@ARTICLE{Tomaszewska_Monika_The_2009, author={Tomaszewska, Monika}, number={No XXV}, pages={85-99}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The Consolidated Convention of the ILO on work at sea was accepted on 23 February 2006, during the Ninety-Fourth session o f the International Labor Conference of the ILO in Geneva. The whole session was dominated by the problems of the maritime sector and conditions of work at sea. Work had been begun in 2001 on the consolidation of the Convention and recommendations connected with this sector. The author discusses the Thirty-fifth Convention of the ILO, but the Maritime Labor Convention “absorbs up to 87 ILO acts. ” It is intended that the MLC be a modern legal instrument that will attain the status of a General Maritime Legal Labor Codex, bringing together all conventions and recommendations accepted since 1919. The incorporation o f the MLC o f2006 into the EU legal system and those of its member states will take place in stages. The EU wishes to identify itself with the MLC’s provisions. Swift ratification - in the opinion of the European Commission - would indicate the EU’s leading position in the international arena, and this would encourage other members o f the ILO to ratify the Convention. The principal aim o f the MLC o f2006 is to achieve and maintain homogeneous labor conditions in the maritime sector, and also to ensure the fairest possible conditions for competition.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The status in community law of the International Labor Organization’s Convention on work at sea}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/114095/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-09-27T140659.551.pdf}, }