo zmniejszenia wydobycia ogółem, aktywność sejsmiczna i zagrożenie tąpaniami wzrosły. Jedną z przyczyn był wzrost wydobycia z pokładów zagrożonych tąpaniami. Prawie połowa wydobycia pochodziło z pokładów zaliczonych do zagrożonych tąpaniami. Skutkowało to zwiększeniem liczby wysokoenergetycznych wstrząsów o energiach rzędu 107, 108 i 109 J. Wykazano, że wielkość energii wstrząsów ma duży wpływ na poziom zagrożenia tąpaniami. W latach 2001–2015 wystąpiło aż 20 tąpnięć spowodowanych wstrząsami o energii sejsmicznej powyżej 107 J z 42 zjawisk ogółem (Patyńska 2002–2016). Celem scharakteryzowania przyczyn tego zjawiska określono parametry, charakteryzujące budowę strukturalną górotworu w miejscach, w których odnotowano tąpnięcia.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Renata Patyńska
Krystyna Stec


Aktualny poziom zagrożenia tąpaniami w kopalniach LGOM jest konsekwencją towarzyszącej robotom górniczym sejsmiczności górotworu, a większość dotychczas odnotowanych tąpnięć i odprężeń była spowodowana wstrząsami o najwyższych energiach. Z analizy aktywności sejsmicznej odnotowanej w ostatnich latach wynika, że spośród tych kopalń sejsmicznie najbardziej aktywną jest O/ZG Rudna. Artykuł zawiera ocenę kształtowania się sejsmiczności górotworu w O/ZG Rudna w latach 2006–2015 w całym obszarze kopalni oraz jej poszczególnych rejonach. W ramach parametrów sejsmiczności analizą objęto liczbę rejestrowanych zjawisk, łączną wartość emisji energii oraz wskaźnik jednostkowego wydatku energetycznego. Przeanalizowano także zmienność współczynników rozkładu Gutenberga-Richtera oraz odniesiono się do lokalizacji epicentrów ognisk względem frontu eksploatacyjnego, wyodrębniając nisko- (103 ≤ As < 105J) i wysokoenergetyczne (As ≥ 105J) wstrząsy usytuowane przed frontem, w rejonie robót rozcinkowych oraz w zrobach. Z przeprowadzonych rozważań wynika, że zagrożenie wysokoenergetycznymi wstrząsami w kopalni Rudna utrzymuje się na wysokim, porównywalnym w kolejnych latach poziomie, a zróżnicowana aktywność w wydzielonych rejonach może być między innymi funkcją zmiennej wysokości furty eksploatacyjnej oraz miąższości wstrząsogennych warstw węglanowych zalegających w stropie złoża. Analiza rozmieszczenia ognisk wstrząsów względem frontu eksploatacyjnego wskazuje, że niezależnie od wielkości energii sejsmicznej zdecydowanie najwięcej wstrząsów lokalizuje się w strefie robót rozcinkowych. W następnej kolejności wstrząsy niskoenergetyczne lokalizują się w obszarach zrobowych, a wstrząsy wysokoenergetyczne – przed frontem eksploatacji. T ym samym przedstawiona ocena kształtowania się aktywności sejsmicznej w O/ZG Rudna potwierdza związek ilości rejestrowanych wstrząsów oraz wielkości generowanej energii sejsmicznej z określonymi cechami lokalnych uwarunkowań geologiczno-górniczych, w tym elementami stosowanych systemów komorowo-filarowych.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Burtan
Dariusz Chlebowski
Jerzy Cieślik
Andrzej Zorychta


