@ARTICLE{Jakubczyk_Teresa_Analysis_2019, author={Jakubczyk, Teresa}, number={No 41}, pages={69-76}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The paper presents the results of analysis of duration of precipitation sequences and the amounts of precipitation in in-dividual sequences in Legnica. The study was aimed at an analysis of potential trends and regularities in atmospheric pre-cipitations over the period of 1966–2015. On their basis a prediction attempt was made for trends in subsequent years. The analysis was made by fitting data to suitable distributions – the Weibull distribution for diurnal sums in sequences and the Pascal distribution for sequence durations, and then by analysing the variation of the particular indices such the mean value,variance and quartiles. The analysis was performed for five six-week periods in a year, from spring to late autumn, ana-lysed in consecutive five-year periods. The trends of the analysed indices, observed over the fifty-year period, are not sta-tistically significant, which indicates stability of precipitation conditions over the last half-century.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Analysis of distribution of precipitation duration and amounts in Legnica in the period of 1966–2015}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/112865/PDF-MASTER/Jakubczyk%20444.pdf}, keywords={analysis of distributions, Mann-Kendall test, precipitation, rainfall conditions, rainfall variability}, }