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The paper is dedicated to the names of associations from the period of the Second Polish Republic, taken from a publication which is a guide to the rich and differentiated world of the social organizations of the 1930s.

The introduction is devoted to the state of Polish linguistic research into the names of organizations. The description of the collected material is based on the concept of social chrematonymy by Artur Gałkowski.

Next, the names are investigated from both a structural and a semantic perspective. The following elements are regarded as distinct qualities of the naming structures: descriptive character, multicomponent structure, development of right-sided attributives, insignificant share of names with a separate distinctive element, including some other types of proper names as components (toponyms, anthroponyms, names of historical events). Also, lexemes in the function of the main component of the analysed structures — nouns having the semantic value of ‘formalized group of people’ – have been presented.

When analysing the semantic aspect of names of organizations more closely, the author indicates the most frequently exposed bases of community feeling of members. Those could be: common experience, social and professional status, the purpose of activity, gender, generation, religious identity, nationality, ideology, place of activity or founding an organization. In the majority of names, various elements of community feeling are combined.

Finally, attention is paid to the tremendous informative value present in the names of associations, connected with their descriptive quality. The close link between socioideonyms and the reality they are connected with means that they are bearers of various historical-cultural contents.

Therefore, the names of associations, especially historical ones, might be an interesting object of culture-oriented linguistic studies.

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Ewa Młynarczyk
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W artykule dokonano analizy pisma „Papier i Galanteria” ukazującego się w latach 1921–1922. Przedstawiono ogólny zarys działalności pisma. Omówiono: zasady funkcjonowania pisma, zadania i pełnioną rolę, adresatów, źródła finansowania, strukturę pisma, zawartość tekstów.
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Monika Olczak-Kardas
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Western Ukraine arouses a high emotional charge of historical origin. There are a number of buildings and complexes in this area created since the 14th century, that are the witnesses of the Polish presence and our contribution to the culture of these lands. The monuments of sacred architecture and numerous military ones occupy a special place. In the short interwar period a number of structures and complexes that demonstrate a high level of design technique were created. Their current technical state is usually very bad. Our participation in restoring splendour to the witnesses of our, historical centuries-old presence, would be beneficial.

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Wojciech Jan Chmielewski
Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel
Maciej Złowodzki
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Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie na przykładzie wojny północnej (1655– 1660) kształtowania się regionalnego porządku międzynarodowego w Europie w epoce wczesnonowożytnej. W pracy dokonano analizy przypadku dużej wojny, przeprowadzonej w określonych warunkach, mającej swoje podłoże i przyczyny, ale stanowiącej również instrument polityki, realizowanej w określonej przestrzeni i czasie oraz nastawionej na osiągnięcie pewnych celów politycznych, związanych z postrzeganą przez jej uczestników pozycją w skali międzynarodowej. Artykuł jest jednocześnie studium przypadku wojny rozumianej jako model sytuacyjny określonej polityki, realizowanej podczas wojny północnej 1655–1660, wywierającej wpływ na ukształtowanie się określonego ładu, skutkującego zmianami zarówno w porządku międzynarodowym, jak i w stosunkach wewnętrznych uczestników wojny 1655–1660.
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Dariusz Makiłła
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The present text is the first attempt in historiography to evaluate the scientific output of Józef Andrzej Gierowski from the perspective of research into the parliamentarism of the Polish-‑Lithuanian Commonwealth. Out of the 482 publications written by him between 1946 and 2006, 20 were selected which were directly or significantly devoted to parliamentarism. The influence of Gierowski's on the study of parliamentarism was not limited to publications, but included the shaping of successive generations of historians of political history and political systems (including parliamentarism), through the promotion of master's and doctoral theses and numerous reviews in promotion proceedings and publishing procedures. A key role in promoting the results of his own research, as well as his profound reflections on the function-ing of parliamentarism, its role in the former Republic, and its significance on against the backdropground of the processes of change of the political systems of Europe at that time, is occupied by the extremely widely read syntheses of Polish history by Gierowski. He should therefore be regarded as one of the key figures in the field of research into Polish‑Lithuanian parliamentarism.
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Michał Zwierzykowski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The Enlightenment occupied an important place in the oeuvre of Professor Józef Andrzej Gierowski. This piece presents his evolving views on the Enlightenment in three syntheses of the history of early modern Poland and the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth: two university textbooks first published in 1967 and 1978 respectively, and a book addressed to a wider, non‑academic readership first published in 2001, much of which was presented to Anglophone readers in 1996. J. A. Gierowski’s views are presented against the background of the sardonic references to “the enlightened age” and “enlightened Europe” in the synthesis published by his supervisor, Władysław Konopczyński in 1936, as well as the Marxist‑Leninist scheme of the Enlightenment forced on historiography and the humanities in postwar Poland, especially by Celina Bobińska. J. A. Gierowski’s view of “the ideology of the Enlightenment” gradually shifted from the primacy of rationalist and materialist thinking to the aim of the pursuit of happi-ness within human society. While still emphasising economic and social factors, including the role of the bourgeoisie in the Dutch Republic, England and France, he increasingly distanced himself from the model of the Enlightenment as the ideology of the rising bourgeoisie, forced on him in the early stages of his academic career. After long reflection on the question of the reception and originality of the Enlightenment in the Commonwealth, he came to appreciate the contributions of Royal Prussian burghers, the Catholic clergy and the Polish‑Lithuanian nobility. He also jettisoned the postwar dogma that the beginning of the capitalist order in Poland should be dated to 1764.
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Richard Butterwick