Towarzysząca prowadzeniu robót górniczych sejsmiczność indukowana, w tym przede wszystkim wysokoenergetyczna, jest jednym z głównych czynników decydujących o występowaniu zjawisk dynamicznych w górotworze. Określane tym mianem tąpnięcia i odprężenia należą do najpoważniejszych pod względem skutków zdarzeń wywołanych wstrząsami górotworu w kopalniach podziemnych. Charakteryzują się słabą przewidywalnością czasu i miejsca, a ich wpływ na skalę przejawów innych zagrożeń naturalnych (głównie wentylacyjnych) znacznie utrudnia dobór i wdrażanie optymalnych metod zwalczania. Biorąc pod uwagę systematycznie rosnącą głębokość eksploatacji w rejonie LGOM w połączeniu z obserwowanym zmniejszaniem się wysokości furty eksploatacyjnej, poznanie genezy oraz atrybutów aktywności sejsmicznej generowanej eksploatacją dokonaną w konkretnych uwarunkowaniach geologiczno-górniczych może przyczynić się do poprawy skuteczności podejmowanych działań prewencyjnych w aspekcie ograniczania skutków wstrząsów w wyrobiskach dołowych, a tym samym zapewnienia właściwego poziomu bezpieczeństwa zatrudnionych załóg. W pracy podjęto próbę odniesienia się do kwestii możliwej relacji pomiędzy miąższością eksploatowanego złoża i kształtowaniem się wybranych parametrów sejsmiczności indukowanej górotworu (liczby i energii wstrząsów) z uwzględnieniem lokalizacji epicentrum rejestrowanych zjawisk względem frontu robót rozcinkowych w ramach szeroko stosowanych w LGOM jednoetapowych systemów komorowo-filarowych. Wykorzystano dane udostępnione przez stację geofizyki górniczej O/ZG Rudna, przy czym opierając się na informacji o rzeczywistej wysokości złoża w poszczególnych rejonach kopalni (Rudna Główna, Rudna Północna, Rudna Zachodnia) w połączeniu z przeglądem notowanej na przestrzeni ostatnich lat aktywności sejsmicznej tych rejonów, wytypowano do szczegółowych rozważań trzy pola eksploatacyjne (każde z innego rejonu) o znacząco różnych miąższościach wybieranego złoża (pole G-7/5/RG, pole XX/1/RP, pole XIX/1/RZ). Dysponując wypisem z katalogów aktywności sejsmicznej w obrębie wzmiankowanych parcel wyznaczono i dokonano analizy udziałów procentowych liczby notowanych zjawisk i ich energii w kontekście usytuowania epicentrum w obszarach powszechnie identyfikowanych z elementami systemu eksploatacji (w caliźnie furty, na froncie rozcinki i w strefie roboczej pola, w zrobach). Dla potrzeb wnioskowania o wielkości zagrożenia sejsmicznego w danym rejonie (polu) do analiz porównawczych wykorzystano zbiór wszystkich wstrząsów o energii powyżej 1 × 103 J, natomiast dla oceny skuteczności stosowanych metod/środków profilaktyki tąpaniowej operowano wyłącznie zjawiskami sprowokowanymi, zaistniałymi w czasie wyczekiwania po robotach strzałowych.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dariusz Chlebowski
Marek Świeżowski
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As a preliminary point, four longwalls, where inertisation of goafs using nitrogen was applied, have been characterised. Next, the issue concerning the unreliable Graham’s ratio values, which occur in certain ranges of its denominator value, were discussed. The reliability criterion of this indicator was also quoted. Afterwards, a basic statistical sample consisting of the results of chromatographic analyses of air samples taken from longwalls areas, where nitrogen inertisation was not applied and were classified by Graham’s ratio as samples safe from endogenous fire hazard was described. Then, the results of comparative analyses of the base sample with the concentrations of gases contained in air samples taken from the areas of the previously described four longwalls, which according to Graham’s ratio, were also safe from the endogenous fire were presented. Comparative analyses were performed before and after applying Graham’s ratio reliability criterion.
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[1] S. Bajic, S. Muller, M. Gido, Oxygen deficiency in Graham’s Ratio evaluation. Proceedings of Coal Operators’ Conference, University of Wollongong, 314-320 (2020).
[2] D. Brady, The influence analytical techniques and uncertainties in measurement have on the assessment of underground coal mine atmospheres. Proceedings of the Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference, 1-11 (2007).
[3] D. Brady, Problems with Determining Oxygen Deficiencies in Ratios Used for Assessing Spontaneous Combustion Activity. Aziz Coal Operators’ Conference, 209-216 (2008).
[4] D. Cliff, The ability of current gas monitoring techniques to adequately detect spontaneous combustion. Brisbane Coal Conference, 26-28 (2005).
[5] J. Cygankiewicz, Ocena rozwoju ognisk samozagrzewania na podstawie precyzyjnej analizy chemicznej prób powietrza kopalnianego. Prace Naukowe Głównego Instytutu Górnictwa 14, 505-513 (1996).
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[10] S . Muller, L. Ryan, J. Hollyer, S. Bajic, Review of oxygen deficiency requirements for Graham’s ratio. Proceedings of the 17th Coal Operators’ Conference, University of Wollongong, 382-390 (2017).
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lucjan Świerczek

