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Celem artykułu jest rozważenie możliwych relacji między kategoriami „umysł” i „życie”. Zdaniem niektórych autorów, kategorie te są ściśle ze sobą powiązane lub nawet stanowią dwie strony tego samego zjawiska. Tezę tę poddaję analizie i ocenie w świetle różnorodnych podejść do zagadnienia definiowania życia, w szczególności nurtu metabolicznego (kładącego nacisk na samotworzenie i samopodtrzymywanie się) oraz nurtu ewolucyjnego (który koncentruje uwagę na ewolucji drogą doboru naturalnego). Pierwszy z tych nurtów reprezentuje koncepcja autopoiesis Humberto Maturany i Francisco Vareli, drugi zaś cybernetyczna definicja życia autorstwa B. Korzeniewskiego oraz zaproponowana przez J. H van Haterena modyfikacja darwinowskiej definicji życia. Szczególnie interesująca wydaje się możliwość nawiązania relacji miedzy kategoriami umysłu i życia na gruncie podejścia ewolucyjnego.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chodasewicz


Krzysztof Chodasewicz (1982–2016) zmarł bardzo młodo, ale jego publikacje silnie wpłynęły na polskie środowisko naukowe w zakresie filozofii życia w sensie biologicznego procesu, jego rozumienia i definiowania. Był to temat w Polsce praktycznie zapomniany. To Chodasewicz zgromadzonymi w omawianym zbiorze artykułami dał polskiemu czytelnikowi obraz obecnego stanu rozważań w tym temacie na świecie. Nie jest to jedynie przegląd współczesnych stanowisk – w każdym artykule Chodasewicz przedstawia jakieś swoje nowe koncepcje. Podstawową zaletą zebranych tu publikacji jest delikatna forma uświadamiania rozpiętości możliwych poglądów i problemów, co w temacie istoty i pochodzenia życia budzi zwykle duże emocje i wstępne zastrzeżenia. Niniejszy artykuł to przegląd zgromadzonych w książce tematów i materiałów z uwagami autora tego artykułu.
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Andrzej Gecow

  1. badacz niezależny


One of the main human goals is to achieve the state of happiness. Almost all people ask themselves the question of how to attain this goal. For thousands of years, philosophers and spiritual leaders and, nowadays, researchers representing various disciplines of social sciences, have been searching for the right answer to this question. One of the dilemmas intertwined in the debate about the essence of happiness relates to the tension expressed by the question “to be or to have”; the tension between the spiritual and the material world; between sacrum and profanum. Can accumulation of money and material possessions make us happy? Starting with the message passed on by a German psychoanalyst Erich Fromm in his essay “To Have or to Be” and the wisdom derived from the classic philosophical and religious works, I will attempt to define the relation between the state of happiness and the attachment to money and possessions or the attachment to social and transcendent values. This difficult, yet crucial, problem will be analyzed in the context of the current psychological knowledge related to the emotional and cognitive consequences of taking a materialistic approach to life. Erich Fromm and other thinkers who had lived hundreds of years before him, suggested that greed and pursuit of material possessions did not appease the human longing for happiness. The latest experimental research, conducted by psychologists, economists and scholars representing other disciplines of science, seem to strongly confirm these assumptions.

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Tomasz Zaleśkiewicz
Słowa kluczowe slug life cycle A. lusitanicus


In the years 1997-1999, studies on the periods of A. lusitanicus development and on the occurrence of its developmental stages were carried out. Dates of overwintering, mating, egg-laying, hatching and population peaks of the slug were observed on six sites located in horticultural habitats, as well as in the isolation cage, where slugs were reared. It was ascertained that A. lusitanicus has a year-long life cycle. The slug overwinters in the form of eggs or juvenile stages and rarely as adult individuals. Young slugs leave their winter shelters by the end of February. The mating period starts in the second half of July and lasts from 6 to IO weeks. Eggs are laid from mid-August till late autumn. Slug hatching occurs in spring and autumn at the time of plant sprouting.
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Jan Kozłowski
Radosław J. Kozłowski


