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The Complexity of Economic Space. Two notions should be distinguished: complication and complexity. The first, is conceived as the quantitative escalation of what is theoretically reducible, e.g. one directional hierarchical structure and circular action. The second, are systems formed by great number of elements combined in a nonlinear way in interactions with many other elements. Then, such systems cannot by reduced to simple elements, like atoms in chemical matter. Examples are: human individuals, brains, ecosystems, economy, cities and regions. Complex systems are characterized a.o. by the following features: intensive interactions, feedbacks, nonlinearities, fluctuation, self-reinforcing, accumulation, emergence, alternate hierarchical systems, path dependence, coevolution. Some of them are presented in this paper.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard Domański


Six isolates of Trichoderma spp. (belonging to species; Trichoderma harzianum and T. longibrachiatum) were applied as seed or soil treatments to suppress damping-off of seedlings of ten cotton cultivars under greenhouse conditions. In most cases, cultivar x isolate interaction was a highly significant (p < 0.01) source of variation in the tested seedling growth parameters: incidence of disease, seedling height, and seedling dry weight. This interaction implies that a single isolate of Trichoderma can be highly effective in controlling the disease on a cotton cultivar but may have minimal efficiency in controlling the disease on another cultivar. It was also found that, in most cases, cultivar x isolate x application method was a highly significant source of variation (p < 0.01) in the tested growth parameters. Cotton cultivars showed differences in the disease reaction to the biocontrol agents. In the experiments evaluating the Trichoderma antagonists and their effect on seedling disease, a highly significant (p < 0.01) experimental treatment interaction was found. This interaction suggests that the outcome of cultivar x isolate interaction is markedly affected by the application method. Thus, the application method should be chosen to maximize the outcome of this interaction. The degree of the control of seedling disease in cotton differed according to the isolates of antagonists, the application method and cultivars.

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Asran-Amal Abdel-Mongy


This article deals with the problem of the knowledge’s utility. This issue is considered from three perspectives. The dualistic perspective is based on the two-component structure: knowledge–reality; the subject–the object. In this regard, the knowledge’s utility is measured by the measure of the power that can be obtained over the world. From the monistic perspective knowledge is useful if it allows the internal improvement of the bearer of the knowledge. Knowledge in terms of the emergent system arises in the fluid cognitive relationship between components of changing system. Relations between the system (whole) and units (part of ) are variable and undetermined by the specificity of the individual components which are also reciprocal and mutually forming.

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Wiktor Werner


This paper is an attempt to explain the concept of emergence of spatial systems. It indicates basic features of this concept, such as: coevolution, selforganization, patterns, sudden changes, hierarchy. The emergence of complex systems is very fruitful approach to the theoretical reconstruction of the processes of space economy. It should be included in the discussion on evolutionary economics and geography. Recently, in both disciplines creative research is carried out on this subject matter.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard Domański


This paper presents a set of concepts aiming at the reconstruction of mechanisms of economic space development. These concepts are ordered in the way that consecutive concepts add new pieces of knowledge increasing the degree of cognition of the mechanisms of the economic space. This set includes among others: a shift from one steady-state to the next steady-states, self-organization and the development far from equilibrium, multiple equilibrium, punctuated equilibrium, innovation in the phase transition, a pulsative course of the development process, an emergence of complex spatial systems, a development code of the system of regions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard Domański


Gospodarka Polski jest silnie powiązana z rynkami Europy, a w szczególności z Unią Europejską; prawie 90% polskiego eksportu towarów trafia do krajów europejskich, w tym około 80% do krajów UE. Są to rynki chłonne, stabilne i bezpieczne, a towary sprzedawane na Wspólnym Rynku są wolne od cła. Jednak wysoka koncentracja eksportu na tym rynku oznacza dużą zależność od umiarkowanej dynamiki popytu oraz wahań lokalnej koniunktury, a ponadto ogranicza korzyści, które można czerpać z obecności na rynkach wschodzących, obejmujących dynamicznie rozwijające się kraje o dużych gospodarkach. Artykuł zawiera ogólną charakterystykę tych rynków, ze wskazaniem ich potencjału gospodarczego i ludnościowego oraz miejsca w gospodarce światowej – obecnie i w przyszłości (według aktualnych danych i długookresowych prognoz). Dane o handlu zagranicznym Polski wskazują na bardzo niewielki udział krajów wschodzących w geograficznej strukturze polskiego eksportu. Autor opisuje szanse i zagrożenia związane z ekspansją eksportową na te rynki, podkreślając, że bilans potencjalnych korzyści i ryzyka jest wyraźnie korzystny, co powinno zachęcać polskie przedsiębiorstwa do większej aktywności w handlu i kooperacji z tymi krajami i regionami.

