@ARTICLE{Ogiewa-Sejnota_Monika_Kancelaria_2014, author={Ogiewa-Sejnota, Monika}, volume={vol. XXVII/2}, journal={Studia Maritima}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee of Historical Subjects, University of Szczecin}, abstract={In the reign of John Frederick, Duke of Pomerania (1569–1600) one of the most important central clerks was the chancellor who had not only a high position in the hierarchy of the court but also was in charge to control the court’s chancery – a very important place at a court where the inner and foreign policy was focused in, where documentation for different affairs was created, where income and outgoings registers were managed and till 1575 – where judicial decisions were elaborated. The article describes shortly the principles of the chancery operations, the duties of the chancery clerks and the obligatory circulation of documents. The analysis of the court ordinations allowed only a detailed recognition of the chancellor’s and scribes’ tasks and a short presentation of settled chancery matters. A more complex description of the function of the Szczecin’s court chancery shall base on long-lasting and laborious source investigations.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Kancelaria na dworze księcia szczecińskiego Jana Fryderyka, personel i funkcjonowanie. Zarys problematyki}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/108573/PDF/06_ogiewa-sejnota.m.pdf}, keywords={Pomerania, John Frederick, court}, }