  1. Central Mining Institute, Department of Mining Aerology, 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
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The authors of the paper describe the way in which the longitudinal working Gussmann was mined in level V and the longitudinal working Kosocice in level VI, which in both cases resulted in a water flux from behind the northern boundary of the salt deposit. Only after concrete dams were seated on both levels, the brine flux was stopped leaving a direct contact of the dams with the pressurized water around the mine. For the sake of controlling water beyond the dams, steel pipelines were conducted through both dams and equipped with gauges before the dams. Their use in a saline environment, the developing corrosion increased the possibility that the tightness of the pipelines would be damaged. For this reason a decision was made to protect the mine by making a tight reconstruction of the safety pillar in both levels along the longitudinal working for about 600 m from the dams eastwards. For this purpose the pipeline injection method was applied. As the volume of voids to be tightly filled equaled to about 3800 m3, the task had to be divided into stages. Because of considerable distances of the liquidated workings from the closest shaft, the sealing slurries were prepared in a special injection center on the surface from where they were transported to the destination with a pumping pipeline through the Kościuszko shaft. The most important aspect of liquidating the end parts of the longitudinal working was to properly select the sealing slurries in view of their best cooperation with the rock mass, and such parameters as tightness, durability and cost. At the end stage of works, both longitudinal workings were equipped with dams, which were sealed up with the hole injection method. The innovative technology was implemented in the Wieliczka Salt Mine to reconstruct the safety pillar in levels VI and V in the most westward workings, the mine was shortened by about 600 m, the length of the ventilation system was reduced, systematic observations and pressure read-outs in dams 3 and 4 were systematically eliminated in dams 3 and 4. In this way the costs were lowered and safety of the mine improved.
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1] M. Cała, A. Stopkowicz, M. Kowalski, M. Blajer, K. Cyran, K. d’Obyrn, Stability analysis of underground mining openings with complex geometry. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 38, 1, 25-32 (2016).
[2] K . d’Obyrn, K. Brudnik, Results of hydrogeological monitoring in ‘Wieliczka’ Salt Mine after closing water inflow in transverse working Mina, level IV (Wyniki monitoringu hydrogeologicznego w Kopalni Soli „Wieliczka” po zamknięciu dopływu wody w poprzeczni Mina na poz. IV). Mining Review (Przegląd Górniczy) 6, 90-96 (2011).
[3[ K . d’Obyrn, Possible way of protecting Jakubowice chambers in ‘Wieliczka’ Salt Mine (Możliwości zabezpieczenia komór Jakubowice w Kopalni Soli „Wieliczka”). Mining and Geoengineering (Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria), Yearly 35, 2, 171-182 (2011).
[4] D . Flisiak, K. Cyran, Geomechanical parameters of miocene rock salt (Właściwości geomechaniczne mioceńskich soli kamiennych). Geological Bulletin of the Polish Geological Institute (Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego) 429, 43-49 (2008).
[5] A . Garlicki, A. Gonet, S. Stryczek, Reinforcement of saline rock mass on the example of the salt mine Wieliczka. Proc. of the 2001 ISRM Intern. Symposium Frontiers of Rock Mechanics and Sustainable Development in the 21st Centry Beijing, China., A.A. Balkema Publishers, 581-583 (2001).
[6] A . Garlicki, Z. Wilk, Geological and hydrogeological background of water breakdown at level IV in ‘Wieliczka’ Salt Mine (Geologiczne i hydrogeologiczne tło awarii wodnej na poziomie IV kopalni soli Wieliczka). Geological Review (Przegląd Geologiczny) 41, 3, 183-192 (1993).
[7] A . Gonet, S. Stryczek et al., Patent PL 170267 of 29.11.1996. Method of filling empty voids in the rock mass (Sposób wypełniania pustych przestrzeni górotworu).
[8] A . Gonet, S. Stryczek, A. Garlicki, W. Brylicki, Protection of Salt Mines against Water Inflow Threat on the Example of Wieliczka Salt Mine. 8th World Symposium Hague, Elsevier 1, 363-368 (2000).
[9] S. Stryczek et al., Patent PL 171213 of 28.03.1997. Mixture for filling and sealing empty spaces in the rock mass (Mieszanina do wypełniania i uszczelniania pustych przestrzeni górotworu).
[10] S. Stryczek, A. Gonet, Selection of slurries for reinforcing saline rock mass (Dobór zaczynów do wzmacniania górotworu solnego). Conference proceedings ‘Restoring usability value to mining areas. Old mines – new perspectives’ (Materiały konferencyjne pt. Przywracanie wartości użytkowych terenom górniczym. Stare kopalnie – nowe perspektywy), PAN -IGSMiE, Kraków, 327-335 (2001).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Gonet
Stanisław Antoni Stryczek