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Piotr Rubaj


Emerging technologies represent the direction of the new industrial revolution of promoting sustainable economic and social development, and strategic emerging industries have developed rapidly in China. The development of these emerging technology industries requires more mineral resources as raw materials, especially the need for specific minerals, has increased. The unsatisfied growing demand for minerals used in emerging technologies or an unexpected supply disruption in major producing countries could have an impact on economic development. There are only several studies on the supply of mineral resources from the perspective of mineral resources needed by the development of China’s emerging industries. To assess the criticality of the minerals needed by the strategic emerging industries in China, this paper adopts three indicators: import concentration, the volatility of prices and the application requirements by the Chinese 13th five-year plan dedicated to strategic emerging industries in 2016. Furthermore, 34 types of nonfuel minerals and mineral raw materials are separated into three categories. Finally, this paper indicates that the three indexes are all high for 8 minerals with supply risks, application in emerging technologies, and substantial market fluctuations which need the support of special policies. Two indexes of three Level-II indicators are high for 14 minerals which need different policy combination measures, and one index is high for 12 minerals which also needs attention, all of which were analyzed.

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Yun Yu


Due to the spike in inflation, the implementation of easy monetary and fiscal policies since the pandemic appears to be coming to an end. The shift towards tighter policies raises concerns about debt sustainability in developing countries, particularly due to the challenge of the "original sin" problem. Given these premises, to analyze debt sustainability for emerging countries, this study focuses on foreign exchange revenue capability and employs external debt-creating (imports, reserves and interest payments) and reducing variables (exports, reserve return and net transfers) for 1995-2020. The results of this panel cointegration estimation for 15 EMDE countries are 0.74 and 0.70 for CCEMG and AMG estimators respectively which indicates moderate sustainability as whole sample countries. However, the individual estimators vary widely for each individual country from weak to strong sustainability.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sevcan Güneş
Tuğba Akin

  1. Pamukkale University, Turkey
  2. Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Turkey


Various types of events and emergency situations have a significant impact on the safety of people and the environment. This especially refers to the incidents involving the emission of pollutants, such as ammonia, into the atmosphere. The article presents the concept of combining unmanned aerial vehicles with contamination plume modelling. Such a solution allows for mapping negative effects of ammonia release caused by the damage to a tank (with set parameters) during its transport as well as by the point leakage (such as unsealing in the installation). Simulation based on the ALOHA model makes it possible to indicate the direction of pollution spread and constitutes the basis for taking action. And, the use of a drone allows to control contamination in real time and verify the probability of a threat occurring in a given area.
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Anna Rabajczyk
Jacek Zboina
Maria Zielecka
Radosław Fellner
Piotr Kaczmarzyk
Dariusz Pietrzela
Grzegorz Zawistowski

  1. Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection, National Research Institute, Nadwiślańska 213, 05-420 Józefów, Poland
  2. Fire University of Warsaw, Słowackiego 52/54, 01-629 Warsaw, Poland


Seed coating technology combined with biopolymers offers an alternative method to reduce environmental contamination. However, when biological agents are incorporated, biopolymers would have diverse properties and effects. This underscores the necessity of exploring the optimal dosages and formulations of biopolymers to ensure the survival of beneficial microorganisms, seed quality, and proper storage. This study aimed to explore the effects of different sodium alginate and chitosan coating formulations on Trichoderma harzianum viability and canola seeds quality. The coating process involved mixing T. harzianum powder with sodium alginate, talc and chitosan in different doses, sequences and formulations. Trichoderma harzianum viability was assessed through colony-forming units per ml over time. Canola seed quality was evaluated by measuring radicle emergence, germination percentage, seedling growth, and field emergence. Sodium alginate, both alone and in combination with talc, improved T. harzianum viability immediately after treatment and during storage. These coatings did not impair seed germination and improved canola root growth. Among the different chitosan formulations, a 1 : 100 ratio in talc improved strain survival and root growth without affecting germination, radicle, and field emergence. Coating canola seeds is a practical alternative to the application of T. harzianum, sodium alginate and talc, as it preserves their viability over time and improves seedling performance. Chitosan formulations in acetic acid should be carefully developed to prevent negative effects on seeds or biological agents.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Cyntia Lorena Szemruch
Marta Monica Astiz Gassó
Federico Augusto García
Carola Gonçalves Vila Cova
Silvia Sanchez
Yanina Ibáñez
Antonella Colinas

