@ARTICLE{Kowalewski_Grzegorz_Palaeoecology_2003, author={Kowalewski, Grzegorz and Milecka, Krystyna}, volume={Vol.20}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={73-82}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={The Reserve Dury, Tuchola Pinewoods, Poland, includes five depressions with no outflow filled up with biogenie sediments. They undergo terrestrialization processes to a high degree. In four of the basins there are still some open water areas surrounded by floating mire with raised and transitional bog plants. For the needs of protection service officers some palynological and geological research were carried out. All the geological cores were described in detail following the Troels-Smith system. The deepest core Dury I was selected for pollen analysis. Ten Local Pollen Assemblage Zones (L PAZ) show the history ofregional and local plant communities. On the basis of two air photographs, modem dynamics of floating mire in four basins were evaluated. The results allow us to correlate the geological layers, to describe the Late Glacial and Holocene succession of plant cover at Dury I site, and to show the stages of filling-in of basins with lacustrine sediments and peat.}, type={Article}, title={Palaeoecology of basins of organic sediment accumulation in the Reserve Dury}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/121722/PDF-MASTER/7_STUDIA_VOL_20_2003_Kowalewski_Palaeocology.pdf}, keywords={floating mire, pollen analysis, lacustrine sediments, shoreline changes, postglacial and Holocene succession}, }