@ARTICLE{Myrcha_Andrzej_Taxonomic_2002, author={Myrcha, Andrzej and Jadwiszczak, Piotr and Tambussi, Claudia P. and Noriega, Jorge I. and Gaździcki, Andrzej and Tatur, Andrzej and del Valle, Rodolfo A.}, volume={vol. 23}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={5-46}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Eocene penguin remains from Seymour Island (Antarctica) are so far the oldest−known record of extinct Sphenisciformes. Rich Argentineand Polish collections of penguin bones from the La Meseta Formation are taxonomically revised on tarsometatarsal morphology. Two genera and four species are erected: Mesetaornis polarisgen. et sp. n., Marambiornis exilisgen. et sp. n., Delphinornis arctowskiisp. n. and D. gracilissp. n. Moreover, the diagnoses of already described species: Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, A. grandis, Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, P. gunnari, Archaeospheniscus wimani and Delphinornis larseniare revised as well. Gradual cooling of climate, changes of environment andtrophic relationships, that lasted several millions years, were most probably responsible forthe intense speciation and taxonomic diversification of the Middle–Late Eocene La Meseta penguins.}, type={Article}, title={Taxonomic revision of Eocene Antarctic penguinsbased on tarsometatarsal morphology}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110680/PDF/ppr23-005.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, La Meseta Formation (Eocene), paleontology (penguins), taxonomy, ecology}, }