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland


The introduction of the article presents the problem of interpreting the level of fire hazard basing on Graham’s ratio, which, in certain ranges of the value of its denominator, may be wrong. The range of credibility for the index is also discussed. The issue of nitrogen inertisation and its influence on the value of the discussed index is also addressed. To determine the influence, two statistical samples were set. They consisted of the results of precise chromatographic analyses of the air samples collected in the longwall areas which were not subjected to inertisation and in the areas where nitrogen was applied as the inert gas. Then, with Student’s t-test, there was conducted a comparative analysis of both groups with regard to the equality of the average concentrations of gases emitted in the coal self-heating process. At the end, there were developed criteria for the application of Graham’s ratio for the air samples of the increased content of nitrogen, which, according to the discussed index, did not indicate the occurrence of an endogenous fire hazard.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lucjan Świerczek


Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) method with cement as a binder to remediate metals in petroleum sludge has been successfully proven. However, this technique has not yet been explored to remediate organic contaminants since a high concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) was also detected in the sludge. This study focuses on remediating 16 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) compounds in raw petroleum sludge with Portland cement as a binder using the S/S method. The initial concentration of 16 PAHs in the raw sludge was first measured before the performance of the S/S method to remediate the PAHs were evaluated. The S/S matrices were tested for leaching behavior and strength after 7 and 28 days by air curing. The leaching test was measured using the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and the remaining PAHs concentration in the matrices was analyzed using a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). In the raw sludge, all 16 PAHs compounds were below the standard limit except for Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Dibenzo(ah)anthracene, and Indeno(1,2,3- cd_ pyrene), which are considered as high rings PAHs. The high rings PAHs show lower concentration in leachate than low rings PAHs, which indicates the potential of the S/S method in remediating high rings PAHs. The high sludge ratio in S/S matrices has shown that the percentage strength is increasing, similar to Portland cement. Therefore, this study contributed to the possibility of the S/S method in the remediation of PAHs in petroleum sludge by using only Portland cement as a binder.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Noor Faiza Roslee
Nor Amani Filzah Mohd Kamil
Aeslina Abdul Kadir
Abdul Rahim Jalil
Nurhidayah Hamzah
Norazian Mohamed Noor
Andrei Victor Sandu

  1. Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia, Micro Pollutant Research Centre, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
  3. Pengerang Refining Company Sdn. Bhd. 81600 Pengerang, Johor Malaysia
  4. Universiti Teknologi MARA Department of Water Resource and Environmental System, 40450, Selangor, Malaysia
  5. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, 01000 Perlis Malaysia
  6. "Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 700050 lasi, Romania


There are about 8.5 million workers employed in the construction sector in India. Construction workers constitute a major portion of the unorganized labour and are characterized by their casual nature of employment, temporary relationship with the employer, prolonged and uncertain working hours, lack of safety and health measures, and inadequacy of basic amenities and welfare facilities. There are many legislation clauses providing safeguards for contract workers in India. Construction safety has been made legally enforceable after the enactment of The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act in 1996 and the Central Rules in 1998. This paper details various statutory provisions for construction safety in India with specific reference to the BOCW Act, Central Rules, and State Rules.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Sivaprakash
S. Kanchana


