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Some studies show that cells are able to penetrate through pores that are smaller than cell size. It concerns especially Red Blood Cells but it also may concern different types of biological cells. Such penetration of small pores is a very significant problem in the filtration process, for example in micro- or ultrafiltration. Deformability of cells allows them to go through the porous membrane and contaminate permeate. This paper shows how cells can penetrate small cylindrical holes and tries to assess mechanical stress in a cell during this process. A new mathematical approach to this phenomenon was presented, based on assumptions that were made during the microscopic observation of Red Blood Cell aspiration into a small capillary. The computational model concerns Red Blood Cell geometry. The mathematical model allows to obtain geometrical relation as well as mechanical stress relations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Szwast
Teresa Suchecka
Wojciech Piątkiewicz


Artykuł prezentuje portret zbiorowy 231 posłów Sejmu Ustawodawczego, objętych wspólnie nazwą „ludzie prasy”. Źródło, z którego pozyskano podstawowy materiał badawczy, stanowiły S prawozdania Stenograficzne z Posiedzeń Sejmu Ustawodawczego (1919–1922), a także inne druki wytworzone przez Sejm Ustawodawczy, w tym interpelacje poselskie, wnioski nagłe, regulaminy, wykazy, spisy itp.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grażyna Wrona

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie


W życiorysach redaktorów polskiej prasy wydawanej w XIX i początkach XX wieku w Prusach Zachodnich zauważamy prowadzone przez nich działania narodowościowe, wkład w tworzenie, wydawanie i redagowanie poszczególnych gazet i czasopism. Jednak w ich życiu doszukać się można zachowań niezbyt chwalebnych, a niekiedy nawet godnych potępienia.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grażyna Gzella


Stosując do pomiaru temperatury wody metodę teledetekcji termowizyjnej wykazano, że warunki hydrodynamiczne będące skutkiem antropopresji, wyrażające się dodatkowymi ruchami mas wodnych, powodują przestrzenne zróżnicowanie ekosystemu limnicznego pod względem stosunków termicznych. Przykład Zbiornika Rybnickiego wskazuje, że wpływ antropopresji wyrażającej się wewnątrz zbiornikowym ruchem wody oraz skażeniem termicznym, będącymi skutkiem zrzutu wód podgrzanych z elektrowni, jest silniejszy niż czynniki naturalne wynikające z lokalizacji i typu zbiornika. W odniesieniu do zjawiska mieszania i przemieszczania mas wodnych zbiornika pod wpływem czynnika antropogenicznego, w sytuacji, kiedy czynnik ten jest silniejszy niż czynniki naturalne, autor proponuje stosowanie terminu ,,antropomiksja".
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Kostecki


A microstructural model of Red Blood Cell (RBC) behaviour was proposed. The erythrocyte is treated as a viscoelastic object, which is denoted by a network of virtual particles connected by elastic springs and dampers (Kelvin-Voigt model). The RBC is submerged in plasma modelled by lattice Boltzmann fluid. Fluid – structure interactions are taken into account. The simulations of RBC behaviour during flow in a microchannel and wall impact were performed. The results of RBC deformation during the flow are in good agreement with experimental data. The calculations of erythrocyte disaggregation from the capillary surface show the impact of RBC structure stiffness on the process.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rafał Przekop
Igor Majewski
Arkadiusz Moskal


Wild ruminants are an interesting topic for research because only limited information exists regarding their microbiota. They could also be an environmental reservoir of undesirable bacteria for other animals or humans. In this study faeces of the 21 free-living animals was sampled (9 Cervus elaphus-red deer, adult females, 12 Capreolus capreolus-roe deer, young females). They were culled by selective-reductive shooting during the winter season of 2014/2015 in the Strzałowo Forest District-Piska Primeval Forest (53° 36 min 43.56 sec N, 21° 30 min 58.68 sec E) in Poland. Buttiauxella sp. is a psychrotolerant, facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative rod anaerobic bacte- rial species belonging to the Phylum Proteobacteria, Class Gammaproteobacteria, Order Entero- bacteriales, Family Enterobacteriacae and to Genus Buttiauxella. Buttiauxella sp. has never previ- ously been reported in wild ruminants. In this study, identification, antimicrobial profile and sensitivity to enterocins of Buttiauxella strains were studied as a contribution to the microbiota of wild animals, but also to extend knowledge regarding the antimicrobial spectrum of enterocins. Five strains were identified using the MALDI-TOF identification system (evaluation score value was up to 2.224) and allotted to the genus Buttiauxella including the species Buttiauxella gaviniae,

