@ARTICLE{Knüppel_Michael_Briefe_2017, author={Knüppel, Michael}, number={vol. LIV}, journal={Folia Orientalia}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Commission of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Kraków Branch}, abstract={In his article on the one hand the author gives an edition of three letters of the pioneer of archaeology in Finland, J.R. Aspelin (1842–1915), to the ethnographer and editor of the journal Globus, Richard Andree (1835–1912), form the years 1890–1892, and on the other hand describes the role of Aspelin in the history of the “pre-history” of Old Turkic studies.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Briefe Johann Reinhold Aspelins an Richard Andree aus den Jahren 1890–1892}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/106563/PDF-MASTER/FoliaOrientalia%2054-17%2012Kn%C3%BCppel.pdf}, keywords={Johann Reinhold Aspelin (1842–1915), Richard Andree (1835–1912), scientific correspondence, “pre-history” of Old Turkic studies, Orkhon- and Yenissei-inscriptions}, }