The construction industry in India is the country’s second largest industrial sector, after agriculture. The construction industry makes a remarkable contribution to the Indian economy and provides employment to a large number of people of Idia. Fire is a chemical reaction of a combustible substance with oxygen, involving heat and is usually accompanied by a visual flame or incandescence. Ensuring fire safety has always been a challenge to the stakeholders, i.e. building owners, construction companies, contractors and sub-contractors, and government employees due to the multiplicity of the factors involved and their complexity. There are various legal standards and requirements for ensuring fire safety on construction sites. The buildings are normally provided with firewalls during construction and these firewalls separate two structures or divide a structure into smaller portions to prevent the spread of fire. The lightweight construction and trusses are designed to support only their own weight. During a fire, if one fails, a domino effect happens and all fail rapidly within 5 to 10 minutes. Prolonged exposure to fire may result in structural collapse and injury or death of the occupants of the building under construction. Fire safety on construction sites is still in its primitive stages in India. There is a great necessity to improve fire safety on construction sites to protect construction workers and other occupants of the buildings. This study aims to design and implement fire safety systems for construction sites, thereby enhancing the standards to meet the system requirements at par with global standards.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

C. Sivakumar
R. Malathy
P. Sivaprakash


This document provides a simplified solution to the problem of calculation of laser hazard distances defined in the Advisory Circular 70-1B by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration regarding atmospheric attenuation (assuming its constant value) and measurement uncertainties. The calculation approaches and examples presented in this document do not specify the procedure that should be followed in the case of atmospheric attenuation, nor do they take into account the uncertainties associated with the measured parameters. The analysis presented in the article complements to some extent AC 70-1B and can be used by those who need such a simplified solution regarding illumination of landing or taking off aircrafts. The article presents a sample analysis for a typical laser pointer, where the necessary parameters of the laser beam along with the appropriate uncertainties were determined in accordance with the methods accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation while the appropriate laser hazard distances were calculated taking into account different atmospheric attenuation coefficients.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarosław Młyńczak

  1. Military University of Technology, Institute of Optoelectronics, Gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, Poland


This paper considers modern production technologies of solid biofuels from the point of view of compliance with labor protection and environmental safety measures. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that environmental safety, in our opinion, supported by the results of the analysis of literature sources and their research, covers almost all residential areas of the community. The purpose of this scientific research is to develop theoretical foundations and practical management solutions to ensure environmental safety when producing solid biofuels. Thematic works of domestic and foreign specialists form the theoretical and methodological basis of the research. The following methods of scientific research were used as objective methods: logical analysis of knowledge, scientific generalization, deduction and analogies. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the application of established models and emergency situations as well as environmental safety in practice. An environmental safety system was developed that regulates the state in its natural conditions based on established production control models for solid biofuels. The article presents recommendations for students of higher educational institutions (technical areas) to study materials on labor protection and the environmental safety of our time.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Larysa E. Piskunova
Oleksandr I. Yeremenko
Tetiana O. Zubok
Hanna A. Serbeniuk
Zoia V. Korzh

  1. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine


Subnetwork with two nodes shared with entire ventilation network can be separated as its part. For the network under common ventilation conditions, one of these nodes will become the subnetwork starting node, while the other will be the subnetwork end node. According to the graphs theory, such a piece of the network can be considered as a subgraph of the graph representing the entire ventilation network. A special feature of that subgraph is lack of predecessors of the subnetwork starting node and lack of successors of the subnetwork end node. Ventilation district of a mine may be often treated as a subnetwork. Vicinity is a part of the network which is not separated as subnetwork. In the case of a ventilation district its vicinity forces air flow through the district. The alternative characteristic curve of the vicinity can therefore be compared to the characteristics curve of a fictional fan that forces the airflow in the district.

The alternative characteristics (later in the text: the characteristics) of the vicinity of the ventilation district in an underground mine strongly influence air quantity and therefore play a crucial role in the reduction of methane, fire and thermal hazards. The role of these characteristics and proper selection of their approximating function were presented in the article.

The reduction of resistance of an intake stopping (having influence on entire resistance of a ventilation district) produces increased airflow in the district. This changes of airflow in the district caused by a variation in internal resistance (e.g. by opening an internal regulation stopping) depends on the characteristic of the vicinity of the district. Proper selection of its approximating function is also important for this matter.

