@ARTICLE{Rosik-Dulewska_Czesława_Dynamics_2001, author={Rosik-Dulewska, Czesława and Mikszta, Mirosław}, volume={vol. 27}, number={No 1}, pages={87-99}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The goal of the study was to determine the risk posed to soil, groundwater and plants by the application of sewage sludge from a mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant of nominal capacity of 46 000 m3/d. as fertilizer. Soil samples were collected from an agricultural and vegetable production farm. The leaching experiment was carried out in PCV lizymeters (with percolation water outlet). With respect to the chemistry and biology, the analyzed sludge meets the standards set up for sludge used for agricultural purposes. After 8, 16 and 24 weeks of simulated leaching with atmospheric precipitation, the lecheate from lizymeters showed changes in pH (increasing tendency), electrolytic conductivity (decreasing tendency) as well as slightly lowering content of heavy metals. Heavy metal speciation in sewage sludge showed that they occur in forms of compounds sparingly releasable to the soil solution (fractions III, IV, V). The analysis of sequential chemical extraction carried out in soil with applied sewage sludge, after 24 weeks treatment with simulated atmospheric precipitation doses showed similar heavy metal occurrence tendency as in the case of pure sludge. The total heavy metal content in fractions I-III amounted from 18,6% for Cr to 44,8% for Zn. The remaining content of heavy metals was basically bound with fraction V, which is completely unavailable for plants.}, type={Article}, title={Dynamics of Heavy Metals Leaching from Soils with Sewage Sludge Addition}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/123970/PDF-MASTER/10_AE_VOL_27_1_2001_Rosik_Dulewska_Dynamics.pdf}, keywords={sewage sludge, heavy metals, dynamics of leaching}, }