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“The Unsleeping Eye” is one of the frequent themes of Ukrainian domestic icons in the 19th century. The little Jesus is resting on the cross lying on the ground, and next to him there are the instruments of the Passion. His closed eyes indicate sleep (death?) after the crucifixion, and the arma passionis emphasize the Passion contents. A late medieval Byzantine theme with deep and complex symbolism, called in Greek άναπεσών (Anapeson) constitutes the origin of this representation. The main idea of this picture grows from the parallel of the lion – Christ, described in the fourth‑century Greek Physiologist. The article shows how the theme, which arose within Byzantine intellectual circles, in gradually changing its form, content and purpose, settled down in the art of the common people.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Gronek

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

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