@ARTICLE{Zych_J._The_2021, author={Zych, J. and Myszka, M. and Snopkiewicz, T.}, volume={vo. 21}, number={No 4}, pages={29-34}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Cast iron destined for spheroidization is usually characterized by a near-eutectic chemical composition, which is a result of the necessity of maintaining its high graphitizing ability. This graphitizing ability depends mainly on the chemical composition but also on the so-called physical-chemical state. This, in turn, depends on the melting process history and the charge structure. It happens quite often, that at very similar chemical compositions cast irons are characterized by different graphitizing abilities. The hereby work concerns searching for the best method of assessing the graphitizing abilities of near-eutectic cast iron. The assessment of the graphitizing ability was performed for cast iron obtained from the metal charge consisting of 100% of special pig iron and for synthetic cast iron obtained from the charge containing 50% of pig iron + 50% of steel. This assessment was carried out by a few methods: wedge tests, thermal analysis, microstructure tests as well as by the new ultrasonic method. The last method is the most sensitive and accurate. On the basis of the distribution of the wave velocity, determined in the rod which one end was cast on the metal plate, it is possible to determine the graphitizing ability of cast iron. The more uniform structure in the rod, in which directional solidification was forced and which had graphite precipitates on the whole length, the higher graphitizing ability of cast iron. The homogeneity of the structure is determined by the indirect ultrasonic method, by measurements of the wave velocity. This new ultrasonic method of assessing the graphitizing ability of cast iron of a high Sc (degree of eutectiveness) and CE (carbon equivalent) content, can be counted among fast technological methods, allowing to assess the cast iron quality during the melting process.}, type={Article}, title={The Problem of Assessing the Graphitizing Abilities of Near-eutectic Cast Iron - Basic Cast Iron for Modification}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/121519/PDF-MASTER/AFE%204_2021_04.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2021.138676}, keywords={Near-eutectic cast iron, Graphitizing abilities, ultrasonic method}, }