Life history is a term usually assigned in the history of historiography to the Italian school of microhistory. In fact, it is a concept typical for the natural sciences in the case of which it is a framework focused on studies of life history strategies as well as life cycles. Life history analysis has become the subject of numerous studies around the world and has been gaining in popularity in social sciences. The author presents life history as a certain research perspective for historical studies which is capable of incorporating both natural and cultural approaches. He draws inspirations of the life history perspective from recent research into history of modern Poland.
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Krzysztof Zamorski

  1. Jagiellonian University


Zamysłem eseju jest zbadanie artystycznych i literackich zabiegòw Dostojewskiego w odniesieniu do Dziennika pisarza i opowiadania Łagodna. W tym celu podkreślono artystyczne zabiegi Dostojewskiego, pisarza i publicysty, który po przeczytaniu wiadomości w kronice kryminalnej przeprowadza czytelnika przez najciemniejsze zakątki duszy ludzkiej, co posłużyło do przedstawienia koncepcji autorskiej pisarza.
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Gloria Politi

  1. Università del Salento, Italia


The paper is devoted to development of the evaluation methods tor limiting condition of metal alloys and steels under uniaxial and biaxial proportional and non-proportional low-cycle fatigue. To investigate the fatigue behavior of Type 08X 18H I OT stainless steels and titanium alloys BT9 strain controlled tests under 12 proportional and nonproportional loading ar room temperature were carried out. A strain parameter. namely, a nonproportional strain range. is proposed to obtain a correlative dependence with lifetime. For the majority or the materials this dependence can be derived from uniaxial tests and described by a linear function. It made it possible to propose simple engineering method for lifetime prediction.
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Sergey Shukayev
Mykhaylo Borodii


The paper presents a model of the sealing process in kinematic pairs of hydraulic cylinders with elastic seals and an analytical form of this model based on the results obtained by the author. The prepared model distinguishes rheological parameters, allowing one to determine the criteria of a correct course of the sealing process and to forecast the operating time for the seals. Exemplary test results and their analysis are presented, too. It results from the analysis that leakage efficiency through the seal is dependent on the sealing pressure determined by the parameter 8, and it is unstable in relation to this parameter. Basing on this fact, the author determined conditions of hydrodynamic convection of the sealing and elaborated an analytical model of the sealing process including roughness of the piston rod surface as well as the seal flexibility.
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Czesław Pazoła


The paper there presents the analysis of low-cycle fatigue test results of 30 HGSA alloy steel obtained with the use of two methods. In the standard method, fatigue tests were performed with the use of many specimens, and in the simplified method, the results were defined in an incremental step test using one specimen. Test results were analysed taking into account the influence of loading form on the course of a stabilization process with defined material data. The analysis of the stabilization process in diversified conditions of loading was performed by comparison of the stress amplitude CTa and strain amplitude Eap for the same levels of total strain amplitude Eac• Basing on the tests, one could state that both methods of defining the cyclic properties lead to qualitatively and quantitatively convergent results. The results exhibit qualitative similarity as far as the character of courses of changes determined in different periods of life of n' and K' parameters of the cyclic strain chart is concerned, and quantitative similarity of the values of determined parameters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Mroziński


In 2018 we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Jędrzej Śniadecki’s birth. This work aims to show the importance of his thoughts for the development of natural sciences. He studied at some of the largest universities in Europe, where he met great scientists of the Enlightenment. The effects can be seen in his works. He was remembered as a founder of Polish biochemistry, anthropology and pathology, also as the author of chemical terminology and language. The essence of his thoughts is Theory of organic being, which is an attempt to answer the question: „what is life?”. Jędrzej Śniadecki introduced a new definition of life based on the term „organic power”. This work shows how import are the thoughts of Jędrzej Śniadecki in the context of the times in which he lived, as well as the following development of natural sciences, what makes him and his theories worth memory.

