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The article presents Lublin through the analysis of two literary texts that show the existence of the Jewish population of the city and the destruction and absence of Jews from Lublin. Döblin describes in his travelogue Journey to Poland (1925) the parallel existence of the Jewish and Polish city of Lublin in the 1920’s. Krall documents in her literary reportage Exceptionally long line the extermination of the Jewish community and the suppression of the memory of it in Polish collective memory.

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Anna Pastuszka
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The assemblage of coins found in the Old Town district of Lublin (6a, Wincentego Pola St., presently known as Archidiakońska St.) on 1 July 1981 consists of 21 false groschen of Sigismund III Vasa (1587–1632) and 2 fragments of unspecified coins. As a result of the research analysis, it has been found that the coins were minted in tin-coated copper. Despite the fact that the dates are decipherable only on 10 groschen coins, it may be inferred from the identity of the coin dies that 15 of them (71.4%) bear the year 1608, while 5 (23.8%) – 1607. No date has been determined for only one coin. The groschen of 1607, struck with the use of one pair of coin dies, imitate the bust / eagle type. This particular variation tends to prevail also among the pieces with the date 1608 (13 out of a total number of 15 pieces), which had been coined with the use of two pairs of dies. 1 groschen with a bust and 2 groschen with a crown image had been struck by means of some other coin dies. The fact that the forged coins were found at the site of the former townhouse owned by the mayor Jan Szembek (since 1608) allows us to presume that they may have been deposited there as a result of some administrative action taken against the illegal practice. Beginning from the early decades of the 17th century, conditions for the growth of such practices had been created and fuelled by the atmosphere of the increasing economic crisis and the resulting perturbations spreading across the monetary markets of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
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Miłosz Huber
Tomasz Markiewicz

  1. Katedra Geologii, Gleboznawstwa i Geoinformacji UMCS, Al. Kraśnickie 2cd 20-718 Lublin
  2. Muzeum Narodowe w Lublinie, ul. Zamkowa 9, 20–117 Lublin
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The article discusses Stefan Kiełsznia’s collection within the theoretical framework of Gillian Rose’s concept concerning analysis of visual materials. Questions regarding the composition and contents of the photographs as well as the historical and social circumstances of their origin, together with the place of the series within Stefan Kiełsznia’s oeuvre, are juxtaposed with issues regarding perception of these images as documents of the non-existent Jewish quarter.

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Marta Kubiszyn
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Celem pracy było przedstawienie relacji natura-ogród-dziecko na przykładzie projektu zagospodarowania skweru znajdującego się w dzielnicy Węglin Południowy w Lublinie. Współcześnie większość terenów rekreacyjnych dla dzieci wyposażanych jest w urządzenia umożliwiające dzieciom standardowe zabawy ruchowe tj. huśtanie się, kręcenie w kółko, wspinanie. W niestandardowym podejściu do tematu – tereny zieleni miejskiej mogą należeć do nielicznych miejsc, gdzie wśród otoczenia roślin i zwierząt, dzieci mogą rozwijać swoją kreatywność, pasje, utożsamiać się z daną przestrzenią oraz nabywać nowych doświadczeń. W przedstawionej pracy ukazano również konieczność zwiększenia liczby miejsc wypoczynku dla osób w różnych przedziałach wiekowych.
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Margot Dutkiewicz
Monika Kowalczyk
Patryk Krupiński
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The article presents the history of the competition and design of the building originally intended for the Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin (currently the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures). Both the concepts of the location of the building and urban conditions were discussed, as well as various conceptual designs of the theatre, awarded and distinguished in an architectural competition at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. In the further part of the article, the concept of the experimental scene, proposed by Kazimierz Braun in the early 1970s, is discussed. The background for the reconstruction of the history of the design and construction of the building are changes in the style and arrangement of the modern theatre architecture, with particular emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe.
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Piotr Majewski

