@ARTICLE{Титаренко_Валентина_Linguistic_2020, author={Титаренко, Валентина}, volume={vol. LXIX}, number={No 1}, pages={107-120}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The text of the Sigismund III sentence in the disputes of Kiev burghers with castle craftsmen about refusing them to participate in «munitio a conditio» of the city, the castle burghers under threat of a fine (500 kopecks of the Lithuanian hryvnas) forced to perform fortification works and participation in raising funds in the public order for the defense of the city is published. The decree was issued on February 28, 1622 in Warsaw in Polish. It was included in the collection of letters confirming the Magdeburg Law of Kyiv (from 1544 to 1659) by Polish rulers. Collection of privileges copied at the beginning of the XVIII century for the own needs of Burmese Koz’ma Krychevetc. It was translated from Polish and Latin into Ukrainian by sotnyks A. Trotcyna and M.Yagelnytskyi. The monumental book is stored in the Central State Historical Archive of Kyiv. In the article the linguistic features of the monumental book on the graphic, phonetic and morphological levels are analyzed. Variants in writing that are caused by the written tradition of that time, the lack of normalization of old and new forms, the writers’ idiolect and the influence of Polish and, less often, the Church Slavonic language. The vocabulary has been characterized from the point of view of its origin, the presence of a large number of Polonisms, Latinisms and Germanisms has been noted. In the text translators often used words-doublets and synonyms for clarification of a number of concepts.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Linguistic Features of the Sentence Issued by Sigismund III}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/115713/PDF/2020-01-SOR-08-Timarenko.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2020.132443}, keywords={monuments, charter, continuant, phoneme, borrowing}, }