B. ferragutiae, B. agrestis. Strains were DNase negative, and they hydrolysed esculin; fermentation of L-arabinose, D-mannitol and D-mannose was positive. Dulcitol, inositol reaction, urea and indol were negative. Buttiauxella strains did not form biofilm. They were resistant to at least one of the 13 antibiotics tested. B. agrestis 2/109/1 was resistant to amdinocillin, clindamycin and pen- icillin. However, Buttiauxella strains were sensitive to the enterocins used (inhibition activity ranged from 100 to 25 600 AU/ml).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Lauková
M. Pogány Simonová
I. Kubašová
R. Miltko
G. Bełżecki
V. Strompfová


The flowers of Polemonium caeruleum are protandrous. The nectary is in the form of a rim encircling the ovary. Secreted nectar accumulates in a chamber located at the bottom of the floral tube and is protected by dense staminal hairs. The nectary tissue is not vascularized, but is supplied by vascular strands that occur near the base of the nectary and which directly supply the stamens. Nectar is secreted via modified stomata located on the upper part of the rim, particularly on the adaxial surface. The number of stomata and the volume and sugar concentration of nectar are greater during the female stage than during the male stage. In both stages, however, the nectar is sucrose-dominant. This paper shows that in P. caeruleum the nectar sugars are not a direct product of current photosynthesis, since plastids of nectary cells are devoid of chlorophyll. The main source of sugars in secreted nectar is the phloem sap, together with starch that accumulates in the nectary cells during the male stage and is then rapidly hydrolyzed during the female stage.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Stpiczyńska
Magdalena Kamińska
Marcin Zych


Słownik prezentujący 226 biogramów osób pełniących funkcje redaktorów naczelnych, dziennikarzy, redaktorów odpowiedzialnych i bliskich współpracowników określanych przez redakcje periodyków pomorskich mianem redaktorów powstał w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu oraz źródła przechowywane w archiwach kościelnych, państwowych, bibliotekach, urzędach stanu cywilnego. Zgodnie z przyjętym schematem budowy hasła, odtworzono bieg życia poszczególnych osób.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grażyna Gzella


The results of experiments showed an effect of magnetized water on the effectiveness of some selected zoocides. The control of red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) by Ortus 05 SC showed the highest effectiveness with strongly magnetized water, with use of one magnetizer and two semi-rings. On the other hand, the application of Magus 200 SC in combination with magnetized water showed a decreased effectiveness of insecticide. In the control of grain weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.), an increase in the effectiveness was found for the zoocides Talstar 100 EC, Karate 025 EC and Winylofos 550 EC in combinations with strongly magnetized water (three magnetizers or one magnetizer with two rings). In case of Sumi-Alpha 050 EC, high effectiveness of the treatment was obtained in combinations where water was magnetized in lesser degree, with use of one or two magnetizers. No significant differences were found in the effect of magnetized water on germination of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cuckoo flower (Cardamine amara L.) plants.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Romuald Górski
Marek Wachowiak


Observations on the development of the horse chestnut leafminer on red horse chestnut (Aesculus x carnea H.) were carried out in Wrocław, Lower Silesia, Poland, in 2001–2003. Three generations of the pest were recorded to lay eggs on the red horse chestnut leaves. Although females of each generation deposited eggs abundantly, the hatching larvae died after a short period of feeding in the plant’s leaves and the species did not complete its development on this tree. Mostly L1 and L2 larvae were found inside the leaf mines. The observed leaf damage was, therefore, negligible.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Kukuła-Młynarczyk
Michał Hurej
Jacek Jackowski


