@ARTICLE{Wróblewski_Ryszard_J._Variation_1982, author={Wróblewski, Ryszard J.}, volume={vol. 3}, number={No 1-2}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={69-79}, howpublished={online}, year={1982}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={It was demonstrated that in the fishes of the species Trematomus bernacchi, predominant in the regions of the USSR Antarctic Station Mirny (Davis Sea), body proportions changes along with the growth of these specimens. Measurements include 20 plastic features in 171 fishess (total length 110.2—265.0 mm). Statistically significant variations of eleven proportions of the body were stated during the growth of the fishes. Five other proportions changed in a degree of little statistical significance, whereas the last three of the body proportions did not change at all.}, type={Article}, title={Variation of body proportions during the period of growth of Trematomus (Pisces; Nototheniidae) bernacchii Boul.}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111534/PDF-MASTER/1982_1-2_069-079.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic ichthyology, taxonomic measurements}, }