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This is a second paper dealing with juvenile and little known Mesozoic gastropods from Siberia and the Timan region. This part contains description of gastropods belonging to Neogastropoda and Heterobranchia. Described are 16 species, five of them are new. They are: Sulcoactaeon uralicus, S. timanicus, S. bojarkensis (Bullinidae), Vasjugania vasjuganensis (Acteonidae), and Biplica siberica (Ringiculidae). The new genus Vasjugania (Acteonidae) is proposed. Eight species are left in the open nomenclature. The protoconch of Siberian Khetella, illustrated here for the first time, suggests that this genus belongs to Purpurinidae and the whole family is a possible stem group for the Neogastropoda. Apart from Khetella the Siberian fauna seems to be of cosmopolitan character having common elements both with Europe and North America.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Kaim
Alexander L. Beisel
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This publication begins series of papers on taxonomy of juvenile and little known Mesozoic gastropods from Siberia and Timan region (= Pechora Basin). First part contains general part with geological framework followed by the paleontological part on taxonomy of Vetigastropoda and Caenogastropoda (exclusive of Neogastropoda). Described are 15 species of gastropods. Three of them are new. They are Chuelskia siberica (Trochidae), Ageria gankinensis (Epitoniidae), and Dzikella chuzikovensis (superfamily and family uncertain). Moreover, described is a new genus Chuelskia (Trochidae). Eight species are left in the open nomenclature. The Siberian gastropods belong mostly to the cosmopolitan fauna while the gastropods of Timan region are the same as those already described from Novaja Zemlja Islands.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Kaim
Alexander L. Beisel
Nikolai I. Kurushin
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This paper aims to investigate, on the one hand, how the concept of 19th‑century Siberia was constructed by three Polish political prisoners in their private documents. On the other hand, the significance of the “Siberian triangle” (consisting of essential ideas of “Polishness”, “Russian-ness”, and “Easternness”), in the construction of Polish exiles' identity.
Siberia never existed, or did it? Apart from the vast territories named Siberia, there was also the abstract category of Siberia, consisting of parameters and charts, plans and maps, sustaining the development projects, and images, stories, and texts, in which usually imagined Siberia went beyond the geographical Siberia. Taking this into account, in this paper, I would like to look at the three‑dimensional construction of Siberia. Namely: an imperial attitude, defending its poli-tical and economic prerogatives; the interests of the indigenous peoples who gradually had been losing their rights to the pastures and whose voice was the least heard among others; as well as the view of Polish exiles, sent to the eastern territories of the Russian Empire against their will. To paraphrase Edward Said, we can state that the strategies of the conquest of Siberia directly impacted its perceptions, narrative constructions, and later reconstructions of the 19th‑century Siberian realities. Three case studies will serve me as illustrative material: Adolf Januszkiewicz, Bronisław Zaleski, and Seweryn Gross.
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Authors and Affiliations

Karina Gaibulina

  1. University of St. Gallen, Szwajcaria
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This paper describes a unique memoir written by a soldier about his experiences during the Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905. The memoir is written in the Krimchak ethnolect of Crimean Tatar using Hebrew letters. This memoir changes our notion about the Krimchaks as a group of quiet, religious people, indifferent to their surroundings. The memoir’s author, Menahem Berman, appears as a person who takes an active part in different historical events of his stormy life, both in peacetime in Odessa before the war and after he was called up and during his journey through Siberia to fight in the war. He describes life in field conditions during the war in Manchuria and his life after the war in captivity in Japan. He is an observant man, taking notice of all that is around him and recording all the details and his impression of them. In this paper the content of the memoir will be discussed, and the quality of the manuscript is described. In a linguistical overview, the Krimchak ethnolect used in the memoir is shown to have an Oghuz grammatical form prevailing over the Kypchak form, and hence the ethnolect can be regarded as a patois of the basic southern dialect of Crimean Tatar. This paper also presents 100 initial sentences of the text in transcription and with translation and glossary.
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Iala Ianbay

  1. Yerusalem, Israel
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Humic substances are ubiquitous in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Humic acids (HAs) actively interact with organic and inorganic components of lake sediments. This interaction depends on the molecular structure and elemental composition of HAs. The presented research focuses on the investigation of the composition and molecular structure of humic acids isolated from lakes located in the Lena Delta in the Russian Arctic. The findings of the research are needed to estimate the potential capacity of humic acids to bind microelements, particularly toxic metals, in stable compounds. Surface sediment samples (0–10 cm) were collected from 8 lakes by Van Veen grab during the summer period of the “Expedition LENA 2019”. We analyzed elemental composition of the HAs samples. The results showed that the studied HAs of lake sediments are characterized by low nitrogen content and prevalence of aliphatic fragments in their molecular structure. Furthermore, it was found that the studied humic acids are less mature, showing mineralization processes dominant over humification, and have relatively low potential to complexation compared with soils of the Lena Delta as well as lake sediments of territories with more boreal climate conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alina V. Guzeva
Ekaterina A. Krylova
Irina V. Fedorova

  1. St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of RAS, Institute of Limnology RAS, Sevastyanova 9, St. Petersburg, 196105, Russia
  2. St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya enb. 7/9, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia

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