@ARTICLE{Dulęba_Przemysław_Rzymskie_2018, author={Dulęba, Przemysław and Romanowski, Andrzej}, volume={Rok LXII}, pages={61-99}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={Surface prospection at site 5 in Nieprowice, Pińczów county, Świętokrzyskie voivodship, revealed a quite large series of Roman coins (33 specimens), accompanied by numerous and differentiated artefacts of the Przeworsk culture. Many of the artefacts are metal decorations and elements of dress that usually provide precise dating of archaeological sites. Site 5 at Nieprowice was occupied by people of the Przeworsk culture beginning with phase A2 of the younger Pre-Roman Period to the beginning of the Migration Period. The coins are exceptionally abundant and they are more differentiated than it is usual in surface prospection on the sites of the Przeworsk culture settlements, hence this place could be a central settlement in the region.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Rzymskie monety z osady kultury przeworskiej w Nieprowicach, pow. pińczowski, w świetle danych archeologicznych}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109079/PDF/WN%201-2-2018%203Duleba,Romanowski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/wn.2018.125037}, }