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This paper presents a study on the influence of psychophysical stimuli on facial thermal emissions. Two independent groups of stimuli are proposed to investigate facial changes resulting from human stress and physical exhaustion. One pertains to physical effort while the other is linked to stress invoked by solving a simple written test. Subjects’ face reactions were measured through collecting and analysing long-wavelength infrared images. A methodology for numerical processing of images is proposed. Results of numerical analysis with respect to different facial regions of interest are provided. An automatic deep learning based algorithm to classify specific thermal face patterns is proposed. The algorithm consists of detection of regions of interests as well as numerical analysis of thermal energy emissions of facial parts. The results of presented experiments allowed the authors to associate emission changes in specific facial regions with psychophysical stimulations of the person being examined. This work proves high usability of thermal imaging to capture changes of heat distribution of face as reactions for external stimuli.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarosław Panasiuk
Piotr Prusaczyk
Artur Grudzień
Marcin Kowalski

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