  1. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Research on Agricultural Production, Environment, and Health (IIPAAS), National University of Lomas de Zamora, Llavallol, Argentina
  2. Phytotechnical Institute of Santa Catalina, National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
  3. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Lomas de Zamora, Llavallol, Argentina
  4. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Research on Agricultural Production,Environment, and Health (IIPAAS), National University of Lomas de Zamora, Llavallol, Argentina


Idea emergencji w swojej złożonej naukowej postaci została po raz pierwszy sformułowana przez zwolenników brytyjskiego emergentyzmu. Emergentyzm w tej perspektywie był ontologią procesów ewolucyjnych w szerokim sensie, obejmującą relacje pomiędzy różnymi poziomami egzystencji świata. Jednak wraz ze wzrostem popularności tego nurtu zaczęły pojawiać się coraz liczniejsze głosy krytyczne przeciwko tej teorii. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd argumentów krytycznych skierowanych przeciwko brytyjskiemu emergentyzmowi i ich analizę porównawczą. Omówione zostają prace Stephena C. Peppera, Charlesa Baylisa oraz Waltera Te-rence’a Stace’a, którzy wskazywali na niemożliwość wyjaśnienia emergentnej nowości z perspektywy mechanicystycznego poglądu na świat.
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Marzena Fornal

  1. Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, ul. Sterlinga 26, 90-212 Łódź


W studium omówiono koncepcję zaangażowanej filozofii ochrony zdrowia; za jej twórcę można uznać Juliana Aleksandrowicza, polskiego lekarza i humanistę. Dyskursywne tło analizy stanowią problemy moralne współczesnego świata, rozwiniętego pod względem ultratechnologicznym oraz informacyjnym. Wyeksponowano potrzebę przewartościowania spuścizny neopozytywistycznej i nowego systemowego projektowania metodologii prozdrowotnej, uwzględniającego ochronę zdrowia na poziomie jednostkowym oraz zaprowadzanie ładu „dobrze stworzonej natury” i pokoju w globalnej społeczności. Według tej koncepcji cel ów osiągnąć można dzięki procesowi integrowania rewolucji naukowo-technicznej z rewolucją humanistyczną, zgodnie z holistyczną interpretacją zdrowia definiowanego w kategoriach emergentnej, dynamicznej i witalnej całości osiąganej jako efekt synergiczny. W modelu filozofii zaangażowanej idea autokreacji przyjmuje wartość „subiektywnego zdrowia”, znajdując przeciwwagę w „zobiektywizowanej chorobie”. Nie pozostaje ona obojętna na etyczny wymiar wyboru życia albo śmierci, określanego w charakterze alternatywy wykluczającej. W studium zastosowano metodę badań jakościowych. Uzasadniono podstawowe tezy filozofii zaangażowanej, ujęte w świetle problemu ochrony.
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Alina Bernadetta Jagiełłowicz

