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Various types of events and emergency situations have a significant impact on the safety of people and the environment. This especially refers to the incidents involving the emission of pollutants, such as ammonia, into the atmosphere. The article presents the concept of combining unmanned aerial vehicles with contamination plume modelling. Such a solution allows for mapping negative effects of ammonia release caused by the damage to a tank (with set parameters) during its transport as well as by the point leakage (such as unsealing in the installation). Simulation based on the ALOHA model makes it possible to indicate the direction of pollution spread and constitutes the basis for taking action. And, the use of a drone allows to control contamination in real time and verify the probability of a threat occurring in a given area.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Rabajczyk
Jacek Zboina
Maria Zielecka
Radosław Fellner
Piotr Kaczmarzyk
Dariusz Pietrzela
Grzegorz Zawistowski

  1. Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection, National Research Institute, Nadwiślańska 213, 05-420 Józefów, Poland
  2. Fire University of Warsaw, Słowackiego 52/54, 01-629 Warsaw, Poland


The aim of this article is to research the psychological trauma of a person who has experienced extreme events and gained psychotraumatic experience. Modern humanities understand the problem of injury in several aspects. One of the topical issues is the representation of psychotraumatic events through the involvement of aesthetic experience. The relevance of this paper is due to the fact that an important component of safe human life is to solve problems related to experiencing mental trauma and healing a person from it. The leading research method was the method of analysis of research sources. Also, in the research, the authors used the method of synthesis, observation, modeling. To describe the narrative of psychological trauma, the authors set out the theoretical foundations of the toolkit. The authors' view on the negative consequences of the traumas of war in their further psychological, physiological, and social development was presented. The main ways of reflecting individual and collective traumas were also analyzed, and artistic strategies of detraumatization were pointed out. As a result of the study, generalized conclusions were formed about the role of narrative practices in the formation of the historical and individual experiences of overcoming psychological trauma.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Oleksandr M. Kyrylchuk
Liubomyr O. Krupka
Myroslava A. Krupka

  1. Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine

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