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The sketch comedy Szopki, a show staged irregularly (1927–1931) by a trio of poets who clustered round the avant-garde magazine Reflektor was a fascinating artistic project combining literary aspiration and popular culture. This article tries to position Szopki in the context of the burgeoning entertainment industry and the specific social, political and economic conditions of Lublin, a provincial centre that joined an ambitious modernization project. However, to continue the Great Lublin Project the town needed to borrow more money it could not possibly pay back. No wonder the official narrative of modernization came under an unending barrage of ridicule and derision while local satire revelled in words like crisis, credit, bankruptcy, seizure and sale.
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● J. Arnsztajn, K. Bielski, W. Gralewski, Pierwsza Szopka Reflektora, w zbiorach Muzeum Józefa Czechowicza w Lublinie, sygn. MC 143 R.
● J. Arnsztajn, K. Bielski, Druga Szopka Reflektora, w Zbiorach Specjalne Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. H. Łopacińskiego w Lublinie, sygn. 2156.
● Z. Bauman, Płynna nowoczesność, przeł. T. Kunz, Kraków 2006.
● M. Berman, „Wszystko, co stałe, rozpływa się w powietrzu”. Rzecz o doświadczeniu nowoczesności, przeł. M. Szuter, Kraków 2006.
● K. Bielski, Most nad czasem, Lublin 1963.
● Ł. Biskupski, Miasto atrakcji. Narodziny kultury masowej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Kino w systemie rozrywkowym Łodzi, Warszawa 2013.
● T. Bocheński, Szopka lubelska, „Ziemia Lubelska” 15.05.07.
● J. Cymerman, D. Gac, G. Kondrasiuk, Scena Lublin, Lublin 2017.
● J. Cymerman, A. Wójtowicz, Uwagi wydawców, [w:] Józef Czechowicz, Pisma zebrane, t. 9, Varia, oprac. Jarosław Cymerman, Aleksander Wójtowicz, Lublin 2013, s. 653–654.
● J. Czechowicz, Pisma zebrane, t. 1, Wiersze i poematy, opr. J.F. Fert, Lublin 2012.
● A. Czuchryta, Przemysł rolno-spożywczy w województwie lubelskim w latach 1918–1939, Lublin 2008.
● D. Fox, Kabarety i rewie międzywojennej Warszawy. Z prasowego archiwum dwudziesto-lecia, Katowice 2007.
● H. Gawarecki, O dawnym Lublinie, Lublin 1974.
● Historia Lublina w liczbach, A. Jakubowski, U. Bronisz, E. Łoś, Lublin 2017.
● M. Hemar, J. Lechoń, A. Słonimski, J. Tuwim, Szopki Pikadora i Cyrulika Warszawskiego, opr. T. Januszewski, Warszawa 2013.
● E. Jabłońska-Depuła, Wielkomiejski plan rozwoju Lublina z 1924 roku, [w:] Lublin w dziejach i kulturze Polski, pod red. T. Radzika i A. Witusika, Lublin 1997.
● T. Kłak, Czasopisma awangardy, cz. 1, 1919–1931, „Polska Akademia Nauk”, Wrocław 1978.
● E. Krasiński, Warszawskie sceny 1918–1939, Warszawa 1976.
● S. Kruk, Teatr Miejski w Lublinie 1918–1939, Lublin 1997.
● Kuligowska-Korzeniewska, Kabaret w złym mieście podczas Wielkiej Wojny oraz M. Szydłowska, Gwiazdy i meteory lwowskiego „Ula”, [w:] Kabaret – poważna sprawa, pod red. D. Fox i J. Mikołajczyka, Katowice 2015.
● Z. Landau, Pożyczki ulenowskie, „Najnowsze Dzieje Polski: Materiały i Studia z Okresu 1914–1939” 1958, t. 1.
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Aleksander Wójtowicz