  1. Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław


Kopalnia rudy żelaza należąca do państwowego koncernu Luossavaara – Kiirunavaara AB-LKAB posiada kilkanaście górniczych wyciągów szybowych skipowych przeznaczonych do ciągnięcia rudy żelaza. Pomimo stosowania nowoczesnych systemów zabezpieczenia ruchu tych wyciągów w myśl szwedzkich przepisów na tzw. wolnych drogach przejazdu w wieży i rząpiu muszą być stosowane urządzenia do awaryjnego hamowania naczyń. W artykule omówiono główne wymagania, jakie zgodnie ze szwedzkimi przepisami odnośnie eksploatacji górniczych wyciągów szybowych muszą spełniać tego typu urządzenia oraz przedstawiono zaproponowane rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne urządzenia hamującego górniczego wyciągu szybowego zainstalowanego w szybie B-1 kopalni Kiruna. W przedmiotowym wyciągu postanowiono zastosować cierny układ hamujący w postaci ruchomych belek odbojowych opracowany w Katedrze Transportu Linowego w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Działanie ruchomych belek odbojowych polega na tym, że belki te, usytuowane na początku wolnych dróg przejazdu, nie tylko wyhamowują rozpędzone naczynia wyciągowe ale też – dzięki wbudowanym urządzeniom wychwytującym naczynia – spełniają funkcję podchwytów. Zabezpieczają więc naczynia przed spadkiem do szybu po zakończonym procesie hamowania. Zaletą takiego rozwiązania jest to, że elementy konstrukcyjne: trzonu prowadniczego wieży, głowicy naczynia i belek odbojowych, w momencie uderzenia naczynia w ruchome belki odbojowe przenoszą wielokrotnie mniejsze wartości sił dynamicznych w porównaniu z siłami dynamicznymi powstającymi w chwili uderzenia naczynia w nieruchome belki odbojowe. W procesie projektowania ruchomych belek odbojowych ważnym etapem jest symulacja hamowania przeprowadzana przy wykorzystaniu programu komputerowego opracowanego w KTL AGH. Program ten umożliwia zamodelowanie lin nośnych i wyrównawczych jako elementów elastycznych o właściwościach sprężysto-tłumiących. Wyniki tych symulacji zwłaszcza w zakresie uzyskanych opóźnień hamowania naczyń, wartości dróg hamowania oraz sił w wartości lin nośnych są kluczowe dla potwierdzenia poprawności przyjętej koncepcji układu awaryjnego hamowania. Urządzenia hamujące w postaci ruchomych belek odbojowych zostały wykonane przez polską firmę Coal-Bud Sp. z o.o. i obecnie są zabudowywane w wieży i rząpiu szybu B-1 kopalni Kiruna w Szwecji.

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Tomasz Rokita


A large amount of solid and liquid wastes produced by mines and mills each year needs to be managed and minimized by alternative disposal methods like paste and dry stack. Increasingly strict environmental legislation and cost competitiveness also dictate the utilization of technically suitable, economically viable, environmentally acceptable, and socially responsible techniques. This paper reviews some of these techniques that could potentially reduce large volumes of mine wastes (with a focus on mine tailings and waste rocks) without causing significant environmental hazards. The new emerging techniques such as environmental desulphurization, covers built with sulphide-free tailings, co-disposal of tailings and waste rocks, geotextile tube dewatering, and use of tailings in the cement production and road construction for both industrial and environmental purposes are discussed in terms of waste minimization. The existing methods and approaches for efficient waste treatment and disposal are also discussed in this review paper.

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Erol Yilmaz
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Background: The phenomenon of accumulating tasks, characteristic of emerging adulthood, intensifies perceived stress and stimulates coping activity. The nature and intensity of the coping strategies used to deal with challenges can affect mental health in emerging adulthood. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between coping strategies and mental health in a group of emerging adults- students in higher education.
Methods: The study included 390 emerging adults, students in higher education. Coping strategies were measured with the COPE Questionnaire and information on mental health was called using the Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation was used to assess the factor structure of the variables and structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses.
Results: The data mostly confirmed the hypotheses. Avoidance strategies turned out to be the strongest predictor of mental health, specifically negative mental health outcomes. Problem-focused strategies were a stronger predictor of quality of life than emotion-focused and support-seeking strategies. Emotion-focused strategies did not predict depression. Coping strategies, especially avoidance strategies, play a crucial role in mental health during emerging adulthood.
Conclusions: Learning to cope enables students to deal with difficult tasks and challenges of this period more effectively, and minimizes their risk of depression, and increases their life satisfaction.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karol Konaszewski
Małgorzata Niesiobędzka
Marcin Kolemba

  1. University of Bialystok, Faculty of Education, Poland


The aim of this article is to research the psychological trauma of a person who has experienced extreme events and gained psychotraumatic experience. Modern humanities understand the problem of injury in several aspects. One of the topical issues is the representation of psychotraumatic events through the involvement of aesthetic experience. The relevance of this paper is due to the fact that an important component of safe human life is to solve problems related to experiencing mental trauma and healing a person from it. The leading research method was the method of analysis of research sources. Also, in the research, the authors used the method of synthesis, observation, modeling. To describe the narrative of psychological trauma, the authors set out the theoretical foundations of the toolkit. The authors' view on the negative consequences of the traumas of war in their further psychological, physiological, and social development was presented. The main ways of reflecting individual and collective traumas were also analyzed, and artistic strategies of detraumatization were pointed out. As a result of the study, generalized conclusions were formed about the role of narrative practices in the formation of the historical and individual experiences of overcoming psychological trauma.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oleksandr M. Kyrylchuk
Liubomyr O. Krupka
Myroslava A. Krupka

