@ARTICLE{Brazauskiene_Irena_The_2006, author={Brazauskiene, Irena and Petraitiene, Egle}, volume={vol. 46}, number={No 3}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={295-311}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={Field surveys were performed in winter and spring rape crops of agricultural companies and individual farmers during the period of 2001–2003. A questionnaire was completed for each experimental field, giving a description of the crop. The incidence and severity of fungal diseases were estimated annually in 14–18 winter and spring rape crops. Seed samples were taken from each field and composition fungal communities on harvested seed was estimated. Alternaria blight and Phoma stem canker were present on stems of all investigated winter and spring rape cultivars and Alternaria blight occurred on siliques in all experimental years. In 2001, most favourable year for spread of diseases, Alternaria blight damaged 87.2 100% of winter rape and 100% of spring rape siliques, maximum disease severity was 6.66 and 7.24%, respectively. All cultivars of winter and spring rape were susceptible to Alternaria blight. Phoma stem canker was more often found on stems of spring oilseed rape – up to 98% of stems with symptoms of Phoma stem canker. Seed fungal infection level was 10.0–100% in winter rape and 16.0–93.6% in spring rape seed samples. The most frequent fungi on seeds of winter and spring oilseed rape were Alternaria spp. and Cladosporium spp.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The occurrence of Alternaria blight (Alternaria spp.) and phoma stem canker (Phoma lingam) on oilseed rape in central Lithuania and pathogenic fungi on harvested seed}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/118563/PDF-MASTER/295-311_The%20occurrence%20of.pdf}, keywords={oilseed rape, Alternaria blight, Alternaria spp. Phoma stem canker, Phoma lingam, seedinfection, Cladosporium spp.}, }