@ARTICLE{Starck_Wojciech_The_1980, author={Starck, Wojciech}, volume={vol. 1}, number={No 2-3}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={183-196}, howpublished={online}, year={1980}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={The observations carried out on Haswell Island on 20—24 January 1979 showed the occurrence of 7 species of nesting birds: Pygoscelis adeliae — about 36000 individuals including about 11300 young. Stercorarius skua maccormicki— 76 adults and 15 young, Daption capensis — 220+/- 10 nests, Fulmarlus glacialoides — 3150 +/- 200 nests, Thalassoica antarctica — 250 +/- 10 nests, Oceanites oceanicus — about 500 nests and Pagodroma nivea — about 10 nests. The time of hatching and moulting was found to be 15—20 days earlier, and the percentage of two-egg clutches in nests of Procellariidae was lower as compared with the literature data. More of the two-egg clutches were found for Stercorarius skua maccormicki. The krill dominated in the food of studied species of Procellariidae. Biometrical data for eggs of the majority of studied bird species were gathered.}, type={Article}, title={The avifauna of Haswell Island (East Antarctica) in summer of 1978/1979}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111623/PDF-MASTER/1980_2-3_183-196.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, birds, ecology}, }