@ARTICLE{Novák-Zempliński_Andrzej_The_2014, author={Novák-Zempliński, Andrzej}, volume={tom 31}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={43-52}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, abstract={The author shows previously unknown links between Artur Grottger’s work, the defence of Glanów manor house of 15 August 1863, and the Novàk family. Along with the popular cycles of drawings devoted to the 1863 uprising, the artist authored a little known painting “Fire of a manor house near Miechów”, which was interpreted as a scene from the battle of Miechów which took place in February 1863. However, the painted scene takes place in the summer, and no other manor house than that at Glanów, situated just 15 km from Miechów, was consumed by fire in the area in 1863. At that time Glanów manor was leased to Leon Rutkowski, who died during the defence. After Leon’s death, the manor house was taken over by his son-in-law, Konstanty Novàk (greatgrandfather of the author of the article). Without any doubt, the painted scene refers to the Novàk family tradition, which has not yet been raised. Details of the composition are also consistent with the topography of the Glanów manor house. Additionally, Konstanty Novàk, one of the organisers of the uprising, was a close friend of Grottger’s. The artist gave him a few of his works, as well as his photograph in insurgent clothing, with a personal dedication, in 1863. Although the relations between Konstanty Novàk and Grottger are mentioned in source literature, the current article is the first one to show their consequences for the artist’s work.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Grottger thread in the Novák family reports and some insurgent motifs in Grottger’s artworks}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/113816/PDF-MASTER/document%20(65).pdf}, }