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Aniela Zubek
Jakub Barciszewski
Agnieszka Belter
Jan Barciszewski


In the plankton samples, collected with a Nansen net in three water layers downwards to a depth of 500 m, larvae and eggs of Euphausia superba were found as well as the larvae of E. crystallorophias and E. frigida. Eggs of the species E. superba predominated and among the larvae most numerous were calyptopis I and metanauplius stages. Eggs and larvae of E. superba occurred in small quantities, mainly in Bransfield Strait. Larvae of E. crystallorophias were found in the southeastern part of Bransfield Strait. Metanauplius, calyptopis I and II stages were predominant. Larvae of E. frigida, mostly calyptopis I stage, were very scarce and occurred only at the stations located in Drake Passage.

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Zbigniew Witek
Wojciech Kittel


Sitona hunieralis Steph. has one generation per year. Adults survive through the winter. Full life cycle from egg to adult lasts 54 days on average, including about I O days for embryo, 30 days for larval and 14 days for pupa stage.
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Marta Pisarek


Distribution and population age structure of krill Euphausia superba larvae is presented for four consequent years on the basis of the summer materials from 1976 to 1979. An approximate rate of growth of krill larvae was calculated on the basis of the above observations and the literature data on the occurrence of particular larval stages. This allowed to determine the main period of krill breeding in particular years. Intense breeding of krill took place from January to middle of March in summers 1976/1977 and 1977/1978, but much earlier — mid November to mid January in 1975/1976. In summer of 1978/1979 the breeding of krill was poor till March.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Witek
Andrzej Koronkiewicz
Grzegorz Jan Soszka


The model for estimating the whole life costs of the building life cycle that allows the quantification of the risk addition lets the investor to compare buildings at the initial stage of planning a construction project in terms of the following economic criteria: life cycle costs (LCC), whole life costs (WLC), life cycle equivalent annual costs (LCEAC) and cost addition for risk (ΔRLCC). The subsequent stages of the model development have been described in numerous publications of the authors, while the aim of this paper is to check the accuracy of the model in the case of changing the parameters that may affect the results of calculations. The scope of the study includes: comparison of the results generated by the model with the solutions obtained in the life cycle net present value method (LCNPV) for time and financial input data, not burdened with the risk effect; the analysis of the variability of results due to changes in input data; analysis of the variability of results as a consequence of changing the sets of membership functions for input data and methods for defuzzification the result.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Plebankiewicz
K. Zima
D. Wieczorek


Ten tekst szkicuje związek pomiędzy kategoriami żyjącego osobnika, organizmu oraz życia. Argumentuję, że chociaż te kategorie są związane ze sobą i często traktuje się je jako takie same, powinniśmy od siebie je separować od siebie. Główny argument za oddzieleniem osobnika od życia ma charakter metodologiczny: definicje życia interesują głównie atrobiologów i uczonych zajmujących się definicją powstawania życia, podczas gdy żyjący osobnik jest ważny w, miedzy innymi, standardowej biologii ewolucyjnej i ekologii. Obecnie wśród pojęć żyjącego osobnika obecnie dominują różne formy definicji ewolucyjnej (indywiduum jako jednostka selekcji). Żyjący osobnik rozumiany w taki sposób nie jest identyczny z obiektem strukturalnie ograniczonym i funkcjonalnie zintegrowanym samopodtrzymującym się, zwykle nazywanym organizmem”. Ponadto sukces eksplanacyjny ewolucyjnego pojęcia osobnika implikuje, jak sądzę, przyjęcie pewnej wersji ewolucyjnej definicji życia. W ostatniej części tego artykułu proponuję procesualno-ewolucyjną definicję życia, która wskazuje związek pomiędzy trzema wspomnianymi kategoriami.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chodasewicz


