@ARTICLE{Amenta_Alessandro_Sulle_2022, author={Amenta, Alessandro}, number={No 2}, pages={211-227}, journal={Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Wydział I Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych PAN i Uniwersytet Warszawski}, abstract={The paper aims at analyzing the practice on the borderline of retranslation and revision carried out by translators who rework their own previous translations. The comparison between the three Italian editions (1999, 2013, 2020) of Olga Tokarczuk’s Prawiek i inne czasy shows how the same translator gradually moved towards a more foreignizing approach, fixings errors and modernizing the language, though not eschewing a domesticating strategy. These re-editions seem to be linked with the growing symbolic capital and contractual power of the writer on the international arena, which arouse the need of more accurate translations and reinterpretations of her works.}, type={Article}, title={Sulle traduzioni italiane di Prawiek i inne czasy di Olga Tokarczuk}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123826/PDF/2022-02-KNEO-06-Amenta.pdf}, doi={10.24425/kn.2022.141639}, keywords={retranslation, edition, revision, Olga Tokarczuk, Prawiek i inne czasy}, }