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O naturalnych skarbach Biebrzy, ale i trudach związanych z ich ochroną opowiada dyrektor Biebrzańskiego Parku Narodowego Andrzej Grygoruk.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Grygoruk
Justyna Orłowska


Bogusław Wolniewicz w swych Rzeczach i faktach (1968) uznał Traktat logiczno-filozoficzny Wittgensteina za dzieło metafizyczne. Nowoczesna metafizyka Wittgensteina miała być „metafizyką faktów” w przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnej „metafizyki substancji” Arystotelesa lub „metafizyki rzeczy” Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego. Teoria metafizyczna opisuje budowę świata. Świat rzeczywisty widziany jako całość jest tylko jednym ze światów możliwych. Podstawową jednostką konstrukcyjną świata jest fakt atomowy. (Nie jest on jednostką najprostszą, ponieważ jego składnikami są „przedmioty proste”). O metafizyce Traktatu decydują więc przede wszystkim pojęcia „świata”, „możliwości” i „atomu”. Arystotelesowskiej „materii” odpowiadają u Wittgensteina „przedmioty proste”, a „formie” odpowiadają „fakty”. Luką w systemie jest brak przyczyny sprawczej, odpowiadającej za realizację takich a nie innych faktów. U Leibniza taką przyczyną była „racja dostateczna”, pokrywająca się z wolą Boga. Dla późnego Wolniewicza podobnym absolutem staje się „los” (gr. týchē).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Kowalik


Astronomers are charting out a radio map of the sky, showing hundreds of thousands of previously unknown galaxies.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Błażej Nikiel-Wroczyński


