@ARTICLE{Langford_Peter_History_2012, author={Langford, Peter}, volume={vol. 42 Special Issue}, pages={13–26}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={This article traces the process by which Ricoeur establishes the character of the discipline of history as a form of narration which expresses the relation between the experience of ‘belonging-to-history’ and the capacity to place this experience at a distance and, thereby, to experience it reflectively.}, type={Article}, title={History as Trace and Metaphor: Paul Ricoeur’s Insertion ofthe Discipline of History into a Hermeneutic Philosophy}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109564/PDF-MASTER/1_Brzechczyn.pdf}, }