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User authentication is an essential element of any communication system. The paper investigates the vulnerability of the recently published first semiquantum identity authentication protocol (Quantum Information Processing 18: 197, 2019) to the introduced herein multisession attacks. The impersonation of the legitimate parties by a proper combination of phishing techniques is demonstrated. The improved version that closes the identified loophole is also introduced
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Zawadzki

  1. Department of Telecommunications and Teleinformatics, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 2A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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Polyester coatings are among the most commonly used types of powder paints and present a wide range of applications. Apart from its decorative values, polyester coating successfully prevents the substrate from environmental deterioration. This work investigates the cavitation erosion (CE) resistance of three commercial polyester coatings electrostatic spray onto AW-6060 aluminium alloy substrate. Effect of coatings repainting (single- and double-layer deposits) and effect of surface finish (matt, silk gloss and structural) on resistance to cavitation were comparatively studied. The following research methods were used: CE testing using ASTM G32 procedure, 3D profilometry evaluation, light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical profilometry and FTIR spectroscopy. Electrostatic spray coatings present higher CE resistance than aluminium alloy. The matt finish double-layer (M2) and single-layer silk gloss finish (S1) are the most resistant to CE. The structural paint showed the lowest resistance to cavitation wear which derives from the rougher surface finish. The CE mechanism of polyester coatings relies on the material brittle-ductile behaviour, cracks formation, lateral net-cracking growth and removal of chunk coating material and craters’ growth. Repainting does not harm the properties of the coatings. Therefore, it can be utilised to regenerate or smother the polyester coating finish along with improvement of their CE resistance.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mirosław Szala
Aleksander Świetlicki
Weronika Sofińska-Chmiel

  1. Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  2. Students Research Group of Materials Technology, Department of Materials Engineering, Lublin University of Technology, ul. Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
  3. Analytical Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, pl. Maria Curie-Sklodowska 3, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
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Individual identification of similar communication emitters in the complex electromagnetic environment has great research value and significance in both military and civilian fields. In this paper, a feature extraction method called HVG-NTE is proposed based on the idea of system nonlinearity. The shape of the degree distribution, based on the extraction of HVG degree distribution, is quantified with NTE to improve the anti-noise performance. Then XGBoost is used to build a classifier for communication emitter identification. Our method achieves better recognition performance than the state-of-the-art technology of the transient signal data set of radio stations with the same plant, batch, and model, and is suitable for a small sample size.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ke Li
1 2 3
Wei Ge
1 2
Xiaoya Yang
1 2
Zhengrong Xu

  1. School of Information and Computer, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui, 230036, China
  2. Anhui Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Beidou Precision Agriculture Information, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui, 230036, China
  3. Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200072, China
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In this paper, a spring system symmetrically arranged around a circular plate compliant to out-of-plane oscillation is proposed. The spring system consists of single serpentine springs mutually coupled in a plane. Three theoretical mechanical models for evaluating the stiffness of the spring system are built, which are based on the flexural beam, Sigitta, and serpentine spring theories and equivalent mechanical spring structure models. The theoretically calculated results are in good agreement with numerical solutions using the finite element method, with errors less than 10% in the appropriate dimension ranges of the spring. Compared to similar spring structures without mechanical coupling, the proposed mechanically coupled spring shows advantage in suppressing the mode coupling.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Duong Van Nguyen
1 2
Chien Quoc Nguyen
Hieu Van Dang
Hoang Manh Chu

