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Będzie albo zrównoważony rozwój, albo żaden, ostrzega prof. dr hab. Bogusław Fiedor z Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu oraz przewodniczący Komitetu Nauk Ekonomicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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Bogusław Fiedor

  1. Komitet Nauk Ekonomicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
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Poland is now faced with the task of developing a long-term energy policy for decades to come, a strategy capable of reconciling the security of power supplies as well as effective economic processes, ensuring adequate standards of environmental protection. The process in which fossil fuels are converted into energy carriers of choice is accompanied by the emission of various gas substances which escape into the environment. Later on, those substances accumulate in the atmosphere as greenhouse gases affecting the Earth’s radiation balance – the greenhouse effect. Upsetting the balance between emission levels of those gases and the capacity to convert them in the atmosphere is the reason for climate changes. Sustainable development indices constitute a monitoring tool which makes it possible to create a statistical image of a country from the perspective of a new development paradigm. The most important feature of this index is the capability of comparing values, enabling to determine the position of a given object with reference to other objects. The article analyses 8 indexes of sustainable development in terms of using biomass for power generation purposes. The analysis was performed to include three social order indices, two economic indices and one environmental order index. It was concluded that the use of biomass in power generation can reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses significantly at several stages: the emission can be eliminated from the biological process of biomass conversion, storage and it can also be reduced during transportation.

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Wiktoria Sobczyk
Paulina Gałka
Martyna Nawrocka
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Celem każdego rządu jest stworzenie dobrych warunków dla zrównoważonego rozwoju sektora energetycznego, co wiąże się z kolei z rozwojem gospodarki danego kraju. W poszczególnych państwach przyjmuje się indywidualne modele zarządzania sektorem energetycznym. W Polsce coraz częściej podejmowane są próby określenia nowego modelu strategii energetycznej, spełniającego oczekiwania odbiorców, przy jednoczesnym wypełnieniu wymogów stawianych przez Unię Europejską. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano klastry funkcjonujące na krajowym rynku. Wskazano ich wspólne i odmienne cechy, a także podkreślono ich rolę w zrównoważonym rozwoju gospodarki.
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Beata Fraś
Oleksandr Ivashchuk
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This article aims to present the issues related to the legal framework for conducting economic activity in the form of marine aquaculture, consisting of farming marine organisms. The work analyses mainly selected the regulations of international law because it is these regulations that shape the rights and obligations of states, producers, farmers and society in the field of ocean farming, as well as in the context of marine resources, which are undoubtedly a common good for all mankind. The author also discusses the legal status of maritime areas in which aquaculture is cultivated.

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Jakub Puszkarski
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Architecture changes the environment. This process generates permanent, long-term effects and limits future development. The paper presents the impact of model methodology on the ability to predict the consequences of architectural designs and realizations. The categories of threats and model simulation strategies were ordered. The significance of the digital breakthrough in modeling is outlined in historical perspective and opportunities the paradigm shift creates are characterized.
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Jan Słyk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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An analysis of sustainable development goals made it possible to distinguish three key aspects of shaping pedestrian-friendly streets: the functional, social, and environmental ones. Focusing on these selected aspects, the main threats to this group of users in the Polish streets were presented. Based on the analysis of the standards and good practices in street design from the recent years for selected Polish cites, the main directions of activities and solutions aimed at eliminating threats making up the contemporary trends in shaping urban streets were identified.
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Michelle Mbazuigwe
Kinga Kimic

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences — SGGW, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Department of Landscape Architecture
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Natural gas plays a significant role in the energy structure of many world economies. Many of them are highly dependent on domestic resources exploitation, other on its deliveries from non-domestic directions. In Poland its importance was relatively low, but in recent years we can observe an increase of interest in this raw material. The aim of the paper is to present the role of natural gas as a primary energy carrier and to determine its impact on the sustainable development and energy security of Poland. The role of gas in the European Union restrictions and development of the domestic economy is also a point. Theoretical deliberations are focused on the most important features of the Polish natural gas market. The article presents the most important national regulations concerning the development of the gas sector in Poland. The amount of natural gas resources are shown as well as indigenous production of the fuel and imports, including the directions from which natural gas is imported. Both political and geographical aspects of the directions of natural gas acquisition are discussed. The level and potential abilities of the diversification of the natural gas supply are discussed. The importance of gas storages in underground gas repositories is underlined. The authors point to the increase in the diversification of raw materials in the structure of electricity, heat production and the transition to pro-ecological fuels.