  1. Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine


In this study, the effect of the emergence angle of a source array on acoustic transmission in a typical shallow sea is simulated and analyzed. The formula we derived for the received signal based on the Normal Mode indicates that the signal is determined by the beamform on the modes of all sources and the samplings of all modes at the receiving depth. Two characteristics of the optimal emergence angle (OEA) are obtained and explained utilizing the aforementioned derived formula. The observed distributions of transmission loss (TL) for different sources and receivers are consistent with the obtained characteristics. The results of this study are valuable for the development and design of active sonar detection.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yanyang Lu
Kunde Yang
Hong Liu
Chunlong Huang


Health status of Polish goat population in regard to the viral diseases remained mostly unknown. In order to determine serological status of Polish goats for selected emerging ruminant viruses, 365 serum samples collected between 2017 and 2019 in 36 districts within 10 of Polish provinces, were tested. No antibodies specific to Peste de Petite Ruminants Virus (PPRSV) and capripoxviruses (CaPV) were found in any of the tested animals. Only single individual (0.27%) was seropositive to Blutongue Virus (BTV). Antibodies directed to Schmallenberg Virus (SBV) were detected in 46 goats which represented 12.6% of the tested population. No association between seropositivity to SBV and year of sampling, province of origin, gender and age was found. In conclusion, among studied viral pathogens, currently only SBV seemed to be important for epidemiological status of Polish goats.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Larska
W. Socha
J. Rola

  1. Department of Virology, National Veterinary Research Institute, Al. Partyzantow 57, 24-100 Pulawy, Poland
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Introduction: Mortality from myocardial infarction (MI) is determined by patients’ ability to prevent it and, in case of its occurrence, to recognise its symptoms and call an ambulance immediately. There is scarce data on rural populations’ knowledge of MI, even though they are disadvantaged in access to medical emergency services.
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the rural patients’ awareness of MI risk factors, symptoms, necessity of calling an ambulance in response to MI symptoms, and its determinants.
Materials and Methods: An anonymous and voluntary survey was conducted among 194 patients and their caregivers with median age 68 years at a rural non-public healthcare facility in Poland.
Results: 60.3% perceive their knowledge of MI as insufficient. Only 26.3% were able to recognise all suggested MI risk factors. 44.8% did not know whether they are at risk of MI. Furthermore, 78% of respondents who had at least three MI risk factors were unaware of being at risk. 45.4% recognised at least three out of four suggested MI symptoms. 76.2% would call an ambulance in response to chest pain suggesting they have MI. Merely 80% were able to provide the emergency phone number. Moreover, among respondents who declared they would not call an ambulance, 38.7% were afraid of in-hospital COVID-19 infection or healthcare system collapse.
Conclusions: Rural patients’ knowledge of MI risk factors, symptoms, and proper response to them is insufficient. The problem is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. To improve survival in MI an education campaign is needed.
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1. Centrala NFZ DA i I. NFZ o Zdrowiu, Choroba Niedokrwienna Serca.; 2020. https://www.nfz.gov.pl/aktualnosci/aktualnosci-centrali/nowy-raport-nfz-depresja,7593.html.
2. Bandosz P., O’Flaherty M., Drygas W., et al.: Decline in mortality from coronary heart disease in Poland after socioeconomic transformation: Modelling study. BMJ. 2012; 344 (7842). doi: 10.1136/bmj.d8136.
3. Brodie B.R., Kissling G.: Relationship between delay in performing direct coronary angioplasty and early clinical outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circulation. 2000; 102 (4): E29– 30. doi: 10.1161/01.cir.102.4.e29.
4. Swanoski M.T., Lutfiyya M.N., Amaro M.L., Akers M.F., Huot K.L.: Knowledge of heart attack and stroke symptomology: A cross-sectional comparison of rural and non-rural US adults. BMC Public Health. 2012; 12 (1). doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-283.
5. Piepoli M.F., Hoes A.W., Agewall S., et al.: 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Eur Heart J. 2016; 37 (29): 2315–2381. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehw106.
6. Waśniowska A., Kopeć G., Szafraniec K., et al.: Assessment of knowledge on cardiovascular disease risk factors by postal survey in residents of Małopolska Voivodeship. Małopolska CArdiovascular PReventive Intervention Study (M-CAPRI). Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017; 24 (2): 201–206. doi: 10.5604/12321966.1228400.
7. Homko C.J., Santamore W.P., Zamora L., et al.: Cardiovascular disease knowledge and risk perception among underserved individuals at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2008; 23 (4): 332–337. doi: 10.1097/01.JCN.0000317432.44586.aa.
8. Kopec G., Sobien B., Podolec M., et al.: Knowledge of a patient-dependant phase of acute myocardial infarction in Polish adults: The role of physician’s advice. Eur J Public Health. 2011; 21 (5): 603–608. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckq110.
9. Birnbach B., Höpner J., Mikolajczyk R.: Cardiac symptom attribution and knowledge of the symptoms of acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2020; 20 (1). doi: 10.1186/s12872-020-01714-8.
10. Lozzi L., Carstensen S., Rasmussen H., Nelson G.: Why do acute myocardial infarction patients not call an ambulance? An interview with patients presenting to hospital with acute myocardial infarction symptoms. Intern Med J. 2005; 35 (11): 668–671. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2005.00957.x.
11. Legutko J., Niewiara L., Bartus S., et al.: Decline in the number of coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention procedures in patients with acute myocardial infarction in Poland during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Kardiol Pol. 2020; 78 (6): 574–576. doi: 10.33963/KP.15393.
12. Rattka M., Dreyhaupt J., Winsauer C., et al.: Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality of patients with STEMI: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart. 2021; 107 (6): 482–487. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-318360.
13. Siudak Z., Grygier M., Wojakowski W., et al.: Clinical and procedural characteristics of COVID-19 patients treated with percutaneous coronary interventions. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2020; 96 (6): E568–E575. doi: 10.1002/ccd.29134.
14. Azul Freitas A., Baptista R., Gonçalves V., et al.: Impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on ST-elevation myocardial infarction admissions and outcomes in a Portuguese primary percutaneous coronary intervention center: Preliminary Data. Rev Port Cardiol. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.repc.2020.10.012.
15. Perrin N., Iglesias Juan F., Florian R., et al.: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on acute coronary syndromes. Swiss Med Wkly. 2020; 150 (51). doi: 10.4414/smw.2020.20448.
16. Aldujeli A., Hamadeh A., Briedis K., et al.: Delays in Presentation in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cardiol Res. 2020; 11 (6): 386–391. doi: 10.14740/cr1175.
17. Grech N., Xuereb R., England K., Xuereb R.G., Caruana M.: When the patients stayed home: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on acute cardiac admissions and cardiac mortality in Malta. J Public Heal. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10389-021-01520-2.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Korman
Dominik Felkle
Tomasz Korman