The methods of determination of the alternative characteristic curve of the district vicinity are presented. From these procedures it was possible to obtain the results of air quantities and differences in isentropic potentials between an inlet and an outlet to/from the ventilation district. Following this, the characteristics were determined by graphic and analytic methods. It was proved that, in contrast to flat vicinity characteristics, steep ones have a smaller influence on the airflow modification in the district (which are caused by a regulation of the district resistance). The characteristic curve of the vicinity determines the ability to regulate air quantity and velocity in the district.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Pach


The occurrence of faults in coal seams has an impact on the possibility of methane hazard. There are several methods for identifying tectonic faults, but they cannot be applied directly to solve dynamic hazard problems in coal mine. Thus, searching for appropriate methods, that can detect faults in regional and local scales is needed. In order to meet this need, the paper proposes a new measurement method of estimating changes to the coal structure, based on profilometry measurements (roughness analysis) and application of madogram functions. Based on examining coal samples from near fault zones it was shown that the proposed approach allows us to detect changes of the coal surface that appear as the distance to a tectonic fault gets shorter. The proposed method, due to its simplicity and speed of measurement, implies a potential for practical application in the process of detecting local tectonic dislocations in coal mines.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Młynarczuk
Marta Skiba

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Mercury is ranked third on the Substance Priority List, an index of substances determined to pose the most significant potential threat to human health compiled by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. This element is activated with the extraction of hard coal and accumulated in the natural environment or re-emitted from the waste deposited on dumping grounds. So far, studies on mercury content have focused on the analysis of the dumps surface and the adjacent areas. In this paper, the detection of mercury content inside mining waste dumping grounds was analysed. The recognition of mercury content in the profile of the mining waste dump is important in terms of the dismantling of the facility. The dismantling may pose a risk of environmental pollution with mercury due to the possibility of increased fire risk, re-emission, and the transfer of xenobiotics to another place. In this paper, the study of mercury content in the mining waste dump profile was presented. The research demonstrated that there is no significant relationship between the mercury content and the sampling depth. The mercury content in the mining waste was determined based on the rank and origin of hard coal only. Therefore, intensive efforts should be undertaken to identify the environmental hazards arising from the dismantling of mining waste dumps and to adopt measures to prevent these hazards.
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[1] S.A. Musstjab, A.K. Bhowmik, S. Qamar, S.T. Abbas Shah, M. Sohail, S.I. Mulla, M. Fasola, H. Shen, Mercury contamination in deposited dust and its bioaccumulation patterns throughout Pakistan. Sci. Total Environ. 569-570, 585-593 (2016).
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[7] D . Raj, A. Chowdhury, S.K. Maiti, Ecological risk assessment of mercury and other heavy metals in soils of coal mining area: A case study from the eastern part of a Jharia coal field, India. Hum. Ecol. Risk Assess. 23, 767-787 (2017).
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[11] N . Howaniec, A. Smolinski, Biowaste utilization in the process of co-gasification with bituminous coal and lignite. Energy 118, 18-23 (2017).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Michalska
Adam Smoliński
Aleksandra Koteras

  1. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland


There are approx. 250 coal waste dumping grounds in Poland, yet there are countries in which this number is even higher. One of the largest sites for depositing mining and power plant waste in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin is the Przezchlebie dumping ground. In the article, it is considered as a secondary deposit of raw materials. An assessment of mining waste collected on the Przezchlebie dumping ground was carried out in terms of its impact on the environment and the possibility of its use. Mining waste samples were tested to determine their chemical composition. Physicochemical properties and chemical compositions of water extracts obtained from the investigated waste and groundwater in the vicinity of the dumping ground were analyzed. Due to the fire hazard resulting from the natural oxidation process of chiefly carbonaceous matter and pyrite, the thermal condition of the dumping ground was assessed. The results of the obtained tests confirmed the slight impact of mining waste deposited on the Przezchlebie dumping ground on the environment. The chemical composition, low radioactive activity of waste itself and the results of water extract tests referred to the permissible values according to the Polish Journal of Laws allow for multi-directional waste management. Due to the significant carbon content, the risk of self-ignition poses a significant threat on the dumping ground. Re-mining of the dumping ground and the recovery of raw materials, including coal contained in waste, will eliminate the risk of fire, allowing for a wider use of waste and, at the same time, will allow for other benefits, e.g. in the form of financial resources and the possibility of managing the dumping ground area.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zenon Różański