  1. International Training Institute for Materials Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  2. FPT University, Hanoi, Vietnam
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Although gear teeth give lots of advantages, there is a high possibility of failure in gear teeth in each gear stage in the drive train system. In this research, the authors developed proper gear teeth using the basic theorem of gear failure and reliability-based design optimization. A design variable characterized by a probability distribution was applied to the static stress analysis model and the dynamics analysis model to determine an objective function and constraint equations and to solve the reliability-based design optimization. For the optimization, the authors simulated the torsional drive train system which includes rotational coordinates. First, the authors established a static stress analysis model which gives information about endurance limit and bending strength. By expressing gear mesh stiffness in terms of the Fourier series, the equations of motion including the gear mesh models and kinematical relations in the drive train system were acquired in the form of the Lagrange equations and constraint equations. For the numerical analysis, the Newmark Beta method was used to get dynamic responses including gear mesh contact forces. From the results such as the gear mesh contact force, the authors calculated the probability of failure, arranged each probability and gear teeth, and proposed a reasonable and economic design of gear teeth.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Changwoo Lee
Yonghui Park

  1. Pohang Institute of Metal Industry Advancement, Pohang, Republic of Korea
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuhan University, Bucheon, Republic of Korea
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The axial crumpling of frusta in the axisymmetric "concertina" mode is examined. A new theoretical model is developed in which the inward folding in both cylinders and frusta is addressed. The results were compared with previous relevant models as well as experimental findings. The flexibility of the model was substantiated by its capability of describing and estimating the inward folding in frusta in general as well as in cylinders as a special case. A declining trend of the eccentricity dependence with the D/t ratio was found in contrast with a previous theory which suggests total independency. ABAQUS 14-2 finite element software was employed to simulate the thin tube as a 3-D thin shell part. Numerical simulations of the process were found to, firstly, underestimate the theoretical values of inward folding in general, secondly anticipate more underestimations as the tubes become thinner and/or have larger apex angle, and finally anticipate as low as 300 apical angle frusta to revert its mode of deformation to global inversion.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Riyah N. Kiter
Mazin Y. Abbood
Omar H. Hassoon

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Anbar, Iraq
  2. Department of Production and Metallurgy Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
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In this present work, the laminar free convection boundary layer flow of a two-dimensional fluid over the vertical flat plate with a uniform surface temperature has been numerically investigated in detail by the similarity solution method. The velocity and temperature profiles were considered similar to all values and their variations are as a function of distance from the leading edge measured along with the plate. By taking into account this thermal boundary condition, the system of governing partial differential equations is reduced to a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations. The latter was solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta method of the fourth-order, the solution of which was obtained by using the FORTRAN code on a computer. The numerical analysis resulting from this simulation allows us to derive some prescribed values of various material parameters involved in the problem to which several important results were discussed in depth such as velocity, temperature, and rate of heat transfer. The definitive comparison between the two numerical models showed us an excellent agreement concerning the order of precision of the simulation. Finally, we compared our numerical results with a certain model already treated, which is in the specialized literature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ali Belhocine
Nadica Stojanovic
Oday Ibraheem Abdullah

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sciences and the Technology of Oran, Algeria
  2. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Motor Vehicles and Motors, Serbia
  3. System Technologies and Mechanical Design Methodology, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
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In this paper, an adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) is proposed for an electromechanical clutch position control system to apply in the automated manual transmission. Transmission systems undergo changes in parameters with respect to the wide range of driving condition, such as changing in friction coefficient of clutch disc and stiffness of diaphragm spring, hence, an adaptive robust control method is required to guarantee system stability and overcome the uncertainties and disturbances. As the majority of transmission dynamics variables cannot be measured in a cost-efficient way, a non-linear estimator based on unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is designed to estimate the state valuables of the system. Also, a non-linear dynamic model of the electromechanical actuator is presented for the automated clutch system. The model is validated with experimental test results. Numerical simulation of a reference input for clutch bearing displacement is performed in computer simulation to evaluate the performance of controller and estimator. The results demonstrate the high effectiveness of the proposed controller against the conventional sliding mode controller to track precisely the desired trajectories.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Abbas Soltani
Milad Arianfard
Reza Nakhaie Jazar

