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Jesus has definitely conquered the world, but our history is continuous. The one who is called in the Bible as the Devil, Satan, and Deceiver of all the earth (cf. Rev 12:9), though already defeated, is still at work in the world. The essence of Satan’s action is to pretend that he is the true Savior of man. In Revelation 13 there is a dragon (the devil) that summons
the first beast and the second beast (a false prophet) and thus they form the diabolical triad. The well-known saying that the devil is simia Dei could be paraphrased and at the same time clarified that the devil is simia Trinitatis. In fact, Satan imitates and mocks, like the monkey, the Holy Trinity to deceive people. When tempting Jesus in the desert, the goal of the evil spirit was not only to tempt Jesus, the Incarnate Son, but the Trinity as a whole. The devil tries to challenge the Trinitarian relations, i.e., the mutual relationship of the Son and the Father in the Holy Spirit. This is the reason why Jesus defies the attacks of the devil not referring to His Divinity but by pointing to the Father and His will. The juxtaposition of the dynamics of the action of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with the dynamics of the action of the triad, the dragon and his two beasts, allows us to capture the essential features of, on the one hand, the community in the Trinity, and on the other hand, the corrupt synergy of the triad assigning the Divine features to themselves.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dariusz Kowalczyk

  1. Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma


Taking as a starting point Vyacheslav Ivanov’s poem Eden – the epilogue of the 5th book of “metaphysical lyric poetry” Rosarium as well as his critical and philosophical works – the article proposes a culturological interpretation of the key topoi of the poet’s artistic thought: his poetic anthropology. The principal point in these considerations is conceptualisation of the category of paradise/Eden in Ivanov’s writings and the notion of happiness as “metaphysical and religious feeling” connected with a person’s spiritual life in its vertical dimension (relation man – three-personed God). Moreover, the article presents intertextual relationships between Ivanov’s poetry and cultural texts (St Augustine, Petrarch, and others) being the source of European understanding of the concepts: soul, memory, oblivion, paradise.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maria Cymborska-Leboda


Since Vatican II there have been issued many Church documents of different rank, which are explicitly devoted to dialogue with non-Christian religions or contain statements on the matter; there is also a very comprehensive bibliography on interreligious dialogue. The article presents three issues which occupy a signifcant place in these works. The frst is the theological bases for dialogue. They have been expressed in the trinitarian structure. At the heart of the dialogue is faith in God, the creator and father of all people, in the Son, through whom universal salvation took place and the Spirit, which everywhere personifes the salvation work of God in three persons. The second issue, which is the content of the article, expresses a unique position of Judaism in dialogue of Christianity with other religions. The importance of Israel for the emergence and existence of the Church, and at the same time for her salvation role for the entire Jewish people, is an important spur to the refection on the salvation relationship of christianity to other religions. The dialogue is diffcult to operate without a proper spiritual attitude. This issue is the subject of interest of the third point in the article. Spirituality shaped by attitudes of conversion and submission to the will of God, especially in the prayerful elation of the human heart, becomes a source of behaviours which are conducive to dialogue.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ks. Tadeusz Dola
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W latach 2008–2018 w kościele św. Trójcy w Gdańsku odbudowano i odrestaurowano zdemontowane w czasie drugiej wojny światowej manierystyczno-barokowe organy. Ten niezwykły, ogromny, rozbudowany obiekt urasta do rangi jednego z największych i najciekawszych zabytków sztuki muzycznej w Polsce, zasługując na szczególną uwagę nie tylko ze względu na swoje brzmienie, ale też doskonałą dekorację i wpisany w nią polemiczny, konfesyjny program ideowy. Powstanie instrumentu zawdzięczamy najprawdopodobniej wspólnocie gdańskich ewangelików reformowanych – kalwinów. Pierwotną dekorację szaf i empor organowych w dużej mierze oparto na niezwykle popularnych wzornikach graficznych niderlandzkiego artysty Hansa Vredemana de Vriesa. Po ostatecznym przejęciu kościoła św. Trójcy przez luteranów w XVII wieku dekorację organów uzupełniono o właściwy dla tej grupy wyznaniowej przekaz teologiczny zawarty w obrazach wbudowanych w emporę i szafę główną instrumentu.
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Archiwum Klasztoru Franciszkanów w Gdańsku

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Dorawa M., Dokumentacja historyczno-konserwatorska organów z kościoła pw. św. Trójcy w Gdańsku, mps, Toruń 1984.

PAN Biblioteka Gdańska

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Jank OFMConv.

  1. Klasztor Franciszkanów w Gdańsku, ul. Świętej Trójcy 4, 80-822 Gdańsk

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