@ARTICLE{Czerniak_Stanisław_Max_2020, author={Czerniak, Stanisław}, volume={Tom 8}, number={Część 2}, journal={Filozofia i Nauka}, pages={35-46}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN}, publisher={Instytut filozofii UMCS}, abstract={This article aims to reconstruct Max Scheler’s conception of three types of knowledge, outlined in his late work Philosophical Perspectives (1928). Scheler distinguished three kinds of knowledge: empirical, used to exercise control over nature, eidetic (essential) and metaphysical. I review the epistemological criteria that underlie this distinction, and its functionalistic assumptions. In the article’s polemic part I accuse Scheler of a) crypto-dualism in his theory of knowledge, which draws insufficient distinctions between metaphysical and eidetic knowledge; b) totally omitting the status of the humanities in his classification of knowledge types; c) consistently developing a philosophy of knowledge without resort to the research tools offered by the philosophy of science, which takes such analyses out of their social and historical context (i.e., how knowledge is created in today’s scientific communities).}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Max Scheler’s pluralistic conception of knowledge}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/117951/PDF-MASTER/2_Czerniak.pdf}, keywords={types of knowledge, induction, essence, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, Max Scheler}, }