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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Założenia klasztorne na terenie Lublina mają bogatą historię. Pierwszy powstał już w XIV w. Z czasem do miasta sprowadzano kolejne zakony, dla których fundowano nowe miejsca pod zabudowę. Założenia lokowane poza murami miasta były otoczone pokaźnymi ogrodami. Do dóbr zakonnych należały także pola, łąki, folwarki, a nawet wsie. Przez szereg lat zakonnicy powiększali swoje włości, zabezpieczając w ten sposób finansowanie działalności, którą prowadzili. Po okresie świetności przychodzą ciężkie czasy konfliktów zbrojnych obejmujących Lublin. W tym okresie założenia klasztorne ulegają licznym zniszczeniom, część przekształcana jest na cele świeckie, a przylegające do nich ogrody są dzielone na mniejsze parcele, przeznaczane pod zabudowę lub są sprzedawane. Z istniejących w XVIII w. 18 klasztorów do czasów współczesnych przetrwało 14. Wszystkie są wpisane do Rejestru Zabytków Województwa Lubelskiego, a tylko 6 z nich stanowi do dzisiaj własność zakonów. Ogrody przy zachowanych obiektach różnią się powierzchnią i funkcją od tych z okresu swojej świetności. Ich obszar w obrębie miasta od XVIII w. do czasów współczesnych zmniejszyła się o ponad połowę. Cztery z nich uległy nie-wielkim przekształceniom, a w niezmienionej formie pozostały tylko wirydarze w 9 dawnych klasztorach. Pozostała zieleń pełni funkcje ogrodów przyszpitalnych, przykościelnych lub skwerów miejskich.
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Anna Mirosław
Krystyna Pudelska
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Geneza planowania i projektowania urbanistycznego układu Czechowa sięga okresu międzywojennego. Na dzisiejszy układ urbanistyczny składają się nie tylko opracowania dla poszczególnych osiedli powstające od początku lat 70. XX wieku, ale również przybliżony w artykule, wcześniejszy dorobek planistyczny i projektowy.
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Natalia Przesmycka
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The quality of coal has been analyzed basing on the data from geological exploration and chemical – geological analyses of coal carried out on the samples obtained from the boreholes and mining pits. The operated coal seams indexed as 382 and 385/2 reveals the changeable morphology due to the thickness of carbon shoals and stent intergrowths. The other parameters, such as the ash content or the calorific value are strongly linked with the non-coal rock interlayers, which presence causes the decrease in the calorific value and increase in the amount of after-burning ash. These parameters are less dependable on the sedimentation environment of the coal formation material. The content of total sulfur in the analyzed seams does not show any link with the values of the parameters analyzed before. The total sulfur is made up from sulphide gathered in coal and sulphates deriving from the decomposition of plants and supplied by deposit waters in different phases of coal seam formation. The obtained results could be useful in the reconnaissance of the prospective seams lying below the currently exploited ones (e.g. 389) and the seams in the neighboring areas.

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Jacek Misiak
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The Lublin region has a rich history of coexistence and interpenetration of different traditions, cultures and religions, witnessed by its cities and towns. Small towns of the Lublin region are now facing a variety of spatial problems which are related to, among others, the organization and revitalization of public spaces, progressive scattering of housing development or changes in the organisation of traffic. The aim of this article is to present problems connected with landscape design and the revitalization of small towns of the Lublin region as exemplified by Frampol.
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Małgorzata Sosnowska
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W pracy opisano skomplikowaną i bujną historię budynku dawnego dworu Gorajskich przy ul. Bernardyńskiej 12 w Lublinie. Uwzględniono powszechnie znane fakty i dokumenty historyczne z życia budynku jak i te dopiero poznane. Przy uwzględnieniu istniejących prac badawczych i projektów oraz oględzin i badań własnych udało się wykonać analizę architektoniczną, z wykonaniem rozwarstwienia i określenia faz przekształceń budynku. Praca ta pozwoliła na umieszczenie dworu Gorajskich jako jednego z zapomnianych ale ciągle zachowanych dworów magnackich powstałych w XVII wieku na lubelskim Żmigrodzie.
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Krzysztof Janus
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The paper discusses the water resources of the Krężniczanka River catchment. The catchment with an area of 224.9 km2 is located south-west of Lublin. The characteristics of the groundwaters and runoff were determined based on hydrological and hydrogeological materials of the Department of Hydrology of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS). Mean runoff in the period from 2010 to 2016 amounted to 125.7 mm, precipitation 629.4 mm, and evapotranspi-ration 503.7 mm. A strong relationship was determined between the rhythm of runoff and ground-water level fluctuations. The contribution of groundwater supply in total runoff equalled 81.5%.
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Zdzisław Michalczyk
Stanisław Chmiel
Sławomir Głowacki
Joanna Sposób
Beata Zielińska
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The study included bituminous coal seams (30 samples coal from the Bogdanka and Chełm deposits)

of the Lublin Formation, the most coal-bearing strata in the best developed and recognized in

terms of mining parts of the Lublin Coal Basin in Poland. High phosphorus concentrations in coal of

the Lublin Formation were found (1375 g/Mg) as well as P2O5 in coal ash (2.267 wt%). The phosphorus

contents in coal and coal ash from the 385 and 391 coal seams in the area of the Lubelski Coal Bogdanka

