@ARTICLE{Drożdziecka_Sabina_Teresa_2018, author={Drożdziecka, Sabina}, volume={vol. 35}, journal={Libri Gedanenses}, pages={209-231}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Biblioteka Gdańska}, abstract={Since 1987, the poets Teresa Ferenc and Zbigniew Jankowski have been gradually donating their substantial archives containing personal documents, diplomas and honourable mentions, photographs, hand-written versions of their published works, notes with ideas concerning changes to their works, correspondence, and press cuttings from the period between the 1940s until the beginning of the 21st century, to the collections of the Gdansk PAN Library. At the moment, the Manuscripts Workshop keeps about 600 manuscript accession units; the most recent materials date to 2016. The extensive correspondence of both poets may become a source material for research into the history of Polish literature in Pomerania in the second half of the 20th century. It makes up one of the most sizeable epistolary materials in the letter collections kept by the Library. Among the correspondents of the Sopot poets there are names who have found a perpetual place in the canon of Polish literature, such as Anna Kamieńska, Tadeusz Różewicz, Wisława Szymborska and Fr. Jan Twardowski.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Teresa Ferenc and Zbigniew Jankowski’s archives in the collection of the Gdansk Library}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/122418/PDF-MASTER/08_Drozdziecka.pdf}, keywords={Teresa Ferenc (1934), Zbigniew Jankowski (1931), Polish poets of the 20th century, Gdansk Library, Pomerania – literature}, }