  1. Buin Zahra Higher Education Centre of Engineering and Technology, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran
  3. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
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Production and assessment of artillery firing tables (FT) are the key tasks in solving ballistic problems through both standard and non-standard firing conditions. According to the literature, two different standard firing table formats were developed by the former-Soviet and the United States armies. This study proposes the main difference between these FT formats, as the standard meteorological conditions. An accuracy assessment has been proposed to justify different sources of errors through modeling and production of such tables, including applied meteorological message, aiming angles round-off, linear superposition principle, and Earth approximation. A~case study has been proposed for the 155M107 projectile to demonstrate the impact of the Coriolis effect as well as other ballistic and atmospheric non-standard conditions. As a part of the construction of artillery FT, a fitting process has to be made between available firing data and simulations. Therefore, a parametric study is implemented to study the number of test elevations per charge needed through the fitting process and its corresponding production error. Hence, based on the number of test elevations available, the genetic algorithm (GA) has been utilized to obtain the test elevations order needed with minimum FT production error. The results show a good agreement with the data stated in the literature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mostafa Khalil

  1. Aerospace Engineering Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
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Thermally induced free vibration of sandwich beams with porous functionally graded material core embedded between two isotropic face sheets is investigated in this paper. The core, in which the porosity phase is evenly or unevenly distributed, has mechanical properties varying continuously along with the thickness according to the power-law distribution. Effects of shear deformation on the vibration behavior are taken into account based on both third-order and quasi-3D beam theories. Three typical temperature distributions, which are uniform, linear, and nonlinear temperature rises, are supposed. A mesh-free approach based on point interpolation technique and polynomial basis is utilized to solve the governing equations of motion. Examples for specific cases are given, and their results are compared with predictions available in the literature to validate the approach. Comprehensive studies are carried out to examine the effects of the beam theories, porosity distributions, porosity volume fraction, temperature rises, temperature change, span-to-height ratio, different boundary conditions, layer thickness ratio, volume fraction index on the vibration characteristics of the beam.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tran Quang Hung
Tran Minh Tu
Do Minh Duc

  1. Faculty of Civil Engineering, The University of Da Nang - University of Science and Technology, Da Nang, Vietnam
  2. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
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The aim of this work is to design the links‒spring mechanism for balancing, in the three positions of the operating range, a rotary disc subjected to a torque. An energy-related approach towards the conditions of the mechanical system balance for a discrete number of positions leads to the formulation of a task of searching for a four-bar linkage which guides a coupler point through the prescribed positions, where, at the same time, geometrical conditions (specifying the spring tension) and kinematic conditions (defining the radial component of the tension change rate) are satisfied. The finitely and infinitesimally separated position synthesis is considered, however, only a component of the coupler point velocity is essential. A general method was proposed for determining the four-bar mechanism geometry. Mechanism inversion was applied in order to reduce the number of designed variables and simplify the solution method. The system of complex algebraic equations defines the problem. Linear, symbolic transformations and a systematic search technique are utilized to find multiple local optimal solutions. The problem is solved using Mathematica software.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jacek Buśkiewicz

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
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This study developed an ankle rehabilitation device for post-stroke patients. First, the research models and dynamic equations of the device are addressed. Second, the Sliding Mode Controller for the ankle rehabilitation device is designed, and the device's response is simulated on the software MATLAB. Third, the ankle rehabilitation device is successfully manufactured from aluminum and uses linear actuators to emulate dorsiflexion and plantarflexion exercises for humans. The advantages of the device are a simple design, low cost, and mounts onto rehabilitative equipment. The device can operate fast through experiments, has a foot drive mechanism overshoot of 0°, and a maximum angle error of 1°. Moreover, the rehabilitation robot can operate consistently and is comfortable for stroke patients to use. Finally, we will fully develop the device and proceed to clinical implementation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Minh Duc Dao
Xuan Tuy Tran
Dang Phuoc Pham
Quoc Anh Ngo
Thi Thuy Tram Le