A large amount of solid and liquid wastes produced by mines and mills each year needs to be managed and minimized by alternative disposal methods like paste and dry stack. Increasingly strict environmental legislation and cost competitiveness also dictate the utilization of technically suitable, economically viable, environmentally acceptable, and socially responsible techniques. This paper reviews some of these techniques that could potentially reduce large volumes of mine wastes (with a focus on mine tailings and waste rocks) without causing significant environmental hazards. The new emerging techniques such as environmental desulphurization, covers built with sulphide-free tailings, co-disposal of tailings and waste rocks, geotextile tube dewatering, and use of tailings in the cement production and road construction for both industrial and environmental purposes are discussed in terms of waste minimization. The existing methods and approaches for efficient waste treatment and disposal are also discussed in this review paper.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Erol Yilmaz
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The mining in seams with a high methane content by means of a longwall system, under conditions of high extraction concentration, results in exceeding methane concentrations allowed by the regulations at workings of the longwall environment, with the effect of mining machines’ standstill periods. The paper is a part of a study supporting the development of a system for shearing cutting speed control at the longwall, which should substantially reduce the production standstills due to exceeded limits and switching off the supply of electric equipment. Such a control system may be appropriate for longwalls ventilated using “Y” and “short Y” methods. Efficient Computer simulations of the 3D airflow and methane propagation may assist the design and initial evaluation of the control system performance. First chapters present studies that are necessary for a proper formulation of the properties of the longwall model. Synthetic analysis of production during the period of longwall operation allowed one to choose the input assumptions to carry out ventilation-methane computations in a CFD numerical model of longwall Z-11. This study is followed by a description of the model that is used for a case study, considering three variants of the shearer position. Finally, initial simulation results and directions of further studies are discussed.
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[1] S. Prusek, E. Krause, J. Skiba, Designing coal panels in the conditions of associated methane and spontaneous fire hazards 30 ( 4), 525-531 (2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmst.2020.05.015
[2] W. Dziurzyński, A. Krach, T. Pałka, Shearer control algorithm and identification of control parameters. Arch. Min. Sci. 63 (3), 537-552 (2018).
[3] W. Dziurzyński, A. Krach, J. Krawczyk, T. Pałka, Numerical Simulation of Shearer Operation in a Longwall District. Numerical Simulation of Shearer Operation in a Longwall District. Energies 13, 5559 (2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en13215559
[4] E. Krause, A. Przystolik, B. Jura, Warunki bezpieczeństwa wentylacyjno-metanowego w ścianach o wysokiej koncentracji wydobycia. XXI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-techniczna Górnicze Zagrożenia Naturalne. 6-8.11.2019 r., Jawor k. Bielska Białej.
[5] A. Walentek, T. Janoszek, S. Prusek, A. Wrana, Influence of longwall gateroad convergence on the process of mine ventilation network-model tests. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 29, (4), 585-590 (2019).
[6] A. Juganda, J. Brune, G. Bogin, J. Grubb, S. Lolon, CFD modeling of longwall tailgate ventilation conditions. In: Proceedings of the 16th North American mine ventilation. Golden, CO; 2017.
[7] E. Krause, Z. Lubosik, Wpływ koncentracji wydobycia podczas eksploatacji pokładów silnie metanowych na wydzielanie się metanu do środowiska ścian. 9th International Symposium on Occupational Heat and Safety Petrosani Rumunia. October 3rd 2019 r.
[8] E. Krause, J. Skiba, B. Jura, Overview of Ventilation Characteristic, Practices and regulations in Poland. XXVIII Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej, Kraków, 25-27.02.2019 r. https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/energy/images/CMM/CMM_CE/12._Krause_Skiba_Jura.pdf
[9] E. Krause, B. Jura, J. Skiba, Mining speed control in the coal panel with high coal output concentration. Kontrola prędkości urabiania w ścianach o wysokiej koncentracji wydobycia. Spotkanie Grupy Roboczej Ekspertów ds. metanu z kopalń Europejskiej Komisji Gospodarczej ONZ. Genewa 7-8.11.2019 r.
[10] J. Qin, Q. Qingdong, H. Guo, CFD simulations for longwall gas drainage design optimization. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (5), 777-782 (2017). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmst.2017.07.012
[11] E. Krause, Ocena i zwalczanie zagrożenia metanowego w kopalniach węgla kamiennego. Prace Naukowe GIG nr 878. Katowice 2009.
[12] K .M. Tanguturi, R.S. Balusu, Computational fluid dynamics simulations for investigation of parameters affecting goaf gas distribution. Journal of Mining and Environment 9, 3, 547-557 (2018). DOI: https://doi.org/10.22044/jme.2018.5960.1410
[13] G . Xu, K.D. Luxbacher, S. Ragab, J. Xu, X. Ding, Computational fluid dynamics applied to mining engineering: a review. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 31 (4), 251-275 (2017).
[14] Z . Wang, T. Ren, L. Ma, J. Zhang, Investigations of ventilation airflow characteristics on a longwall face – a computational approach. Energies 11, 1564 (2018). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en11061564
[15] Z . Wang, T. Ren, Y. Cheng, Numerical investigations of methane flow characteristics on a longwall face Part I: Methane emission and base model results, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 43, 242-253 (2017).
[16] Z . Wang, T. Ren, Y. Cheng, Numerical investigations of methane flow characteristics on a longwall face Part II: Parametric studies. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 43, 242-253 (2017).
[17] SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2012 Technical Reference. https://d2t1xqejof9utc.cloudfront.net/files/18565/SW_CFD_technical_reference.pdf?1361897013
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Janoszek
Jerzy Krawczyk

