@ARTICLE{Popinigis_Danuta_The_2021, author={Popinigis, Danuta}, volume={vol. 38}, journal={Libri Gedanenses}, pages={167-197}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Biblioteka Gdańska}, abstract={This paper is the first presentation of the diary of Paul Friedrich Knaack from 1811 – Tagebuch vom Jahre 1811 – a previously unknown historical source, which is currently privately owned. The author of the diary was a watchmaker, tuner of the bells of the carillon of the Main Town Hall in Gdańsk, as well as a copyist of a manuscript containing arrangements of Protestant songs for the Town Hall’s automaton. In his diary, he recorded what he did every day of 1811 and somehow incidentally wrote what happened around him. We have thus received a multicolour picture of the daily life in the Napoleonic Free City of Gdańsk at the threshold of the subsequent changes in its political life. The content of Knaack’s diary allows us to complement his biography and correct some facts on him given in relevant literature. However, this does not mean that the entire curriculum vitae of the Gdańsk watchmaker and bell tuner has already been explained.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Diary of Paul Friedrich Knaack from 1811 – A Contribution to the History of the First Free City of Gdańsk}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/122253/PDF-MASTER/08%20Dziennik%20P.%20F.%20Knaacka%20s.%20167-198.pdf}, doi={10.24425/libriged.2021.139668}, keywords={Paul Friedrich Knaack – diary, watchmaker, carillon of the Main Town Hall in Gdańsk, Gdańsk, 19th c.}, }