  1. Faculty Technology and Engineering, The Pham Van Dong University, Quang Ngai, Vietnam
  2. Faculty Technology of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Danang – University of Science and Technology, Danang, Vietnam
  3. The Faculty Electronic-Electrical, The Quang Nam College, Quang Nam, Vietnam
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Thermal error always exists in a machine tool and accounts for a large part of the total error in the machine. Thermal displacement in X-axis on a CNC lathe is controlled based on a rapid heating system. Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) heating plates are installed on the X-axis of the machine. A control temperature system is constructed for rapid heating which further helps the thermal displacement to quickly reach stability. The system then continuously maintains stable compensation of the thermal error. The presented rapid heating technique is simpler than the compensation of machine thermal errors by interference in the numerical control system. Results show that the steady state of the thermal displacement in the X-axis can be acquired in a shorter time. In addition, almost all thermal errors in constant and varying working conditions could be significantly reduced, by above 80% and 60%, respectively, compared to those without using the rapid heating. Therefore, the proposed method has a high potential for application on the CNC lathe machine for improving its precision.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Van-The Than
Chi-Chang Wang
Thi-Thao Ngo
Guan-Liang Guo

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, Khoai Chau District, Hung Yen Province, Vietnam
  2. Department of Mechanical and Computer-Adided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
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Autonomous manipulation of group objects requires the gripper/robot hand to achieve high productivity without poor outcomes such as object slippage and damage. This article develops the robot hand capable of achieving effective performance in each trial of grasping the group objects. Our proposed robot hand consists of two symmetrical groups of hybrid fingers having soft pads on the grasping interfaces, which operate as a comb. The grasping ability of this robot hand was theoretically and experimentally validated by handling three groups of objects showcases: tea packs, toothbrushes, and mixing sticks.Additionally, validation resultswere compared with those of another soft robot hand having soft Pneunet fingers. In each trial, the experimental results showed that the proposed robot hand with hybrid fingers achieved more stable grasping states characterized by a higher number of grasped objects than those in the case of the soft robot hand. Also, experimental results were in good agreement with the predictions of the proposed theoretical analysis. Finally, better performances of the hybrid robot hand in handling the group object provide the bases for developing a novel-robotic application in industrial production.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Pho Van Nguyen
1 2
Phi N. Nguyen
Tan Nguyen
Thanh Lanh Le

  1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
  2. Department of Technology, Dong Nai Technology University, Bien Hoa 810000, Vietnam
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In this project, two types of treated and untreated alumina nanoparticles with different weight percentages (wt%) of 0.5, 1 and 3% were mixed with polycarbonate matrix; then, the impact ballistic properties of the nano-composite targets made from them were investigated. Three types of projectile noses -cylindrical, hemispherical, and conical, each with the same mass of 5.88\;gr -- were used in the ballistic tests. The results highlighted that ballistic limit velocities were improved by increasing the percentage of alumina nanoparticles and the treatment process; changing the projectile's nose geometry from conical to blunt nose increases the ballistic limit velocity, and ultimately, by increasing the initial velocity of conical and hemispherical nosed projectiles, the failure mechanism of the targets changed from dishing to petalling; whereas for the cylindrical projectile, the failure mode was always plugging.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ali Alavi Nia
Saeed Amirchakhmaghi

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
  2. Department of Mechanical Industrial and Aerospace engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
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To meet the continuous demand for energy of industrial as well as commercial sectors, researchers focus on increasing the power generating capacity of gas turbine power plants. In this regard, the combined cycle is a better solution in terms of environmental aspects and power generation as compared to a simple gas turbine power plant. The present study is the thermodynamic investigation of five possible air bottoming combined cycles in which the topping cycle is a simple gas turbine cycle, regenerative gas turbine cycle, inter-cool gas turbine cycle, reheat gas turbine cycle, and intercool-reheat gas turbine cycle. The effect of pressure ratio of the topping cycle, the turbine inlet temperature of topping cycle, and ambient temperature on net power output, thermal efficiency, total exergy destruction, and exergetic efficiency of the combined cycle have been analyzed. The ratio of the net power output of the combined cycle to that of the topping cycle is maximal in the case when the topping cycle is a simple gas turbine cycle. The ratio of net power output and the total exergy destruction of the combined cycle to those of the topping cycle decrease with pressure ratio for all the combinations under study except for the case when the topping cycle is the regenerative gas turbine cycle.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mohammad N. Khan
Dhare Alzafiri

