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Based on theatricality, humour and camp aesthetics, the novel Lubiewo (2005) by the Polish writer Michał Witkowski recounts the tragicomic lives and adventures of Polish queers under Communism. One of the main features of the novel is the meaning-bearing nicknames of the characters, which result from the camp practice of “queer renaming”. This relies on transforming or substituting male proper names with ironic and witty female nicknames. The paper analyses the German, French, English and Czech translations of the novel to explain the strategies used to render such “talking nouns” in new linguistic-cultural contexts.

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Alessandro Amenta


The “Tetradi perevodčika” Journal was founded in 1958 and appeared almost regularly from 1963 to 1989. Its aim was to host readers in an ideal translator’s atelier, seen as an opportunity for theoretical reflection and discussion on concrete matters arising from everyday translation practice. This paper intends to trace the main lines of development of the lively theoretical-practical debate that animated Soviet culture in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
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Giulia Baselica

  1. Università degli Studi di Torino


The article focuses on the translation of non-literary Chinese proper names, a subject which to date has not enjoyed much research interest as a result of the common belief that proper names are untranslatable. The article discusses techniques used in the translation of Chinese anthroponyms, toponyms and brand names into Polish and English. The author refers to the strategies used in the process of transferring names to the target language and presents the consequences of applying given techniques from the cognitive perspective, which entails analysing the names in terms of their structure and meaning. Particular attention is paid to the connotations of the names, the impact they have on the speakers of a given language, as well as the mental images that can be derived from their structure. In the contrastive analysis of the names of tourist locations in Beijing and their Polish and English equivalents, the author applies the cognitive grammar approach as developed by Ronald W. Langacker. The image schemas of the names are used to present the distinct conceptualizations embodied in the names with the same references in diff erent languages. One of the chapters describes how European names are adapted into Chinese. The study also provides an overview of the characteristics of the Chinese onomasticon, a factor which makes translation from Chinese to European languages particularly complicated. The observations made in the course of the analysis permit conclusions to be drawn on the linguistic worldview created by Polish, Chinese and English propria.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Karolina Galewska


Lubiewo (2005) by Michał Witkowski presents a particularly high number of cultural elements related to the last decades of the Polish People’s Republic (1952–1989), which far from serving exclusively as a historical background, turn the latter into one of the novel’s main characters. The present paper aims at investigating and comparing the way these elements, whose translation is known to be problematic, have been transferred into the Russian ( Любиево 2007) and English ( Lovetown 2010) translations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lidia Mafrica

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Genova, Italy


Children’s literature was the focus of much attention in post‑revolutionary Russia: new magazines, publishing houses, bulletins were founded which sparked debate both around the role of detskaya literatura and the reform of the education system. Also amongst Russian émigrés there was a felt need to provide “new books for younger readers” and intense discussions took place. Translated books played an important role within this “new canon” of children’s literature. This article focuses on the work of the writer Nina Petrovskaya, as a cultural mediator and translator of Italian children’s literature into Russian, investigating, in particular, her version of Luigi Bertelli’s Ciondolino.
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Bianca Sulpasso

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy


The Journal de traduction written by Marie‑Hélène Dumas during the translation of The Republic of Imagination by Azar Nafisi falls within an intermediate paratextual position between brouillon and métadiscours, where it is no longer the critic‑reader who establishes the bermanian translation horizon, but it is instead the author who spells out a project supported by a dual perception of authorship. As such, it is worth observing it in light of the recent interest of Translation Studies in the field of genetics of translation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Simona Munari

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
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Over the past 15 years, a tendency to restore the forgotten or little‑known names of scholars and translators of the Executed Renaissance period has clearly been seen in modern Ukrainian translation studies. One such scholar was Oleksander Finkel, the first author in Ukraine and the USSR of a systematic academic work entitled The Theory and Practice of Translation (Kharkiv, 1929). The conditions for a proper appraisal of the work of this theorist, teacher and translator were to appear only a decade ago, after the reprint of the above‑mentioned pioneering work. Therefore, the aim of the article is to acquaint the reader with the most important theoretical postulates of this and other works by Finkel, placing the main emphasis on innovations in his views – both from the perspective of his time and nowadays. The methods used during the analysis, in particular the synchronic and diachronic, allow one to reflect on the general translation discussion of the early twentieth century that Oleksander Finkel participated in. As it turned out as a result of the research, the scholar and translator was one of the first in Ukrainian translation studies to formulate the linguistic theory of translation and was a consistent supporter of quantitative accuracy in the evaluation of translated works.
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Bensimon P., Présentation, „Palimpsestes” 1990, nr 4 (Retraduire), p. 9‑13.
Berman A., La retraduction comme espace de la traduction, „Palimpsestes” 1990, nr 4 (Retraduire), p. 1‑7.
Derzhavin V., Nashi pereklady z zakhidnykh klyasykiv ta potreby suchasnoho chytacha, „Chervonyy shlyakh” 1930, nr 10, p. 160‑168.
Derzhavin V., Problema virshovanoho perekladu, „Pluzhanyn” 1927, nr 9‑10, p. 44‑51.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Julia Rysicz‑Szafraniec

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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