Mine and in the area of its SE neighbor is the highest (max. 2.644 wt. % in coal and 6.055 wt. %

of P2O5 in coal ash). It has been shown that mineral matter effectively affects phosphorus contents

in coal and coal ash. At the same time, phosphate minerals (probably apatite and crandallite) present

in kaolinite aggregates of tonsteins contain the most of phosphorus and have the greatest impact on

the average P content in the 382, 385, 387, and 391. The secondary source of phosphorus in these

coal seams and main source of phosphorus in these coal deposits that do not contain mineral matter

of pyroclastic origin (378, 389, 394) may be clay minerals, which absorbed phosphorus compounds

derived from organic matter released during coalification. Phosphorus-rich ash from the combustion

of the Lublin Formation coal tend to be environmentally beneficial to the environment and also useful

for improving the soil quality. Due to the low degree of coalification and high content of phosphorus

in coal, this coals of little use for coking.

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Henryk Ryszard Parzentny
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One of the ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere is to minimise the production of fossil fuels energy, which, among others, can be achieved through gradual closure of hard and brown coal mines. However, such transformation comes with economic and social problems as well as structural changes. This article is a case study based on the objectives of the Spatial Development Plan for the Central Coal Region (CRW) – Lublin Coal Basin (LZW), developed as a consequence of the discovery of significant hard coal deposits in the north-eastern part of the Lublin voivodeship in the 1960’s. In retrospect, it can be observed that the overly ambitious objectives of the CRW-LZW urban plan were implemented only to a limited extent.
This article aims to compare the original urban planning objectives with the current development of the industrial district and to indicate the cause for such a significant limitation of the realisation of the originally planned investment. Also, the article endeavours to simultaneously emphasize which factors should be specially considered, when planning such large-scope investments, that also broadly influence demographic and urban structure of the region and the way it is functioning.
The analysis was carried out in the context of economic difficulties and the political crisis at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, the changes in the country’s political and economic system, as well as the principles of the socio-economic concept of sustainable development implemented at the end of the 20th century, and the currently prevailing circular economy. The characteristics and analysis of the adopted design solutions were carried out, the assessment of the extent to which the planned investment was completed and what factors influenced its current condition. The collected data is summarized and compared in a table. The conclusions may prove helpful in establishing the direction of Lublin Coal Basin the development in the coming years. The described solutions and experiences may constitute the theoretical basis for accurate forecasting of the scope of similar investments in the future.
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Michał Tomasz Dmitruk

  1. Lublin University of Technology, 38D Nadbystrzycka Str., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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Lublin Upland and Roztocze region are known for the occurrence of a large number of springs of high yield. These springs are fed mainly from Cretaceous or Tertiary water-bearing horizon. In order to determine variability of springs’ yield, 61 selected springs were analysed in spring periods of the years 1998–2008. Collected hydrometric materials allowed for comparing average and extreme yield values of springs in various physiographic regions within the period of 11 years. Average value was 76.1 dm3·s–1, while the mean of the minimal yields was 44.7 dm3·s–1 and of the maximal – 132.7 dm3·s–1. Coefficient of irregularity of the springs’ yield ranged from 1.5 to 5.0, which may lead to the conclusion that the springs’ yield is constant or varies slightly. In some cases the irregularity was higher but it was determined by hydrogeological, meteorological and local factors.

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Zdzisław Michalczyk
Stanisław Chmiel
Sławomir Głowacki
Beata Zielińska
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A sample of late Viséan limestone from the Włodawa IG-4 borehole, east of Lublin, Poland, yielded a piece of a tooth and a few hundred well-preserved scales comparable to those of “Ctenacanthus” costellatus Traquair, 1884 from Glencartholm, Scotland, UK. Most of the scales are typical compound body scales of the ctenacanthid type. Their crowns are composed of several separate odontodes whose distal ends are turned backwards and bases are characterised by concave undersides. In the material, there are also sparse scales with similar crowns but with flat or convex bulbous bases, as well as ornamented plates and single, star-like denticles, probably from the head region. The taxonomic status of “Ctenacanthus” costellatus was analysed and a new generic name for that species, viz. Glencartius gen. nov., is proposed.

