@ARTICLE{Walczyk_Tomasz_The_2021, author={Walczyk, Tomasz}, volume={Tom 9}, number={Część 1}, journal={Filozofia i Nauka}, pages={171-193}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN}, publisher={Instytut filozofii UMCS}, abstract={The aim of this paper is to indicate the preliminary conditions that should be met by the concept of extended knowledge. Cognitive artifacts undoubtedly affect human cognition and knowledge. Research on knowledge should therefore take into account significant technological changes. In this paper, I make use of the concept of the Extended Mind, and in epistemological research, I use the reliabilist theories of justification. The effect of this combination is the analysis of the phenomenon of extended knowledge on the examples of extended perception and extended memory. Research conducted in the field of extended epistemology and telepistemology provides a significant support.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Issue of Extended Knowledge from the Perspective of Extended Epistemology and Telepistemology}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/121457/PDF/12_FiN%209%20cz.%201-2021_Walczyk.pdf}, keywords={extended knowledge, extended mind, telepistemology, extended epistemology, extended cognitive system, telerobotic knowledge, augmented reality}, }