Autor prezentuje osobisty, często krytyczny obraz trzech miast — najlepiej znanych mu, szczególnie ulubionych i bliskich. Pomimo znajomości dziesiątek najbardziej renomowanych miast w świecie, autor wybrał przykłady maksymalnie rodzime, z którymi był i jest personalnie związany. Podlegały one w rodowodzie historycznym — poprzez tok dziejów — dramatycznym wydarzeniom. Pod względem kreacji przestrzennych ulegały — także obecnie — płynnym, hybrydowym, ambiwalentnym, często kontrowersyjnym przemianom. Zostały zarazem potraktowane domyślnie, jako swoiste, subiektywnie ujęte modele miast w ogóle — także ich losu i ewolucji. Autor uznaje miasto jako — być może — najznakomitszy wyraz ludzkiej kultury i cywilizacji.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech Kosiński
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The article presents research on the use of Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) methods to create an artificial player for the popular card game “The Lord of the Rings”. The game is characterized by complicated rules, multi-stage round construction, and a high level of randomness. The described study found that the best probability of a win is received for a strategy combining expert knowledge-based agents with MCTS agents at different decision stages. It is also beneficial to replace random playouts with playouts using expert knowledge. The results of the final experiments indicate that the relative effectiveness of the developed solution grows as the difficulty of the game increases.
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  1.  C. Browne, “A survey of monte carlo tree search methods”, IEEE Trans. Comput. Intell. AI Games 4., 1–43 (2012).
  2.  R. Bjarnason, A. Fern, and P. Tadepalli, “Lower bounding Klondike solitaire with Monte-Carlo planning”, Nineteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2009.
  3.  M. Świechowski, T. Tajmajer, and A. Janusz, “Improving hearthstone ai by combining mcts and supervised learning algo rithms”, 2018 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 2018.
  4.  J. Mańdziuk, “MCTS/UCT in Solving Real-Life Problems”, Advances in Data Analysis with Computational Intelligence Methods, 277‒292, Springer, Cham, 2018.
  5.  S. Kajita, T. Kinjo, and T. Nishi, “Autonomous molecular design by Monte-Carlo tree search and rapid evaluations using molecular dynamics simulations”, Commun. Phys. 3(1), 1‒11 (2020).
  6.  S. Haeri and L. Trajković, “Virtual network embedding via Monte Carlo tree search”, IEEE Trans. Cybern. 48(2), 510‒521 (2017).
  7.  G. Best, O.M. Cliff, T. Patten, R.R. Mettu, and R. Fitch, “Decentralised Monte Carlo tree search for active perception”, Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XII, 864‒879, Springer, Cham, 2020.
  8.  D.A. Dhar, P. Morawiecki, and S. Wójtowicz. “Finding differential paths in arx ciphers through nested monte-carlo search”, AEU Int. J. Electron. Commun 64(2), 147‒150 (2018).
  9.  K. Guzek and P. Napieralski, “Measurement of noise in the Monte Carlo point sampling method”, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci. 59(1), 15‒19 (2011).
  10.  D. Tefelski, T. Piotrowski, A. Polański, J. Skubalski and V. Blideanu, “Monte-Carlo aided design of neutron shielding concretes”, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci. 61(1), 161‒171 (2013).
  11.  C.D. Ward and P.I. Cowling, “Monte Carlo search applied to card selection in Magic: The Gathering”, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2009.
  12.  P.I. Cowling, C.D. Ward, and E.J. Powley, “Ensemble determinization in monte carlo tree search for the imperfect information card game magic: The gathering”, IEEE Trans. Comput. Intell. AI Games 4(4), 241‒257 (2012).
  13.  S. Turkay, S. Adinolf, and D. Tirthali, “Collectible Card Games as Learning Tools”, Procedia – Soc. Behav. Sci. 46, 3701‒3705 (2012), doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.130.
  14.  K. Bochennek, B. Wittekindt, S.-Y. Zimmermann, and T. Klingebiel, “More than mere games: a review of card and board games for medical education”, Med. Teach. 29(9), 941‒948 (2007), doi: 10.1080/01421590701749813.
  15.  J.S.B. Choe and J. Kim, “Enhancing Monte Carlo Tree Search for Playing Hearthstone”, 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), London, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 1‒7.
  16.  K. Godlewski and B. Sawicki, “MCTS Based Agents for Multistage Single-Player Card Game”, 21st International Conference on Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE), 2020
  17.  “Magic: The Gathering”, [online] https://magic.wizards.com/en
  18.  E.J. Powley, P.I. Cowling, and D. Whitehouse. “Information capture and reuse strategies in Monte Carlo Tree Search, with applications to games of hidden information”, Artif. Intell. 217, 92‒116 (2014).
  19.  Fantasy Flight Publishing, “Hall of Beorn”, technical documentation, 2020 [Online] Available: http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR/Scenarios/ Passage-Through-Mirkwood
  20.  S. Zhang and M. Buro, “Improving hearthstone AI by learning high-level rollout policies and bucketing chance node events”, 2017 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), New York, USA, 2017, pp. 309‒316.
  21.  G.M.J-B. Chaslot, M.H.M. Winands, and H.J. van Den Herik, “Parallel monte-carlo tree search”, International Conference on Computers and Games, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
  22.  A. Fern and P. Lewis, “Ensemble monte-carlo planning: An empirical study”, Twenty-First International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2011, Germany, 2011.
  23.  A. Santos, P. A. Santos, and F.S. Melo, “Monte Carlo tree search experiments in hearthstone,” 2017 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), New York, USA, 2017, pp. 272‒279.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Konrad Godlewski
Bartosz Sawicki

