@ARTICLE{Korzeniowska_Ewa_Seasonal_2007, author={Korzeniowska, Ewa and Brzozowska, Renata and Czechowska, Karolina and Filipkowska, Zofia and Niewolak, Stanisław}, volume={vol. 33}, number={No 4}, pages={35-51}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, type={Article}, title={Seasonal Changes in the Number of Some Physiological Groups of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Water, Soil and Plants of the Wetlands Near Olsztyn}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123298/PDF/7_AE_VOL_33_4_2007_Korzeniowska_Seasonal.pdf}, keywords={wetland, hctcrotrophic bacteria, water, soil, sedge, stem, aerial leaf, roots}, }