Biologia jest nauką o życiu. Określenie to, zwięzłe i najczęściej stosowane, zadowala prawie wszystkich. Zupełnie inaczej ma się sprawa, kiedy pada pytanie „Co to jest życie?”. Wówczas okazuje się, że nie można wskazać ani jednej właściwości, której obecność lub brak jednoznacznie rozdzielałaby „żywe” od „nieżywego”. Autor przedstawia źródła tych trudności a następnie przedstawia własną próbę rozwiązania problemu definicji życia — odwołującą się do idei poziomów organizacji biologicznej. Jego zdaniem, dla scharakteryzowania zjawisk, które są przedmiotem badań biologii powinniśmy posługiwać się nie jednym pojęciem życia (lub żywego organizmu), lecz trzema pojęciami: zorganizowanej materii biologicznej (dla poziomu molekularnego i subkomórkowego), organizmu żywego (dla poziomu osobnika) i życia (dla sfery zjawisk rozgrywających się na płaszczyźnie populacyjno-gatunkowej i biocenotycznej).

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Leszek Kuźnicki


Searching and exploring the motives of continuing in the profession may be an important objective of efforts undertaken by researchers and people directly responsible for the organization and quality of work. Identifying the needs and expectations of the employee is an important element of her/his adaptation in the work environment. Because the age of life is one of the factors affecting the perception of the world and work, in this article motives of continuing professional activity in group of special educators are described in the age of life context.

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Sławomir Olszewski


O b j e c t i v e s: The aim of study was to investigate the association between anxiety, depression, stress and determinants of quality of life among Iranian students.

M e t h o d s: The questionnaires were completed by 275 students. The random sampling was conducted in two phases, the stratified sampling which some classes were selected among different classes of faculty of health and at the second phase, in each class the number of students who had the requirements to enter in the study were selected randomly. the logistic regression to find out the association between demographic characteristics with the quality of life was run and according to the normality status of the distribution of data the parametric or non-parametric tests were used.

R e s u l t s: In the univariable model, the students that were living in their own homes had the odds of 2.18 times more than the others to have a higher quality of life level (95% CI: 1.07–4.45). In the multi variable model the anxiety and stress were significantly related to the quality of life and for increasing each 1 unit in the amount of anxiety and stress the odds of a better quality of life decreases 0.19 and 0.03 respectively. Even after adjusting for other covariates – in the multivariable model – both anxiety and stress were associated with the quality of life.

C o n c l u s i o n: It is useful for the universities to understand different aspects of the students’ lives which are under the influence of stress, anxiety and depression, and also determining the resources from which they are originated.

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Bahram Armoon
Yaser Mokhayeri
Javad Haroni
Mahmood Karimy
Mehdi Noroozi
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The use of environmentally friendly bio-pesticides is crucial for higher root and sugar yield in sugar beets. The economic importance of beet moth [ Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd. (Lep.: Gelechidae)] losses in the field and storage highlight the need for evaluation of appropriate, environmentally friendly methods for pest control. The aims of the present study were to i) assess azadirachin (AZN) effects on the life cycle and activity of the pest, and ii) manage the beet moth on roots under laboratory conditions. For the experiments, the main concentrations were prepared on the basis of the field-recommended dose of this pesticide (1–1.5 l/1000 l water). The LC50 was estimated for 3rd instar larvae. Later, at sublethal concentrations, the relative time for the emergence of each developmental stage was determined. The mean female fecundity was 37% (±4) for treated tests at the lowest AZN concentration (0.5 ml · l–1). AZN at 0.5 ml · l–1 concentration resulted in 62 (±4) deposited eggs per plant for the treated roots and 326 (±1) for roots in the control test. Mortality increased in response to increased AZN concentrations. The results revealed that after 72 h, the highest AZN concentration (2.5 ml · l–1) caused 100% repellency and 82% (±1.38) mortality on 3rd instar larvae. According to our findings, a concentration of 2 ml · l–1 AZN (20 gr active ingredient per 1 hectare) after 4 days affected 1st instar larvae and the larvae with no further development had 92.2% (±1.2) mortality. In conclusion, the results revealed that AZN as a biorational pesticide can significantly minimize the losses of S. ocellatella on sugar beet crops.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Somaye Allahvaisi
Mahdi Hassani
Bahram Heidari