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland


Złoże dolomitów Ujków Stary jest pozabilansowym fragmentem dawnego złoża rud cynku i ołowiu kopalni Bolesław. Opracowanie jego dokumentacji geologicznej z 2006 roku stworzyło nowe perspektywy pozyskania surowca skalnego ze skał dolomitycznych dolnego i środkowego wapienia muszlowego, występujących w serii złożowej. Skały te są wyraźnie zróżnicowane pod względem cech strukturalnych i teksturalnych oraz udziału składników mineralnych. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę tej zmienności na podstawie badań próbek skał pobranych z różnych części dwóch poziomów eksploatacyjnych złoża. Stwierdzono, że w złożu występują dolomity o strukturze mikrosparytowej i sparytowej (drobnokrystalicznej i średniokrystalicznej) oraz brekcje dolomityczne. Dowiedziono, że różnorodność petrograficzna skał, związana z ich genezą, ma istotny wpływ na zmienność ich podstawowych fizyczno-mechanicznych właściwości: gęstości objętościowej, nasiąkliwości i wytrzymałości na ściskanie. Ta zmienność petrograficzna skał decyduje także o niejednorodności jakościowej uzyskanych z nich kruszyw. Podstawą do wnioskowania w tym zakresie były wyniki badań odporności na ścieranie (wskaźnik mikro-Devala) i rozdrabnianie (wskaźnik Los Angeles) oraz ocena poziomu reaktywności alkalicznej kruszyw reprezentujących wybrane odmiany dolomitów oraz mieszaninę wszystkich wydzielonych odmian. Stwierdzono, że poszczególne partie kruszywa dolomitowego, pozyskiwane z różnych części złoża, mogą odpowiadać odmiennym kategoriom, określonym przez normy PN-EN. Wykazują one tym samym zróżnicowaną przydatność do stosowania ich między innymi w betonach, mieszankach bitumicznych stosowanych w powierzchniach przeznaczonych do ruchu oraz w niezwiązanych i związanych hydraulicznie materiałach używanych w obiektach budowlanych i budownictwie drogowym.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Rembiś


W czterech tomach Filozofii i wartości Bogusława Wolniewicza (1993, 1998, 2003, 2016) zawarty jest jego system filozofii normatywnej. Wolniewicz podejmuje tradycję aksjologii H. Elzenberga, gdzie filozofia jest wojną światopoglądów, konfrontacją postaw wartościujących. Wizja świata Wolniewicza jest pesymistyczna: w świecie istnieje realne i aktywnie działające zło (manicheizm), ludzki charakter moralny jest narzucony biologicznie (determinizm), nie wszyscy ludzie mają sumienie (dualizm), zły charakter nie daje się poprawić (nonmelioryzm), rozum nie wystarcza do dobrego działania (woluntaryzm), wola jest siłą popędu (irracjonalizm). Wszyscy ludzie kierują się przyjemnością (hedonizm), ale jednym sprawia przyjemność egoistyczny interes, a innym realizacja wartości perfekcyjnych. Religia jest tworem ziemskim, powstaje jako reakcja istoty rozumnej na konieczność śmierci. Instytucja Kościoła powinna być szanowana nawet przez niewierzących, ponieważ sprzyja wartościom konserwatywnym. We współczesnym społeczeństwie zaostrza się podział na orientację konserwatywną („prawoskrętną”) i lewicową („lewoskrętną”), przy niejasnym udziale centrowych liberałów. Konserwatyzm opiera się na uznaniu siły losu („tychizm”), która ma moc przemienić ludzkie życie w tragedię. Jest to wizja świata zbieżna z religią katolicką św. Augustyna (grzech pierworodny, predestynacja, dualizm dobra i zła, państwo Boże i piekło), ale pozbawiona religijnej pociechy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Kowalik


This article concludes a series of three articles. The first two, published in 2022, were divided into time periods; 1) until 1989, and 2) since the 1990s. The present one discusses the issue of the fate of police officers after September 1, 1939, and includes a summary and research postulates. The timelines used in the series are not accidental, of course, as they had a significant impact on the way historiography devoted to public security organs was conducted in the interwar period. The literature that deals with pre‑war police is relatively rich in terms of quantity. However, it is worth examining it more carefully as several works raise a number of questions and doubts. Next to very good ones there are some that should not have been published. If we take a closer look at the style of narration in particular publications, we will notice that the authors in the vast majority limit themselves to describing and reporting facts, avoiding factual analysis. Many of the publications deviate from scientific standards, focusing their attention exclusively on creat-ing the preferred image of the public security organisation in a given period of time. Unfortu-nately, this is noticeable not only before 1989, but also later, when the negative image of the pre‑war police was replaced by its excessive glorification or even mythologisation. Despite the fact that more and more issues are raised and some of them are further developed, we still cannot consider the state of research that I am interested in as being satisfactory. The following issues still need to be highlighted and thoroughly investigated: 1) police biography; 2) issues of formation, socialisation and mentality; 3) the state of morale of the police corps; 4) participation in the Polish‑Soviet war; 5) participation in ensuring the internal security of the state; 6) police‑society relations, including the creation of the image of the police in culture texts; 7) police participation in the protection of state dignitaries; 8) international police co-operation; 9) the history of the police in the individual provinces; 10) women’s police service; 11) the functioning of police associations and cultural and educational activities; 12) war pre-parations; 13) the fate of police officers after September 1, 1939.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Litwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


