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W pracy zaprezentowano badania z zakresu zastosowania technologii fluidalnego spalania do utylizacji powalcowniczych odpadów olejowych na złożach zeolitowych. Powalcownicze odpady olejowe zaliczane są do jednych z najbardziej uciążliwych odpadów pochodzących z przemysłu metalurgicznego z uwagi na zawartość wielu substancji toksycznych. W niniejszej pracy badania laboratoryjne zostały przeprowadzone na małym, eksperymentalnym w pełni oprzyrządowanym piecu do fluidalnego spalania. Wyposażenie pomiarowe stanowiska i komory spalania umożliwiało pomiar podstawowych parametrów procesu spalania wraz z analizą składu gazów spalinowych. W efekcie umożliwiło to prowadzenie procesu spalania przedmiotowych odpadów jak najefektywniej z jednoczesnym uwzględnieniem minimalizacji obciążenia środowiska naturalnego emisją składników toksycznych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Leszczyński


The aim of the paper is the petrographic characterization of coal from the Wieczorek mine and the residues after its gasification. The coal was subjected to gasification in a fluidized bed reactor at a temperature of about 900°C and in an atmosphere of oxygen and CO2. The petrographic, proximate, and ultimate analysis of coal and char was performed. The petrographic composition of bituminous coal is dominated by macerals of the vitrinite group (55% by volume); macerals of inertinite and liptinite groups account for 23% and 16.0%, respectively. In the examined char, the dominant component is inertoid (41% vol.). Mixed dense and mixed porous account for 10.9% and 13.5% vol., respectively. In addition, the examined char also contained unreacted particles such as fusinoids, solids (11.3% vol.), and mineroids (5.1% vol.). The char contains around 65% vol. of low porosity components, which indicates a low degree of carbon conversion and is associated with a low gasification temperature. The char was burned and the resulting bottom and fly ashes were subjected to petrographic analysis. Their composition was compared with the composition of ashes from the combustion of bituminous coal from the Wieczorek mine. Bottom ashes resulting from the combustion of bituminous coal and char did not differ significantly in the petrographic composition. The dominant component was mineroid, which accounted for over 80% vol. When it comes to fly ash, a larger amount of particles with high porosity is observed in fly ash from bituminous coal combustion.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Natalia Maciejończyk
Barbara Bielowicz


The objective of this investigation was comparing the penetration of chloride ions in ordinary and air-entrained concretes containing a waste material Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly Ash (FBCFA). All concretes were tested with 15% and 30% cement replacement by FBCFA, with the same water-binder ratio of 0.45. Two kinds of fly ash coming from fluid bed combustion in two power plants in Poland have been used.

In this study the rapid chloride permeability test – Nordtest Method BUILD 492 method – was used. The microstructure of the concrete was analyzed on thin polished sections and the measurement of air voids sizes and their distribution, using digital image analysis, was carried on according to PN-EN 480-11:2008.

Obtained results have shown a significant influence of partial cement replacement by FBCFA on the chloride ions movements in concrete. It has been found that this kind of addition reduced considerably the chloride ion penetration. The influence of air entrainment on the chloride diffusion coefficients was also measured and it was shown that application of air-entraining admixture for concretes with FBCFA reduce the chloride diffusion coefficient but it should be used with caution.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka

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