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Michał Ginter
Stanisław Skompski
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The tower at Lublin Castle, known as the donjon, is the only monument of Romanesque art on the eastern side of the Vistula River. The cylindrical, brick building is part of the Lublin Castle complex. During contemporary restoration work, the 13th-century walls were uncovered, making it possible to retrieve the original materials. The article presents the mineralogical, chemical and granulometric characteristics. The analytical methodology included: qualitative mineralogical analysis of the whole sample by X-ray diffraction (XRD); morphological studies with elemental evaluation and microanalysis of the binder by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Residue determination of hydrochloric acid-insoluble parts and their granulometric analysis were performed. This methodology enabled to determine the composition of the mortars. It was found that the tested mortars have a similar mineralogical structure, but slightly differ in the proportion of individual components, primarily aggregate fractions. The samples consist mainly of quartz, calcite, and silicates. Moreover, the lime binder of the mortars was shown to be microcrystalline in nature. The aggregate used in historical mortars predominantly consisted of quartz sand and minerals of the feldspar and silicate group. The condition of the mortars requires conservation interventions. The performed characterization of the historic mortars was important for designing compatible restoration mortars.
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Beata Klimek

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Conservation and Built Heritage, Nadbystrzycka St. 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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Appropriate design in linear construction depends on many factors, including detailed geological conditions. One of the biggest problems are unrecognized erosion forms, in particular karst ones, which have a huge impact on the design and subsequent operation of roads. For this purpose, in addition to conventional methods such as drilling or geotechnical probing, which are point-based, non-invasive spatial geophysical methods are used. This article presents an example of the use of geoelectrical surveys, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for the recognition of karst zones for linear investments. The article describes ERT investigations, which to some extent allows to identify dangerous karst phenomena occurring in the Lublin Upland (Poland), which are of great importance at the design stage of roads and in their further safe operation. Non-invasive geophysical research has been verified and confirmed by traditional geotechnical research, which confirms the effectiveness of their use. The Electrical Resistivity Tomography was used as a method providing a broader spectrum of knowledge on the spatial arrangement of soil layers in the subgrade of the planned road investments. It also enabled a more accurate, more detailed interpretation of geotechnical studies. The described geophysical investigations opens wide possibilities for their application to researchers. In the future, non-invasive methods have a chance to become as reliable as geotechnical methods, but this requires a lot of research to improve the effectiveness and accuracy of the interpretation of the obtained results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Maślakowski
Anna Lejzerowicz
Grzegorz Pacanowski
Rafał Kuszyk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland
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The paleoecological research of biogenie sediments sampled in the different lake-mire ecosystems of the ŁęcznaWłodawa Lake District were the basis of studies on hydrological changes during the Late Glacial and Holocene. The lithological differentiation (spatial and temporal) of lacustrine and mire sediments in the studied sites indicates that the hydrological changes were of local nature. The investigations also evidence a specific functioning of the lakes in this region. Lake basins were formed as a result of the ground ice degradation and the transformation of groundwater circulation in the Late Glacial. The total area of lakes in the Lake District was the largest from the Younger Dryas to the Subboreal chronozone. The gradual lowering ofwater level during the early Holocene resulted in the transformation of sedimentation process, and in the development of typologically differentiated mires and lacustrinc-mire complexes
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Krystyna Bałaga
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This paper presents the results of an analysis of selected seismic profiles (reflection and refraction data) from the Radom-Lublin area aimed at obtaining a better understanding of geological structure and the identification of hydrocarbon deposits. To accurately reproduce the seismic reflection covering the sub-Permian formations, seismic cross sections were interpreted based on effective reflection coefficients (ERC). In interpreting the results, reference was made to the results of studies of the area using other geophysical methods.
The results of these studies made it possible to obtain new information on the geology and structure of the Paleozoic complex of the Radom-Lublin area and its relationships with the basement tectonics. The structural arrangement of Carboniferous and Devonian formations as well as older Silurian, Ordovician, and Cambrian series were recognized. Selected significant tectonic and lithological discontinuities and the nature and directions of their course were characterized. Special attention was given to regional tectonic zones: the Skrzynno Fault, the Ursynów-Kazimierz fault zone and the Kock zone. The use of ERC methodology made it possible to define the boundaries of lithostratigraphic units in Carboniferous, Devonian, and older formations. The obtained results can be used to assess hydrocarbon accumulation in the area under consideration.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lidia Dziewińska
Radosław Tarkowski