This study proposes the LoRa-Based Mesh Sensor Network without relying on LoRaWAN connection sending the communication data in the form of Star-to-Star, it can be sends the data in the form of peer-to-peer without the gateway. In the case that a longer distance is needed, the system is connected by a means of multi-hop presenting the hardware and software model through the use of low voltage power. Then, the testing is done using point to point and the received signal is measured by a gauge and compared with the model in accordance with the theoretical principle.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarun Khonrang
Mingkwan Somphruek
Pairoj Duangnakhorn
Atikhom Siri
Kamol Boonlom

  1. Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand
  2. University of Leeds, United of Kingdom
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This research is developing the analog value from the NPK sensor to digital using the YL 38 comparator module to obtain detailed Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) values according to the NPK sensor datasheet. This system is a network based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and LoRa. The IoT and LoRa features installed on this device, meanwhile the measurement and fertilization data can be monitored easily through an Android application. This research using a frequency of 922.4 Mhz, 125 kHz bandwidth, 10 spreading factors, and a code rate of 5. The Network Quality of Services testing i.e. delay, packet loss, SNR, and RSSI. The QoS was measured at 6 locations. different, 1 location 0 km, 4 locations 1 km, 1 location 2.5 km from BTS LoRa. It was concluded that the parameters used are by the conditions and distances in the data collection. It is proven that all the standards in each parameter are met. In testing the LoRa network it can be concluded that the farther the distance from the LoRa BTS the data transmission quality is getting worse.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Doan Perdana
Wahyu Rizal Panca Kusuma
Ibnu Alinursafa

  1. Telkom University, Indonesia
  2. PT Telkom Indonesia, Indonesia


Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) perfectly fit into the future vision of merchant fleet. MASS autonomous navigation system combines automatic trajectory tracking and supervisor safe trajectory generation subsystems. Automatic trajectory tracking method, using line-of-sight (LOS) reference course generation algorithm, is combined with model predictive control (MPC). Algorithm for MASS trajectory tracking, including cooperation with the dynamic system of safe trajectory generation is described. It allows for better ship control with steady state cross-track error limitation to the ship hull breadth and limited overshoot after turns. In real MASS ships path is defined as set of straight line segments, so transition between trajectory sections when passing waypoint is unavoidable. In the proposed control algorithm LOS trajectory reference course is mapped to the rotational speed reference value, which is dynamically constrained in MPC controller due to dynamically changing reference trajectory in real MASS system. Also maneuver path advance dependent on the path tangential angle difference, to ensure trajectory tracking for turns from 0 to 90 degrees, without overshoot is used. All results were obtained with the use of training ship in real–time conditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Miller

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland


A key role in the development of smart Internet of Things (IoT) solutions is played by wireless communication technologies, especially LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network), which are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages: long range, low power consumption and the ability to connect multiple edge devices. However, in addition to the advantages of communication and low power consumption, the security of transmitted data is also important. End devices very often have a small amount of memory, which makes it impossible to implement advanced cryptographic algorithms on them. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of solutions based on LPWAN communication and reviews platforms for IoT device communication in the LoRaWAN (LoRa Wide Area Network) standard in terms of configuration complexity. It describes how to configure an experimental LPWAN system being built at the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications at Poznan University of Technology for research related to smart buildings.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Szewczyk
Mariusz Nowak
Piotr Remlein
Aleksandra Głowacka

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Radiocommunications, Poland
  2. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Computing Science, Poland