  1. University College London
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This article analyzes the editoral and thematic structure of Polish school ephemera on the basis of seventeen single-issue publications of this kind published in Poland’s eastern voivodships in the interwar period. The author traces the origin of the texts and the process of its composition (gathering and selection of materials, editorial revisions, technical issues), examines the themes and tries to assesses the participation of students and teachers as well as the cooperation of the local community in each project. Finally, she reassesses of the role and the objectives of such publications.

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Katarzyna Zimnoch
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W artykule scharakteryzowano ukazujący się w Czes-kim Cieszynie w latach 1935–1938 dwutygodnik „Ogniwo” — czasopismo Zrzeszenia Organizacji Młodzieży Polskiej w Czechosłowacji. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy ilościowej i jakościowej czasopisma. Omówiono genezę, układ oraz główne tematy poruszane na łamach dwutygodnika, takie jak: historia, kultura, zwłaszcza literacka; regionalizm; krajoznawstwo, harcerstwo, sport, teatr, poradnictwo. Opisano również funkcję czasopisma.
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Katarzyna Tałuć

  1. Instytut Literaturoznawstwa Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach ul. Uniwersytecka 4 PL 40-007 Katowice
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The article presents a profile of Gazetka Radiowa published in Warsaw in 1937–1938, addressed to the youngest users of the radio, then a rapidly expanding new medium. The profile covers key aspects of the magazine's printing process, sales and marketing as well as an analysis of its content in comparison with other periodicals of this kind. An estimated fifty titles were launched in Poland in the radio guide market segment after the first issue of Przegląd Radiotechniczny went to print in 1923. While providing information about radio programmes and technology, they led the way in the transition to a new age of public communication.
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Izabela Krasińska