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Monika Pepłowska
Lidia Gawlik
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Profesor Anna-Katharina Hornidge tłumaczy, jak łączyć perspektywy naukowców, polityków, obywateli, przedsiębiorstw i państw w sposób, który pozwoli realnie walczyć z kryzysem klimatycznym.
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Anna-Katharina Hornidge
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Budowanie miast odpornych na zmiany klimatu czy konsultacje społeczne to jedne z najważniejszych dziś elementów planowania przestrzeni.
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Piotr Lorens

  1. Katedra Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Gdańska
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The development of both the town and the administrative commune of Zielona Góra is characterised by a progressive process of uncontrolled linear urban development, so called urban sprawl. This phenomenon has existed in the town for a long time, but because of the fast development in the 21st century it is now even stronger and has an unfavourable impact on the dwellers’ comfort, communication and accessibility. The directions of changes adopted for spatial development in the current strategic documents of the new town (since 1 January 2015), which came into being as a result of the merger between the town and the rural commune of Zielona Góra, do not guarantee that the unfavourable processes will be stopped. The process of uncontrolled urban development results in the growth of dense urban structures along the roads and communication routes. This prevents an optimum use of areas located further away or behind the existing infrastructure and causes dead zones to appear, where there are no communications or infrastructure. With each new investment (a plot of land with access to a public road, as specified by the regulations) the distance between recreational areas (green spaces) and the town centre increases. The deteriorating dwelling conditions are a direct result of the unfavourable phenomenon of urban sprawl.

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Marta Skiba
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The paper presents an analysis of the sustainable development of electricity generation sources in the National Power System (NPS). The criteria to be met by sustainable power systems were determined. The paper delineates the power balance of centrally dispatched power generation units (CDPGU), which is required for the secure work of the NPS until 2035. 19 prospective electricity generation technologies were defined. They were divided into the following three groups: system power plants, large and medium combined heat and power (CHP) plants, as well as small power plants and CHP plants (distributed sources). The quantities to characterize the energy effectiveness and CO2 emission of the energy generation technologies analyzed were determined. The unit electricity generation costs, discounted for 2018, including the costs of CO2 emission allowance, were determined for the particular technologies. The roadmap of the sustainable development of the generation sources in the NPS between 2020 and 2035 was proposed. The results of the calculations and analyses were presented in tables and figure

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Bolesław Zaporowski
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The article presents the issues related to ecological security of the Baltic Sea. The issue was taken from the perspective of Poland as one of the Baltic States, and also as a Member State of the European Union. The authors discussed the mechanisms and legal instruments which are crucial for the ecological security of the Baltic Sea (i.e. Helsinki Convention of 1974, or Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region “Baltic 21”). The importance of cross-border cooperation has also been emphasized as an essential element of the security policy in the Baltic Sea area. The article also indicated threats to the protection of Baltic waters, among others, eutrophication.

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Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean
Paulina Bielawska-Srock
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The high and rapidly increasing demand for maritime space for various purposes, such as: shipping and fishing, production of energy from renewable sources, oil and gas exploitation, environmental conservation, tourism and aquaculture, as well as the multiple pressures on coastal resources, require integrated planning and management approach. In the law of the European Union, maritime governance has been developed in the Integrated Maritime Policy. The aim of this article is to show maritime spatial planning as a tool that enables public authorities to apply an integrated and trans-boundary approach.

The main aim of the maritime spatial planning is to promote sustainable development and growth in the maritime sector, applying an ecosystem-based approach, and to achieve the coexistence of relevant activities and uses. In order to achieve that purpose, Member States should ensure that the planning process results in a comprehensive planning taking into consideration inter alia long-term changes due to climate change.

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Monika Adamczak-Retecka
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Commercial use of the sea includes, among others: sea shipping closely related to the transport of cargo and passengers, transhipment services in sea ports, fishery and aquaculture, marine mining, marine renewable energy, including the development of technologies for obtaining energy from renewable sources (wind, waves, tides), marine and coastal tourism. All the above-mentioned areas of economic activity are part of the traditionally understood maritime economy. Considering the maritime economy through the prism of sustainable development has led to the crystallization of the concept of the blue economy both at the universal level in the United Nations and at the regional level, e.g. in the European Union. The blue economy is a low carbon, resource efficient, circular economy based on sustainable consumption and production patterns, improving human well-being and social justice, providing economic value and employment, and significantly reducing environmental risks and shortages. The blue economy aims to promote economic growth, social inclusion, and the preservation and improvement of living conditions, while ensuring the environmental sustainability of seas, oceans and coastal areas. The legal framework for the blue economy includes, inter alia, in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The function of further development of the blue economy is the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
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Dorota Pyć

  1. Katedra Prawa Morskiego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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The introduction of the sustainable development elements in the construction industry leads to finding new ways of using waste minerals that are difficult in storage and recycling. Coal combustion products have been already introduced into building materials as a part of cement or concrete but they have been thought insufficiently compatible with the polymer-cement binders [7]. The paper presents results of the mechanical properties of polymer-cement composites containing two types of mineral additives: waste perlite powder that is generated during the perlite expanding process, and calcium fly ash which is the byproduct of burning coal in conventional furnaces. Mechanical tests of polymer-cement composites modified with wastes were carried out after 28 and 90 days of curing. As a part of preliminary study specific surface area and particle size distribution of mineral wastes were determined.