The basic tests that allow the mechanical properties of grained material to be evaluated are tests of an aggregate’s resistance to crushing - the Los Angeles coefficient, and resistance to abrasion - the micro-Deval coefficient. These parameters primarily depend on the physical and mechanical properties of the raw material from which they are produced. The available literature widely describes the relationship between these parameters and bulk density, porosity, ultrasonic wave velocity, compression strength, tensile strength and point strength. This paper presents the relationship between the mechanical properties of aggregates and their geometrical properties. The analysis was carried out for the relationship between the Los Angeles and micro- Deval coefficients and the flatness and shape indices. As a result of the conducted considerations, the influence of the aggregate assortment on the analysed coefficients was also noted. All of the tests were carried out for aggregates (arch stones and mixtures) produced from sandstones from the Magura, Cergo and Krosno layers.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Hydzik-Wiśniewska


It has been acknowledged that two important rock aggregate properties are the Los Angeles abrasion value (LAAV) and magnesium sulphate soundness (M wl). However, the determination of these properties is relatively challenging due to special sampling requirements and tedious testing procedures. In this study, detailed laboratory studies were carried out to predict the LAAV and M wl for 25 different rock types located in NW Turkey. For this purpose, mineralogical, physical, mechanical, and aggregate properties were determined for each rock type. Strong predictive models were established based on gene expression programming (GEP) and artificial neural network (ANN) methodologies. The performance of the proposed models was evaluated using several statistical indicators, and the statistical analysis results demonstrated that the ANN-based proposed models with the correlation of determination (R2) value greater than 0.98 outperformed the other predictive models established in this study. Hence, the ANN-based predictive models can reliably be used to predict the LAAV and M wl for the investigated rock types. In addition, the suitability of the investigated rock types for use in bituminous paving mixtures was also evaluated based on the ASTM D692/D692M standard. Accordingly, most of the investigated rock types can be used in bituminous paving mixtures. In conclusion, it can be claimed that the proposed predictive models with their explicit mathematical formulations are believed to save time and provide practical knowledge for evaluating the suitability of the rock aggregates in pavement engineering design studies in NW Turkey.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ekin Köken

  1. Abdullah Gul University, Nanotechnology Engineering Department, 38100, Kayseri – Turkey


This article provides a comparison of various wireless data transmission protocols, such as Wireless M-Bus, Lo- RaWAN, Sigfox, NB-IoT and a newly developed proprietary protocol, studying their performance in the application of batterypowered residential water meters. Key aspects of the comparison include energy consumption, which is analyzed through comparing unitary amount of charge required to conduct a single, bidirectional data transaction between the meter and base station, and maximum coupling loss which effectively defines the range and coverage in the system. For completeness, the study includes also a brief cost analysis and ends with a conclusion, stating when each of the particular standards should be favored.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Krzak
Jan Macheta
Mateusz Kubaszek
Cezary Worek

  1. Institute of Electronics, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, AGH University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland


In his book Mortal Questions (1979) Thomas Nagel discusses four practical moral issues: (1) fear of death, (2) the absurdity of human life, (3) sexual perversion and (4) military massacre. His primary concern is neither to justify moral opprobrium nor to find an appropriate punishment for the culprits. Instead, he wants to clarify motives of those individuals who are not afraid of death, who can deal resolutely with the pointlessness of human life, who are not deeply dismayed by the crudity of some forms of sexual behavior or who refuse to justify whatever forms of military atrocities with higher purposes. He reviews various cases of excessive or deficient moral sensitivity and offers specific, case‑oriented advice on how to deal with them. Nagel favors self‑persuasion in cases of fear of death and argues that the sense of absurd is not much different from skepticism. He proposes to draw a line between private and public aspects of sexual behavior and supports dual evaluation of military activities by distinguishing between the moral value of an act and the moral value of the motives of the actor. He condones no atrocities. These arguments do not add up to constitute a form of moral relativism but, instead, seem to restore intellectual respectability of casuistry.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jacek Hołówka

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa, prof. em.

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