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article concludes a series of three articles. The first two, published in 2022, were divided into time periods; 1) until 1989, and 2) since the 1990s. The present one discusses the issue of the fate of police officers after September 1, 1939, and includes a summary and research postulates. The timelines used in the series are not accidental, of course, as they had a significant impact on the way historiography devoted to public security organs was conducted in the interwar period. The literature that deals with pre‑war police is relatively rich in terms of quantity. However, it is worth examining it more carefully as several works raise a number of questions and doubts. Next to very good ones there are some that should not have been published. If we take a closer look at the style of narration in particular publications, we will notice that the authors in the vast majority limit themselves to describing and reporting facts, avoiding factual analysis. Many of the publications deviate from scientific standards, focusing their attention exclusively on creat-ing the preferred image of the public security organisation in a given period of time. Unfortu-nately, this is noticeable not only before 1989, but also later, when the negative image of the pre‑war police was replaced by its excessive glorification or even mythologisation. Despite the fact that more and more issues are raised and some of them are further developed, we still cannot consider the state of research that I am interested in as being satisfactory. The following issues still need to be highlighted and thoroughly investigated: 1) police biography; 2) issues of formation, socialisation and mentality; 3) the state of morale of the police corps; 4) participation in the Polish‑Soviet war; 5) participation in ensuring the internal security of the state; 6) police‑society relations, including the creation of the image of the police in culture texts; 7) police participation in the protection of state dignitaries; 8) international police co-operation; 9) the history of the police in the individual provinces; 10) women’s police service; 11) the functioning of police associations and cultural and educational activities; 12) war pre-parations; 13) the fate of police officers after September 1, 1939.
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Robert Litwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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This article is part one of a discussion that attempts to examine the state of research on the history of the police in the Second Republic of Poland as presented in to‑date historiography. My interest includes literature concerning both the State Police and the Police of the Silesian Voivodeship, two organisations independent from each other. The 1989/1990 timeline is obviously not accidental, as it was of great significance for the way research on public security organs in the interwar period was conducted.
The recent 100‑year anniversary of the National Police created an excellent opportunity to assess the achievements pertaining to its history and the organisation modelled on it, i.e., the Police of the Silesian Voivodeship (PWŚl). Although their history has been the subject of several studies, it is worth taking a closer look at them trying to assess both the problems addressed and the quality of these studies. The author has made an attempt to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the existing literature, which is to lead to the identification of significant accomplishments, as well as to highlighting unexplored possibilities.
The author has chosen scientific publications as a basis for his analyses. Publications of an occupational nature, that is, manuals, specialist materials, handbooks, course books, etc., remain outside the area of the author’s interest.
The resulting analysis leads to the conclusion that it was not until the late 1980s that the one‑sided image of the pre‑war police, constructed through the discourse of repression against the “progressive” communist and workers’ movements, began to be abandoned. However, still dominating was the factual history, unfortunately not preceded by theoretical reflections.
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Robert Litwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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During the interwar period, period many examples of sports facilities were built in the Second Polish Republic. These groups of facilities had one function designed for practicing a specific sport discipline but also multifunctional facilities were also built. Sports centres played a role not only enabling amateur exercises and improving sports skills but they were also the seats of sports societies, unions, clubs or circles that associated sports enthusiasts and promoted the development of physical fitness through sport. The activity of such groups was necessary due to the political and economic situation of the country at that time. The period of the first half of the interwar period was a time of state reconstruction, uncertainty and challenges for society after the end of the First World War. The reconstruction of the country also concerned the sports infrastructure, in which apart from facilities with a form resulting directly from their function (stands, halls, ski jumps) formal buildings were also built. One of the examples of such facilities is the Sports House in Lviv, designed by Jerzy Nechay. The example of the Sports House in Lviv and its formal location a short distance from the city centre is an example of modern design that combines a form of use with a formal function.
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Wojciech Kocki

  1. Lublin University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Chair of Contemporary Architecture
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The present article is part two of the discussion attempting to assess the state of research on the history of the police in the Second Republic of Poland in historiography. This time I focus on the publications since 1990. I am interested in the literature concerning both the State Police and the Police of the Silesian Voivodeship, two independent organisations. The subsequent part deals with works published since 1990, and the last part is focused on the fate of police officers after September 1, 1939. This section also contains more complete summaries and research postulates. Obviously, the 1989/1990 timeline is not accidental, as it had a significant impact on the way historiography dealing with public security organs in the interwar period was conducted. The turn of the 1980s and 1990s was extremely fruitful for Polish historiography, including research on the history of the pre‑war police. On the one hand, access to archival materials became free and easy, thus opening new perspectives for researchers. This unrestricted possibility of using documents from the family archives of police officers and their family members was of great importance for gaining information about the everyday service of police officers. On the other hand, in some publications we notice a prevailing tendency to over‑heroise and sometimes even mythologise the pre‑war police, and this unfortunately is still happening today. All this coincided with the fact that there were an increasing number of authors dealing with the history of the police in the Second Republic, and consequently, the scope of research I was interested in had to expand.
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Robert Litwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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After 1945, the Gdańsk Library became a treasury for the surviving collections of Po-meranian libraries liquidated during and after the Second World War. The safeguarded manuscripts included an anonymous notebook – a diary describing the route of a summer trip through Eastern Lesser Poland in 1926 (Ms. 5872). A detailed analysis of diary entries made it possible to identify the author – a landowner, Maria Chełmicka, née Wybicka (1901-1968).
The programme of Maria Chełmicka’s trip was based on visiting castles and palaces constituting a priceless heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as well as temples characteristic for Eastern Lesser Poland (churches of various Christian denomi-nations, including the Orthodox Church, and Jewish synagogues). The description of the state of the historical buildings of the time, both the ones which are currently in ruin and the ones restored by Ukrainian authorities after 1991, is of a timeless value. The notebook is also a precious source familiarising readers with the realities of sightseeing trips of the time. One of the most interesting fragments of the diary is a description of a hike along the mountain range of Chornohora and the tourist infrastructure on the routes leading to its highest peak of Hoverla.
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Agata Larczyńska

