@ARTICLE{Luong_Chinh_Ke_An_2003, author={Luong, Chinh Ke}, volume={vol. 52}, number={No 2}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={85-97}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Commitee on Geodesy PAS}, abstract={The surface matching is useful to solve the problem of comparing two surfaces obtained from two data sets of the same terrain. The data sets of points could be get from different sources such as Aerial and Satellite imagery, SAR, IFSAR, UDAR etc. The solution of surface matching problem is based on the some characterized contours existed on the surfaces as line features, which have to be expressed by parametric representation in frequency domain. Line features could be determined in the 2-D image or object space. For finding corresponding pair of point belonging to corresponding interest lines on the both surfaces, the image and object line features-based matching method has been used. Surface matching accuracy is estimated basing on the coordinates differences between the original and transformed surfa}, type={Article}, title={An approach for surface matching using image and object parametric line features in frequency domain}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/121434/PDF-MASTER/5_GK_TOM_LII_ZESZYT%202_2003_Chinh_Ke_Pozycja.pdf}, }