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Interpretative strategies are explored as a type of textual strategies alongside narrative and receptive ones. We illustrate modern, prose‑bound interpretative strategies targeting various types of perception and aesthetic delight. The interpretative strategies of modern Ukrainian and Polish prose are affected by the author’s choice of the convention lines implemented in the story, and the types of perception the story is targeting. These parameters help implement the story’s semantic structure, which determines the way it is interpreted by the reader. The reader’s own life, emotional, and receptive experience builds a criterion for the story’s maturity. The reader’s interpretative effort is seen in the text as a game which is divided into separate milestones and requires a shift in the interpretative vector at each of them or implies the reader’s ability to perceive the virtual worlds of the rhizomatic plot that maps a modern person’s mental processes. The ability to notice in one text various interpretative strategies constitutes one of the ways for the reader to take aesthetic delight as well as building within them man‑world interaction skills, the ability to accept the world’s uncertainty, someone else’s different attitude.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Kropyvko

  1. Дніпро, Дніпровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара

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