@ARTICLE{Mazuś_Mikołaj_Filozofia_2017, author={Mazuś, Mikołaj}, volume={vol. LXVI}, number={No 3}, pages={437-448}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The aim of the article is to discuss the written legacy of Philaret Drozdov, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Moscow (lived 1782–1867), in the context of human freedom and the freedom of the imperial Russia’s system – the autocracy. The basic research material constitutes of four homilies by Philaret Drozdov written in the years 1849–1856. To present a certain evolution of the Russian thought the author of the article also cites works which were created in earlier periods, i.e.: in the Moscow Russia time and in the time of Peter I. First, the author presents the orthodox anthropology as the ideological base for Philaret Drozdov’s considerations of freedom and power. Then, individual texts are discussed in detail in order to define the view of the Metropolitan of Moscow on the foregoing issues. At the end, the author sums up the carried out analysis and presents conclusions.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Filozofia wolności i władzy w piśmiennictwie Filareta Drozdowa}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/101839/PDF/Slavia%20Orient.%203-17%201-M.Mazus.pdf}, keywords={orthodox anthropology, synergism, political system, autocracy, revolution}, }