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The PAS Archives in Warsaw hold numerous diaries, journals, and memoirs, standing as testaments to the power of personal narratives in history. They offer unique insights into historical events as experienced by individuals, supplementing official documents.
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Anita Chodkowska
Teresa Urszula Szmigielska
Sylwia Fabisiak-Chojnacka

  1. PAS Archives in Warsaw
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The paper studies the work by Andrzej Urban entitled “Pamiętnik. Nasz ród, moja rodzina i moje przy niej losy” [A Diary. Our Kind, My Family and My Life with Them], a farmer from the Podkarpacie Region who was born in Lutcza. It was published twice, in 1936 and in 2015, and not only significantly enriched Polish diary literature, but also serves as a source for recently developing research into oral history. The analysis in this article is based on the second edition of the “Diary”, which repeats the text written by the author verbatim, with all its spelling, syntactic and stylistic imperfections. It is a precious piece of material for research for not only historians and sociologists, but also for linguists.

The material basis for the article are numerous official and unofficial anthroponyms occurring in Urban’s narrative. These are authentic onyms that have mostly reference, informative and expressive functions. Their use, especially referring to generally known persons in the social micro- and macro-scale, has a positive effect on the authentication of the described events. They also characterise the author of the text indirectly, showing, for instance, his somewhat deep onymic awareness and historical knowledge.

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Ewa Oronowicz-Kida
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The history of literature and art history were not included in the programme of my historical studies (1960–1965). Naturally, all history professors would usually include something about art and literature in their lectures on “their” historical period, but not as a key element. Efforts were made to separate history and belles‑lettres (in its various manifestations). A strongly positivist vision of research and transferring its results to the general public was cultivated – which had its advantages in the face of ideological pressure on science in the People's Republic of Poland. Today, the function of both historical sources and statements on history are frequently taken on by literature, which I define very broadly: literary texts (sometimes even of clearly inferior quality), political texts, diaries and journals, journalistic reports, petitions, defence speeches, sometimes letters. Also interesting for the historian is the route these texts take to the reading or listening public, as well as their reception, sometimes their renaissance after many years. There is no need to add that with such an approach, the people who are the authors of even outstanding historical works are not necessarily those who are professional historians.
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Marcin Kula

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski (emeritus)
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The main paradox of the book by Oleg Sentsov, the famous Ukrainian filmmaker, is that despite its distinctly documentary basis the text is endowed with obvious qualities of fictionalization. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to identify the fictional firsts in Oleg Sentsov’s book “The chronicle of one hunger strike”, based on cultural, historical, biographical, and hermeneutical methods, and also to analyze these firsts in terms of how they shape the idea and artistic content of this work. As a result, the conclusions were formulated according to which the book under consideration uses various forms of fictionalization of comments, reflections, dreams, memories, and even physiological processes of the human body to fictionalize the diary space through which a real person acquires an artistic dimension, which paradoxically does not undermine their authenticity, but, on the contrary, gives the real person fictional conviction and powerful emotional power and depth.
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Feliks Shteinbuk

  1. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
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This paper is the first presentation of the diary of Paul Friedrich Knaack from 1811 – Tagebuch vom Jahre 1811 – a previously unknown historical source, which is currently privately owned. The author of the diary was a watchmaker, tuner of the bells of the carillon of the Main Town Hall in Gdańsk, as well as a copyist of a manuscript containing arrangements of Protestant songs for the Town Hall’s automaton. In his diary, he recorded what he did every day of 1811 and somehow incidentally wrote what happened around him. We have thus received a multicolour picture of the daily life in the Napoleonic Free City of Gdańsk at the threshold of the subsequent changes in its political life.
The content of Knaack’s diary allows us to complement his biography and correct some facts on him given in relevant literature. However, this does not mean that the entire curriculum vitae of the Gdańsk watchmaker and bell tuner has already been explained.
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Authors and Affiliations

Danuta Popinigis

  1. W latach 2015–2020 profesor w Katedrze Teorii Muzyki w Akademii Muzycznej im.Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku, ul. Łąkowa 1-2, 80-743 Gdańsk
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This is the first edition of Ola Watowa's unpublished journal written between 1955 and 1956. It covers a stressful period of in the Wats’ married life when, following Aleksander being diagnosed with a rare psychosomatic condition, the couple moved to southern France, where he sought relief from bouts of physical pain and mental anxiety. Ola's Travel Diary is a record of day-to-day struggles, despair, helplessness, and the restorative power of the creative process. This narration of a woman motivated by empathy and determined to make sacrifices to support her husband’s artistic career has the potential to inspire studies focused on that type of biography and the role of sacrifice in marriage.
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Hanna Rzepka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, licencjat
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The press never featured prominently in the private diaries of Michał Römer (1880–1945), a Polish-Lithuanian academic and politician (and every now and then editor and journalist). None-theless the diaries, which he kept for 34 years, are a veritable mine of information about the multilingual press scene in Wilno, especially between 1911 and 1915, when he was an important player in that field. For the following years and decades, down to 1945, his diaries re-main an important sources as he continued to watch, analyze and comment, in his own way, on the dramatic shifts in Poland’s and Lithuania’s multilingual press market, a process driven by political and military upheavals of 20th century.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)

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