This article presents a quality analysis of convectively dried fruits and vegetables with preliminary osmotic dehydration. Tests were carried out on banana fruit and red beetroot samples. Hypertonic solutions of fructose for the banana and those of sucrose for the red beetroot were used, each one at three different concentrations. After osmotic dewatering treatment conducted at different time intervals and after osmotic dehydration the samples were dried convectively until an equilibrium with the surroundings was attained. Osmotic dehydration and convective drying curves were determined. The values of Solids Gain (SG), Water Loss (WL) and Weight Reduction (WR) were measured and changes in the samples’ colour and shape after convective drying with and without osmotic pretreatment were assessed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stefan J. Kowalski
Joanna M. Łechtańska
Justyna Szadzińska
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Na łamach wydawanego w latach 1886–1893 w Winonie „Wiarusa” publikowano w formie krótkich notatek wiadomości o polskich gazetach i czasopismach wydawanych na ziemiach podzielonej Polski. Informowano o pojawiających się nowych wydawnictwach periodycznych, odnotowywano zmiany zachodzące w poszczególnych tytułach, charakteryzowano ich zawartość, pisano o zmianach personalnych w redakcjach. Zajmowano się kwestiami ograniczania wolności słowa.
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1. Bałabuch H., Kontrowersje w łonie władz carskich na tle konfliktu wokół „Gazety Lubelskiej” w latach 1887–1888, „Kwartalnik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 1999, z. 1. s. 27–35. 2. Bukowski A., Derdowski Hieronim, [w:] Słownik biograficzny Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego, t. 1, Gdańsk 1992, s. 320–322. 3. Bukowski A., Działalność literacka i społeczna H. Derdowskiego w Ameryce (1885–1902), Gdańsk 1961. 4. Bukowski A., Regionalizm kaszubski, Poznań 1950. 5. Cieślak T., Sylwetki mazurskie i kaszubskie, Warszawa 1967. 6. Frycie S., „Tydzień” piotrkowski jako czasopismo społeczno‑literackie, „Rocznik Naukowo‑Dydaktyczny Studium Terenowego Krakowskiej WSP w Rzeszowie. Nauki Humanistyczne” 1964, z. 1, s. 37–141. 7. Janke S., Derdowski, Gdańsk 2002. 8. Mańkowski A., Piśmiennictwo polskie na Warmii, „Gazeta Olsztyńska” 1923, nr 97 (5 V). 9. Ramułt S., Statystyka ludności kaszubskiej, Kraków 1899. 10. Szulist W., Kaszubi w Ameryce. Szkice i materiały, Wejherowo 2005.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grażyna Gzella

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


Radiometric and geochemical studies were carried out at Red Hill in the southern part of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, northern Antarctic Peninsula) on the Bransfield Strait coast. The rock succession at Red Hill has been determined to represent the Baranowski Glacier Group that was previously assigned a Late Cretaceous age. Two formations were distinguished within this succession: the lower Llano Point Formation and the upper Zamek Formation. These formations have stratotypes defined further to the north on the western coast of Admiralty Bay. On Red Hill the Llano Point Formation consists of terrestrial lavas and pyroclastic breccia; the Zamek Formation consist predominantly of fine to coarse tuff, pyroclastic breccia, lavas, tuffaceous mud− , silt−, and sandstone, locally conglomeratic. The lower part of the Zamek Formation contains plant detritus (Nothofagus , dicotyledonous, thermophilous ferns) and numerous coal seams (vitrinitic composition) that confirm the abundance of vegetation on stratovolcanic slopes and surrounding lowlands at that time. Selected basic to intermediate igneous rocks from the succession have been analysed for the whole−rock K−Ar age determination. The obtained results indicate that the Red Hill succession was formed in two stages: (1) from about 51–50 Ma; and (2) 46–42 Ma, i.e. during the Early to Middle Eocene. This, in combination with other data obtained from other Baranowski Glacier Group exposures on western coast of Admiralty Bay, confirms the recently defined position of the volcano−clastic succession in the stratigraphic scheme of King George Island. The new stratigraphic position and lithofacies development of the Red Hill succession strongly suggest its correlation with other Eocene formations containing fossil plants and coal seams that commonly occur on King George Island.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Mozer
Zoltán Pécskay
Krzysztof P. Krajewski

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