  1. Plant Protection Research Department, Hamedan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Hamedan, Iran
  2. Sugar Beet Research Department, Hamedan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Hamedan, Iran
  3. Department of Plant Production and Genetics, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


When and where did life first appear on Earth? Humankind has been pondering this question for centuries. The discovery of ancient microalgae is providing a partial answer.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Józef Kaźmierczak
Barbara Kremer


The author of the text focuses on the economics of everyday life as defined by a contextual and qualitative measuring of various aspects of hospitality through the use of terms such as “more,” “less,” and “just right.” He analyzes the presence of food, alcohol, and coffee during the visit of guests. Each of these three material components of hospitality is regulated according to specific principles: “too much is better than too little” in regard to food, “too little is better than too much” for alcohol, and there has to be “at least” coffee. A detailed analysis of these principles leads to the conclusion that Polish hospitality is today oriented toward moderation. The popular belief in the abundance of Polish hospitality as a national feature is thus called into question.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ariel Modrzyk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza


Autorka rozważa problem nihilizmu i koncepcję sensu życia ukazane w powieści Iwana Turgieniewa Ojcowie i dzieci (1862). Zastanawia się, czy nihilizm reprezentowany przez Bazarowa, głównego bohatera powieści, jest zakwestionowaniem tradycyjnych sposobów odnajdywania sensu życia po to, by móc nadać życiu sens głębszy, czy raczej chodzi tu o wykazanie, że obiektywny sens życia nie istnieje, a obowiązuje tylko ten sens, który ustalamy na swoich własnych warunkach. Najpierw autorka przygląda się postaci Bazarowa, a następnie porównuje ją z bohaterem opowiadania Rudin (1856), który wydaje się odwrotnością Bazarowa. Autorka próbuje ustalić, jaką koncepcję życia wyznają obaj bohaterowie. W ostatnim paragrafie szkicuje koncepcję nihilizmu rosyjskiego oraz wskazuje jego etyczne założenia i konsekwencje.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Głąb

  1. Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin
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In this present study, the effect of the shot peening process on fatigue life, surface hardness and corrosion properties of a low carbon alloy steel is examined at room temperature. The research article addresses the effect of shot peening by varying the process parameters such as peening distance and pressure with amachrome as shots. The experiment is designed by means of full factorial design. The experimental result reveals that the pressure and distance are the most significant factors in the shot peening process. The results illustrate that the average pressure of 7 bar and distance of 100 mm improves fatigue life by 1.5% of unpeened material under 20 Hz frequency while corrosion resistance improves by 4% with unpeening of the low carbon alloy steel by using amachrome as a shot.
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  2.  H. Kovacı, Y.B. Bozkurt, A.F. Yetim, M. Aslan, and A. Çelik, “The effect of surface plastic deformation produced by shot peening on corrosion behavior of a low-alloy steel”, Surf. Coat. Technol. 360, 78‒86 (2019).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

C. Selva Senthil Prabhu
P. Ashoka Varthanan
T. Ram Kumar

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi – 642003, India
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore – 642003, India


End-of-life oriented product design (design for recycling, disassembly, remanufacturing) is considered an emerging area in modern approach to product lifecycle. Numerous tools aiding the design process have been developed, but many of them work as independent computer applications. The presented solution is strictly integrated with typical design environment: CAD 3D and PLM systems. This paper presents the application of agent technology operating in the PLM environment to support the design process. The architecture of the proposed solution is shown. A method of product assessment, based of three indicators, is described. The example analysis of real household appliance is presented

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Diakun
E. Dostatni

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