  1. Students’ Scientific Group at the Second Department of Cardiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Family Medicine Practice, 32-740 Łapanów, Poland


Aim: Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of three mobile (portable) rescue aspirators models in the opinion of state fire service officers. Comparison with the use of the medical simulation element.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted in organizational units of the State Fire Service (24-hour officers). The research consisted in carrying out the task with the use of three models of mobile rescue aspirators (manual, hand-foot, battery). Each participating firefighter had the task of sucking up an equal amount of fluid (100 ml, respectively) with each model of an aspirator. The test fluid was water at room temperature in a homogeneous 1:1 mixture with sugar (increased viscosity and density, simulated real conditions). Immediately after three suction attempts (with measured suction time), each officer completed a questionnaire on the three models used. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the variables. The following measures were calculated for the variables: mean (M) and standard deviation (SD), minimum, maximum. The following measures were calculated for categorical variables: number (n) and frequency (%).
Results: 184 officers (182 M and 2 F) took part in the study, including commanders 18.43%, rescuers 65.22%, drivers 16.30%. In the study area 1,609 officers serve in the combat division as at the end of 2021. The studied group accounts for 11.43%. Age of respondents M 34.04 SD 8.24 Min 21 Max 52, length of service M 8.48, SD 7.20 Min 1, Max 25. The longest mean time of completing the task was recorded for model 2 (hand-foot) and it was 6.77 sec.
Conclusions: SFS officers highly appreciated the usefulness and effectiveness of the battery-operated automatic aspirator. This assessment may contribute to the widespread introduction of such a model to rescue sets in the SFS. Time of performing the task by mode 1 was significantly longer by elderly people. People with experience with the model 1 during rescue and firefighting operations had a significantly shorter time of performing the task with the use of the model 2. According to the subjective assessment of firefighters, the most effective is model 3, which is confirmed by the suction time obtained at the work station.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Dudziński
Tomasz Kubiak
Mariusz Feltynowski
Mariusz Panczyk
Piotr Leszczyński