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The aim of this study was to establish the stratigraphic extent of a putative Tournaisian Stage within the Carboniferous succession in the Lublin Basin. The oldest part of the succession, known as the Huczwa Formation and comprising depositional sequences 1–4, was investigated based on lithofacies analysis, sequence stratigraphy and petrographic studies. The article provides descriptions of depositional sequences, parasequences (cyclothems) and lithofacies that were formed in a range of environments (elements of depositional architecture) and as a result of volcanic processes – lava and pyroclastic eruptions and chemical weathering of their products. Correlation of the sequence stratigraphy to the West European and global Carboniferous chronostratigraphic divisions, as well as to the Khoriv suite in the Lviv-Volyn Basin in adjacent Ukraine, indicates a putative late Tournaisian age for sequence 1, and a late Visean age for sequences 2–4. There is a stratigraphic gap between sequences 1 and 2, spanning probably the uppermost Tournaisian and the lower and middle Visean. The upper Tournaisian is represented by the FRST-LST deposits of sequence 1, comprising mainly volcaniclastic conglomerates and sandstones developed in braided-river channels and incised valleys with hyperconcentrated flow processes. These deposits are represented by polymictic paraconglomerate and lithic/sublithic/subarkose arenites or sublithic wackes, and contain predominantly grains of acidic and alkaline volcanic and igneous rocks. This material probably came from the Łuków-Wisznice Elevation and the Volynian Polesia region, located to the NE and E of the Lublin Basin. In the uppermost part of sequence 1, volcanic rocks and tuffs appear which developed during the activity of at least three volcanic cones in the Lublin Basin. The volcanoes were the source of alkaline lavas in the central and SW areas of the basin, and of acidic lavas in the SE area, previously undescribed. The Visean sequences 2–4 consist of the FRST-LST sediments deposited within incised valleys. The TST and HST deposits accumulated mainly in a shallow ramp-type carbonate shelf, shallow clayey shelf and deltaic environments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria I. Waksmundzka
Aleksandra Kozłowska
Magdalena Pańczyk

  1. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warsaw, Poland
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The analysis was focused on three post-tensioned slab bridges, constructed in 1950s. Two of them function normally and will probably achieve the life span of 100 years required by the relevant regulations. The third one will likely be demolished soon and replaced with a new reinforced concrete frame bridge. To its degradation contributed the faulty diagnosis of its technical condition during its periodic technical inspections. The introduction briefly characterises the development of the prestressed structure theories reviewing papers on concrete rheology and monographs looking into prestressing. The paper is based on the existing fragments of the technical design documents concerning the bridges in question. The bridges were designed by Polish civil engineers.

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S. Karaś
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The Theology Department was opened in January 1918. It came into existence as one of the first four departments of the Catholic University of Lublin. Its activity became part of the university’s mission which is conducting research in harmony with science and faith, educating the catholic intelligentsia and contributing to christian culture.

The identity of the Department manifests itself in the high standard of scientific research and academic education as well as in deepening and promoting the christian concept of the world and man in the context of challenges of the present time.

This article presents an outline history, organization and the main trends in scientific research carried out in the Theology Department of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

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Marta Lizut
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Studencki strajk jesienią 1981 r. był czasem wzmożonej studenckiej aktywności kulturalnej. Powstawały wówczas inicjatywy wydawnicze niezależne od cenzury. W tych też okolicznościach studenci zrzeszeni wokół Lubelskiego Klubu Dziennikarzy Studenckich wznowili „Biuletyn” Informacyjny”, którego pełny tytuł tym razem brzmiał „Biuletyn Informacyjny LKDS. Wydanie Strajkowe”. Postrzegane jako organ SZSP czasopismo nie zawsze było akceptowane przez młodzież skupioną w NZS, a jednocześnie budziło podejrzenia wśród władz PRL.
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Barbara Centek

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