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B. Jaworska
J.J. Sokołowska
P. Łukowski
J. Jaworski
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This paper presents the issue of the vertical extension of buildings, mainly residential, as an element of sustainable housing policy of European cities. This type of construction project allows for the acquisition of additional residential space, using the existing technical infrastructure, and also not deepening the effect of urban sprawl. Vertical extensions allow for the construction of new apartments in urban areas, being one of the forms of densifying the existing buildings. The study reviews research on the subject of vertical building extensions, trying to answer the research questions posed: how and with the use of which building analysis tools it is possible to improve the process of vertical extension, so that it can become an actual element of the housing policy of cities. Three original studies were selected for the analysis: from Germany, Belgium and England, which met the criteria set by this study, presenting a universal scheme of action for vertical extensions, not treating them as incidental, individual construction intervention, and treating vertical extensions as an element of systemic action for the acquisition of new apartments. The selected studies are carried out in countries economically and culturally similar to Poland, which was also one of the selection criteria. The study is also to be a voice in the discussion on the possibility of the vertical extension of residential buildings as an element of housing policy in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zuzanna Napieralska
Shady Attia

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology Faculty of Architecture
  2. Sustainable Architecture & Building Technology Head of Sustainable Building Design Lab University of Liège
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The development of solar generation is an integral part of evaluating renewable “green” energy in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. This study focuses on the specifics of the implementation of solar energy in the context of the USA, the EU and China, taken as an object in connection with the specifics of the geographical-territorial and climatic-natural situation. The originality of the research lies in the approach of modelling the implementation of solar power generation with consideration to the main economic, technological, and resource factors. This study aims to assess trends in the development and implementation of regional solar power generation. Solar energy development is performed exclusively at the expense of private investment and state support is minimal. Therefore, the power of installed solar power plants relative to the amount of invested investments shows a high correlation. From the perspective of economic activity, solar energy in the analyzed regions is used by households in small amounts. The highest use of solar energy by households is in the USA, where this indicator is 8.3%, and the lowest is in China (0.13%). The analysis indicates that currently, solar energy is not a priority for developing the energy sector but is only a supplement. Further solar energy development is possible owing to technological innovations that will increase the efficiency of solar radiation use. The analysis also revealed the conclusion that the most powerful use of solar energy appears in China, with a figure of 19.6%, while the US has only 4.04% and the EU has almost 9%. According to the criterion of economic and technological influence on solar energy development, China occupies a leading position (9.89%), whereas the EU has only 0.03%. Thus, solar energy is currently not an attractive area for business and needs to prioritize the development of the EU economy, which is confirmed by insignificant investment flows compared to China and the USA.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Koval
Yevheniia Sribna
Vira Brednyova
Lyudmila Kosharska
Mykhailo Halushchak
Michał Kopacz

  1. Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine
  2. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
  3. Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odesa, Ukraine
  4. Odessa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine
  5. Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  6. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Axiological chaos and unsustainable man’s acting in a contemporary world has led him to a total confusion. He constantly acts toward environmental and cultural degradation. Also in social dimension a permanent and “general” crisis dominates. The crisis is rooted on multi-category stratification and based on post-truth models of interpersonal communication in traditional and virtual realities. Neoliberal model of economical conquest, in turn, effects unsustainability in economic sphere. Thus, in common reception – for the most people in the world – such situation has become unbearable. So, it is the educators’ duty to look for – with the intention to put into practise – such concepts and pedagogies, which could prepare the whole global society to real – not declaratory false – co-creation of its life in the world, understood as an actual and common home. Taking such perspective, the theory of Argentinian philosopher – Ernesto Laclau becomes an interesting proposition. The time of mono-dimensional – protestant and neoliberal – interpretation of values comes to the end. Now the time has come to accept the equality of different – having their roots in various cultures – value understanding. Possibility of local and particular interpretation of values – along with maintaining the rule of common good – gives the chance to update the education according to real, thus multidimensional humanistic ideal. Such a standpoint presents a way to cure/reform intercultural education, which nowadays is at an impasse. Mainly it uses stiff schemes and repeated patterns, so it has become imitative and conservative. In its contemporary formula intercultural education is not able to respond to present challenges of multicultural and global society. The need to implant into its structure the concept of sustainable development emerges as a must.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska

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