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This article attempts to refute the generally accepted view that Jan Wojciech (Albert) Łubieński, Pantler of Sieradz, was the patron of Piotr Baryka,, the author of the comedy Z chłopa król ( The Peasant Become King), first staged in 1633 (editio princeps, 1637). The attribution results from a conjecture, which has never been properly verified, formulated by Ludwik Bernacki in 1904. Yet in the 1630s Jan Wojciech Łubieński held no public office (he was probably completing his education) and, crucially, did not become Pantler of Sieradz until 1643. In consequence, we presume that Baryka's patron may well have been Łubieński's uncle, a wealthy man renowned for his generosity, who had the same first name.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Roman Krzywy

  1. Instytut Literatury Polskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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