@ARTICLE{Adamska_Katarzyna_Jerzy_2016, author={Adamska, Katarzyna}, number={No XLI}, journal={Rocznik Historii Sztuki}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Komitet Nauk o Sztuce PAN}, abstract={Jerzy Warchałowski believed that the key issue in the so-called Stildebatte was not so much finding an answer to the famous question “in what style should we build?”, but rather reformulating the very definition of style. The anthropologizing reflection on the creation of style would allow us to overcome the aesthetic impasse resulting from “the crisis of the willpower”. Consequently, Warchałowski proposed a change in the language of art criticism from “professional”, treating style as a taxonomic problem, to “emotional” or “dilettantish”, bringing to the fore an essential task of style which, in his view, is to create sensations from the new aesthetic register: honesty, masculinity, familiarity, unpretentiousness, morality. To this end Warchałowski used the language developed in the milieu of the German Werkbund to describe “tectonic art”, focused around the categories of truth of material, functionality, character corresponding to technique, and rooted in the critique of “polite society”. In the texts by Warchałowski and his contemporaries this language reinforces the relationship between the new artistic categories and nationalism and is based on the new concept of a collective entity of expression.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Jerzy Warchałowski i debata o stylu}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/108137/PDF/RHSzt.%20XLI%202016%208-K.Adamska.pdf}, }