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In order for the working status of the aluminum alloyed hydraulic valve body to be controlled in actual conditions, a new friction and wear

design device was designed for the cast iron and aluminum alloyed valve bodies comparison under the same conditions. The results

displayed that: (1) The oil leakage of the aluminum alloyed hydraulic valve body was higher than the corresponding oil leakage of the iron

body during the initial running stage. Besides during a later running stage, the oil leakage of the aluminum alloyed body was lower than

corresponding oil leakage of the iron body; (2) The actual oil leakage of different materials consisted of two parts: the foundation leakage

that was the leakage of the valve without wear and wear leakage that was caused by the worn valve body; (3) The aluminum alloyed valve

could rely on the dust filling furrow and melting mechanism that led the body surface to retain dynamic balance, resulting in the valve

leakage preservation at a low level. The aluminum alloy modified valve body can meet the requirements of hydraulic leakage under

pressure, possibly constituting this alloy suitable for hydraulic valve body manufacturing.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Li Rong
Chen Lunjun
Su Ming
Zeng Qi
Liu Yong


Hydroacoustic projectors are useful for generating low frequency sounds in water. Existing works on hydroacoustic projectors require two significant enhancements, especially for designers. First, we need to understand the influence of important projector design parameters on its performance. Such insights can be very useful in developing a compact and efficient projector. Second, there is a need for an integrated model of the projector based on easily available and user-friendly numerical tools which do not require development of complex customised mathematical analogs of projector components. The present work addresses both such needs. Towards these goals, an experimentally validated, easy-to-build projector model was developed and used to conduct design sensitivity studies. We show that reductions in pipe compliance and air content in oil, and an increase in orifice discharge coefficient can yield remarkable improvements in projector’s SPL. We also show that reductions in pipe length and cylinder diameter cause moderate improvements in performance in mass and stiffness controlled regions, respectively. In contrast, the projector performance is insensitive to changes in pistonic mass, cylinder length, and diaphragm stiffness. Finally, we report that while pipe compliance and air content in oil can sharply alter system resonance, the effects of changes in pipe length and pistonic mass on it are moderate in nature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vattaparambil Sreedharan Sreejith
Nachiketa Tiwari

  1. Dhwani Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India

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