  1. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
  2. Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland


The closure of deep mines, featuring multi level seam extraction, lasts many years. During this time period, the ventilation system must ensure adequate working conditions, and ensure the safety and stability of fan operation in gas and fire hazards conditions. The analysis of air flows and methane inflows during the progress of mining mine excavations closure, is the primary object of the article. Execution of such analysis requires knowledge of the mining mine excavations’ closure schedule, the structure of the ventilation system under consideration, the values of the parameters describing the air flows delivered to the mine excavations, and the current characteristics of operating fans and predicted methane exhalation. A computer database, currently being updated by a mine ventilation department for the VentGraph-Plus computer software, has been used simulate the various ventilation scenarios experienced, during the final stage of closure, including the shutdown of the main fans and the backfilling of shafts. The results of case study, containing 2 variants of simulated examples, are presented in the form of diagrams of methane concentration changes in time at characteristic places of the mine. The completed simulations of ventilation processes during the closure of mine excavations and transfer of inflowing methane, indicate useful possibilities of the computational tool used.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wacław Dziurzyński
Jerzy Krawczyk
Teresa Pałka
Andrzej Krach
Przemysław Skotniczny

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institutes of Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland


Human health risk assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities is a key element of food safety strategy. The present study focused on potential risks resulting from selected fruit, vegetable and cereal samples with pesticide residues exceeding maximum residue levels (MRLs) from a 5-year survey of official control in Poland (2017–2021). A novel, common tool, the EFSA Pesticide Residue Intake Model PRIMo was used for short-term exposure calculation with embedded consumption data from EU Member States. The challenge of the research was to determine whether the International Estimated Short Time Intakes (IESTI) of toxic pesticides in the diet are acceptable or not. For the first time with long-term investigation which involved many legislative changes, we prepared a picture of the most dangerous pesticides present in fruits, vegetables and cereals for the most critical sub-populations of adults and children. We examined whether these substances have the potential to cause harm to humans. From the full spectrum of 545 analyzed pesticides, we considered 13 pesticides above safety limits in the concentration range of 0.03 to 2.5 mg · kg –1. The most frequently detected compound was the non-authorized, organophospate insecticide chlorpyrifos, which poses toxicological risks to humans. The results of acute exposure were up to 93% ARfD for adults and up to 130% for children. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) showed that consumption of agricultural plants with potential risk can be safe for adults and children, with some exceptions. Samples containing flonicamid/Brussel sprouts (HQ = 1.3) and chlorpyrifos/rucola (HQ = 1.1) could have negative health effects on humans. However, an approach which overestimates the exposure due to a worst-case scenario ensures the widest possible safety margin for the consumers.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Jankowska
Izabela Hrynko
Bożena Łozowicka

  1. Laboratory of Food and Feed Safety, Institute of Plant Protection – NRI, Bialystok, Poland

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