  1. John Paul II Academy of Applied Sciences in Biala Podlaska, Poland
  2. Academy of Applied Sciences Mieszka I in Poznan, Poland
  3. The Main School of Fire Service, Warsaw, Poland
  4. Department of Education and Research in Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
  5. Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland


Raport zawiera szczegółową analizę wyników najnowszych badań dotyczących skutków stosowania neonikotynoidów i ich substytutów oraz narzędzi do ograniczenia lub wyeliminowania w przyszłości pestycydów w zwalczaniu szkodników roślin. Analiza stanowi istotny wkład merytoryczny do szerszej debaty w Komisji i Parlamencie Europejskim i państwach członkowskich na temat ryzyka dla środowiska stwarzanego przez pestycydy. Drastyczny wzrost ładunku toksycznego i ciągły spadek populacji owadów zapylających rośliny w wyniku stosowania pestycydów nowej generacji przemawia za realizacją celu Komisji Europejskiej, zakładającego ograniczenie o 50% stosowania chemicznych pestycydów w Unii Europejskiej do 2030 roku. EASAC popiera działania mające na celu wspieranie integrowanej ochrony roślin (IPM) opartej na metodach biologicznych, a nie chemicznych jako głównego narzędzia w walce ze szkodnikami. Istnieją ograniczenia ekonomiczne i kulturowe stosowania IPM, a ich wyeliminowanie wymaga skoordynowanych działań, począwszy od badań, szkoleń, doradztwa, monitorowania po zachęty i regulacje finansowe. Aktualne wskaźniki zagrożeń związanych z pestycydami powinny uwzględniać szczegółową ocenę działania toksycznego pestycydów, ich pozostałości w środowisku, wpływu na organizmy niebędące przedmiotem zwalczania, zwłaszcza owady zapylające i naturalni wrogowie szkodników, aby zmniejszyć zagrożenia dla zdrowia i różnorodności biologicznej.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Lipiec

  1. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN im. Bohdana Dobrzańskiegow Lublinie
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This paper studies an evacuation problem described by a leader-follower model with bounded confidence under predictive mechanisms. We design a control strategy in such a way that agents are guided by a leader, which follows the evacuation path. The proposed evacuation algorithm is based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) that uses the current and the past information of the system to predict future agents’ behaviors. It can be observed that, with MPC method, the leader-following consensus is obtained faster in comparison to the conventional optimal control technique. The effectiveness of the developed MPC evacuation algorithm with respect to different parameters and different time domains is illustrated by numerical examples.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ricardo Almeida
Ewa Girejko
Luís Machado
3 4
Agnieszka B. Malinowska
Natália Martins

  1. Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA), Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, 3810–193 Aveiro, Portugal
  2. Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok University of Technology, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
  3. Institute of Systems and Robotics, DEEC – UC, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal
  4. Department of Mathematics, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal


The aim of this paper is to discuss energy certification systems and multi-criteria certification schemes – both the assessment tools focusing on the level of the single building and on the urban level. The role of certification systems and the emerging technologies as a means of reducing energy consumption and achieving the high energy quality of the built environment is investigated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Kabrońska


The offshore Oil & Gas Industry is very important to the European Union economy. Therefore it must be properly monitored and protected, and legal regulations must be in place. Directive 2013/30/EU implemented on July 18, 2018 obliged EU Member States as well as operators and owners of oil and gas related activities in sea areas to implement solutions reducing the risk of major accidents, minor accidents and dangerous situations.

The purpose of the article is to identify all the possible hazards that may occur during oil and gas operations in marine areas and attempt to assess the risk along with providing effective responses in the event of its occurrence by preparing appropriate plans for responding to the situation. For the completion of the main purpose of the work the provisions of Directive 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations were presented and analyzed using the Hazard Identification method, the analysis of available reports prepared by the European Commission, classification bodies and own experience obtained while working in the offshore industry during searching, drilling and oil and gas production located under the seabed at the Polish Economic Executive Zone. The study presents numerous analyses and comments, which were presented in the form of graphs and tables, based on international reports and own experience gained while working in an offshore company.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alicja Mrozowska

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