  1. Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych, Ateneum. Akademia Nauk Stosowanych, ul. 3 Maja 25A, 80-802 Gdańsk
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Although in recent decades Count Władysław Zamoyski has been attracting a lot of interest on the part of historians, which resulted in numerous papers and popular science works, he has not yet been the subject of an exhaustive scientific monograph. Its preparation is, however, going to be a difficult task for its future author. The many dispersed source materials and the Count’s more than 40 years long social, economic, and to a smaller extent political activity under the Prussian partition, in Galicia, among the Polish emigrants in France and during the first years of the Second Polish Republic – need to be described in the historical context, and, what follows, call for broad knowledge extending beyond these sources. Zamoyski’s path leading to his establishment in 1924 of the foundation ”Zakłady Kórnickie” – his life’s grandest work – should constitute the narrative axis weaving through all the chapters of his biography. It would be desirable to present extensively not only the Count’s activity in Galicia, Zakopane and his role in the famous dispute on Morskie Oko, but also his less researched and less known participation in the Polish-German fight for land in the Prussian partition in the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Witold Molik

  1. Wydział Historii UAM (emer.)
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Among the several crises that occurred in the 16th century, the famine crisis and high prices in the years 1569–1574 had exceptional significance, as its intensity, scope and duration far out-weighed other economic collapses of the century. Despite this, the course of events and the consequences have been of virtually no interest to historians over the years, which begs the question: why? As it seems, the events connected with the crises in question were overshadowed in Western historiography by other numerous and significant political events at the time, such as the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and the Night of St. Bartholomew in France (1572). In the Polish-‑Lithuanian state, in contrast, between 1569 and 1574, the famine and high prices coincided with a crisis of royal power and the state. This, indeed, drew the attention of historians, but only to political issues, among them the Polish‑Lithuanian union of 1569, the succession to the throne after the heirless Sigismund Augustus died, the first free election, religious disputes, the flight of King Henryk Walezy (Henry III), and the neighbouring wars, rather than to the social problems connected with the mass death of the poorest in the state, and the resulting economic problems. Therefore, in this article, the author synthesises the course of the famine crisis of 1569–1574 in the Polish‑Lithuanian state and hypothesises that the events and implications of this crisis largely preserved the mentality of the nobility in the following centuries and their dominance in the economic and political life of the Commonwealth. This crisis also influenced a choice of different path for development of the Commonwealth compared to other European countries. To clarify, the author does not claim to have exhausted the subject, and the article is intended to spur a discussion and further detailed research.
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Jacek Wijaczka

  1. Wydział Nauk Historycznych UMK w Toruniu
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Simone Simoni (1532–1602) was an Italian philosopher interested primarily in early modern Aristotelianism and court physician to King Stefan Batory of Poland. After the king's sudden death at Grodno on 12 December 1586, Simoni was accused of having made serious mistakes while attending his royal patient. In a bitter dispute with his rival, Niccolo Bucello, he came up witha spirited defence of his diagnosis and the adequacy of the treatment in view of the circumstances which played a crucial role in the last days of his patient. This article examines Simoni's argument concerning the king’s health, diseases and death, entitled Divi Stephani Primi Polonorum Regis Magnique Lithuanorum Ducis etc. sanitas, vita medica, aegritudo, mors (Nyssa 1587). Simoni fleshes out his polemic with a wide range of rhetorical devices, including many forms of irony and arguments ad personam. He also brings into it the larger context of interrelations between medicine and early modern philosophy, especially natural philosophy, summed up in the adage ubi desinit physicus, ibi medicus incipit (where the philosopher finishes, there the physician begins). Basically a vita medica of the king in his last days, it is also a fascinating portrait of a monarch with a passion for game hunting.
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Wojciech Ryczek

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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W artykule przedstawiono czasopismo pt. „Światfilm: tygodnik teatr, kino, plastyka, radiofonia, sport” wydawane w Wilnie w latach 20. XX wieku. Było to pismo o tematyce filmowej, teatralnej i ogólnokul-turalnej. Analiza czasopisma ukazuje tematykę zamieszczonych w nim materiałów, zaangażowanie redaktorów i autorów artykułów, a przede wszystkim cel i rolę wydawania tego typu czasopism. Umieszczone na łamach „Światfilmu” materiały dokumentują rozwój sztuki filmowej i teatralnej na Wileńszczyźnie w badanym okresie.
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Katarzyna Zimnoch

  1. Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet w Białymstoku

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