@ARTICLE{Abramowicz_Zofia_The_2016, author={Abramowicz, Zofia}, number={No 60}, journal={Onomastica}, pages={69-89}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Komitet Językoznawstwa PAN}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN}, abstract={The common layer of Jewish and Christian name systems consists of biblical names from the Old Testament. The comparison showing how these Old Testament names functioned in both faiths on Podlasie in 15th–16th centuries revealed a close connection between chosen names as well as their popularity over the centuries and cultural traditions formed by faith.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Old Testament Names in the Culture of Jews and Christians from the Region of Podlasie}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109409/PDF-MASTER/60.5%20Abramowicz.pdf}, keywords={anthroponymy, biblical names, culture, Judaism, Christianity}, }