@ARTICLE{Śliwierski_Bogusław_Pedagogika_2014, author={Śliwierski, Bogusław}, volume={Tom 37}, journal={Rocznik Pedagogiczny}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN}, publisher={Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji-PIB}, abstract={In this article I make a critical analysis of educational policy in Poland during the 25 years of the political transformation. I try to refer to the Polish thoughts and practices of teaching experience in the period of 1989–2014. What is more, I present experiences of anti-socialist opposition during the socialist period. They influenced on impression in the works and commitments of many scientists and a new generation of academics. Furthermore, I indicate how my generation after 1989 went into the road of scientific autonomy and / or independence in the field of government and private education. Benchmark for these analyzes build up the hopes which we tied up with the Polish revolution of non- violence. Moreover, there was a strong disappointment, which revealed over the years due to the departure of distinctive political formation of the Third Republic of the ideals and the phenomenon of Polish „Solidarity” movement, and civil society, which included the move away from the base of participatory democracy. Finally, I look at how education as a science and practice of education fit into democratization of the Polish state and society. The key meaning for me has the perception of education as a common good, as environments and entities, institutions or management practices which participate in the democratic society. To sum up, this society is constantly in the period of recovery from years of experience not only fascist, but Bolshevik totalitarianism, too.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Pedagogika (w) demokracji}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/108238/PDF/01_Rocznik%20_Pedag_Nr_37_Bogus%C5%82aw_%C5%9Aliwerski.pdf}, keywords={democracy, education, education policy, transformation, educational system, totalitarianism, participation}, }