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah, Saudi Arabia
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Biogas is a gaseous biofuel predominantly composed of methane and carbon-dioxide. Stability of biogas flames strongly depend upon the amount of carbon-dioxide present in biogas, which varies with the source of biomass and reactor. In this paper, a comprehensive study on the stability and flame characteristics of coflow biogas diffusion flames is reported. Numerical simulations are carried out using reactive flow module in OpenFOAM, incorporated with variable thermophysical properties, Fick’s and Soret diffusion, and short chemical kinetics mechanism. Effects of carbon-dioxide content in the biogas, temperatures of the fuel or coflowing air streams (preheated reactant) and hydrogen addition to fuel or air streams are analyzed. Entropy generation in these flames is also predicted. Results show that the flame temperature increases with the degree of preheat of reactants and the flames show better stability with the preheated air stream. Preheating the air contributes to increased flame stability and also to a significant decrease in entropy generation. Hydrogen addition, contributing to the same power rating, is seen to be relatively more effective in increasing the flame stability when added to the fuel stream. Results in terms of flow, temperature, species and entropy fields, are used to describe the stability and flame characteristics.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Nivethana Kumar
S. Muthu Kumaran
Vasudevan Raghavan

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai – 600036, India
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This paper concerns the analytical investigation of the axisymmetric and steady flow of incompressible couple stress fluid through a rigid sphere embedded in a porous medium. In the porous region, the flow field is governed by Brinkman's equation. Here we consider uniform flow at a distance from the sphere. The boundary conditions applied on the surface of the sphere are the slip condition and zero couple stress. Analytical solution of the problem in the terms of stream function is presented by modified Bessel functions. The drag experienced by an incompressible couple stress fluid on the sphere within the porous medium is calculated. The effects of the slip parameter, the couple stress parameter, and permeability on the drag are represented graphically. Special cases of viscous flow through a sphere are obtained and the results are compared with earlier published results.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krishna Prasad Madasu
Priya Sarkar

  1. Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Raipur-492010, Chhattisgarh, India
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Human motion is required in many simulation models. However, generating such a motion is quite complex and in industrial simulation cases represents an overhead that often cannot be accepted. There are several common file formats that are used nowadays for saving motion data that can be used in gaming engines or 3D editing software. Using such motion sets still requires considerable effort in creating logic for motion playing, blending, and associated object manipulation in the scene. Additionally, every action needs to be described with the motion designed for the target scene environment. This is where the Motion Model Units (MMU) concept was created. Motion Model Units represent a new way of transferring human motion data together with logic and scene manipulation capabilities between motion vendors and simulation platforms. The MMU is a compact software bundle packed in a standardized way, provides machine-readable capabilities and interface description that makes it interchangeable, and is adaptable to the scene. Moreover, it is designed to represent common actions in a task-oriented way, which allows simplifying the scenario creation to a definition of tasks and their timing. The underlying Motion Model Interface (MMI) has become an open standard and is currently usable in MOSIM framework, which provides the implementation of the standard for the Unity gaming engine and works on implementation for the Unreal Engine are under way. This paper presents two implementation examples for the MMU using direct C# programming, and using C# for Unity and MOSIM MMU generator as a helping tool. The key points required to build a working MMU are presented accompanied by an open-source code that is available for download and experimenting.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Kłodowski
Ilya Kurinov
Grzegorz Orzechowski
Aki Mikkola

