@ARTICLE{Trojanowski_Jan_Chemical_2003, author={Trojanowski, Jan and Bruski, Janusz}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 3}, pages={135-148}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Physical analysis of the 15-cm top layer of the Rzuno lake bottom sediments showed that their properties changed adequate by depth. They changed from granular structure, in the lakes shallow parts, to amorphic structure, in the lakes deeper parts, from light color to almost black and from loose to gelatinous consistence. Chemical investigation of this lake bottoms sediments showed that their main components is silica (more than 50% of dry matter of sediments), therefore these bottom sediments were classified as silicate sediments. Organic matter was another essential component of these sediments. The content of organic matter increased adequate by depth from 7% to 36%. The investigated sediments exhibited small contents of nitrogen (about 0.6%), with predominance of organic nitrogen. They make up are characterized by small phosphorus contents (about 0.06%), with similar amount of inorganic and organic phosphorus. The content of metals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn) was also small in the investigated sediments. Correlation analysis showed that iron ions precipitate phosphate phosphorus from water and accumulate it in sediments. The material deposited in bottom sediments of Rzuno lake in mainly of an autochthonous origin. The chemical composition of bottom sediments of Rzuno lake, as well as its comparison with other lakes, show that this lake is moderately eutrophic.}, type={Komunikat}, title={Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Bottom Sediment Top Layer in Rzuno Lake}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123750/PDF-MASTER/14_AE_VOL_29_3_2003_Trojanowski_Charakterystyka.pdf}, keywords={Rzuno lake, bottom sediments, physical properties, chemical composition}, }