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland
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The present study investigates the 2D numerical analogies to the changes of the droplet shapes during the freefall for a wide range of droplet sizes through the stagnation air. The freefall velocity, shape change due to frictional force during free-fall is studied for different considered cases. With the elapse of time, a droplet with a larger initial diameter is changing its original shape more compared to droplets with a smaller diameter. In addition, the spreading of the droplet during the freefall seems more rapid for the larger-diameter droplet. When a droplet with an initial diameter of 15 mm starts to fall with gravitational force, the diameter ratio is decreasing for droplets with higher density and surface tension while droplets having lower density and surface tension show a diameter ratio greater than one. The spreading and splashing of the droplet on a solid surface and liquid storage at the time of impact are much influenced by the freefall memories of the droplet during the freefall from a certain height. These freefall memories are influenced by the fluid properties, drag force, and the freefall height. However, these freefall memories eventually regulate the deformation of the droplet during the freefall.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Abid Hasan Rafi
Mohammad Rejaul Haque
Dewan Hasan Ahmed

  1. Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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In this paper, neural networks are presented to solve the inverse kinematic models of continuum robots. Firstly, the forward kinematic models are calculated for variable curvature continuum robots. Then, the forward kinematic models are implemented in the neural networks which present the position of the continuum robot’s end effector. After that, the inverse kinematic models are solved through neural networks without setting up any constraints. In the same context, to validate the utility of the developed neural networks, various types of trajectories are proposed to be followed by continuum robots. It is found that the developed neural networks are powerful tool to deal with the high complexity of the non-linear equations, in particular when it comes to solving the inverse kinematics model of variable curvature continuum robots. To have a closer look at the efficiency of the developed neural network models during the follow up of the proposed trajectories, 3D simulation examples through Matlab have been carried out with different configurations. It is noteworthy to say that the developed models are a needed tool for real time application since it does not depend on the complexity of the continuum robots' inverse kinematic models.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Abdelhamid Ghoul
Kamel Kara
Selman Djeffal
Mohamed Benrabah
Mohamed Laid Hadjili

  1. Université of Blida 1, Laboratoire des systèmes électriques et télécommande, Faculty of Technology, Blida, Algeria
  2. University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, Faculty of Science and Applied Sciences, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
  3. University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Laboratoire des systèmes électriques et télécommande, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Algiers, Algeria
  4. Haute Ecole Bruxelles, Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique, Brussels, Belgium
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The numerical solutions are obtained for rotating beams; the inclusion of centrifugal force term makes it difficult to get the analytical solutions. In this paper, we solve the free vibration problem of rotating Rayleigh beam using Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials where weak form of meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method is used. The equations which are derived for rotating beams result in stiffness matrices and the mass matrix. The orthogonal polynomials are used and results obtained with Chebyshev polynomials and Legendre polynomials are exactly the same. The results are compared with the literature and the conventional finite element method where only first seven terms of both the polynomials are considered. The first five natural frequencies and respective mode shapes are calculated. The results are accurate when compared to literature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vijay Panchore

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
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In this paper the analysis of backlash influence on the spectrum of torque at the output shaft of a cycloidal gearbox has been performed. The model of the single stage cycloidal gearbox was designed in the MSC Adams. The analysis for the excitation with the torque and the analysis with constant angular velocity of the input shaft were performed. For these analyses, the amplitude spectrums of the output torque for different backlashes was solved using FFT algorithm. The amplitude spectrums of the combined sine functions composed of the impact to impact times between the cycloidal wheel and the external sleeves were computed for verification. The performed studies show, that the backlash has significant influence on the output torque amplitude spectrum. Unfortunately the dependencies between the components of the spectrum and the backlash could not be expressed by linear equations, when vibrations of the output torque in the range of (350 Hz – 600 Hz) are considered. The gradual dependence can be found in the spectrum determined for the combined sine functions with half-periods equal impact-to-impact times. The spectrum is narrower for high values of backlash.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Roman Król

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland

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