@ARTICLE{Romanik_Anna_Variantivity_2022, author={Romanik, Anna}, volume={vol. LXXI}, number={No 2}, pages={389-404}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The present work discusses the issues of the variantivity of borrowings from English into modern Polish and Russian. The material for study is variants of English borrowings (based on spelling, spelling and pronunciation, stress pattern, and morphology), excerpted mainly from newest dictionaries of foreign words that have been published over the last 15 years. The analysis aims to determine common “regular correspondencies” of such variants present in the two Slavic languages under discussion, and to identify the individualised variances typical of a particular national language. An important objective of the study is also to specify the reasons why alternative forms have been emerging so numerously in both languages, and to unearth some problems underlying the variantivity of Anglicisms. The research presented in this paper is significant for several perspectives: firstly, variantivity is a challenge to lexicographers and normative linguists still attempting to standardise the enormity of foreign lexical items of an unstable form. Secondly, the fact that a given item has its equivalents poses a problem to average language users who are often confused and do not know how to write or pronounce a word, with dictionaries not necessarily being helpful in this respect. The obtained results may encourage further steps towards the systematization of principles governing the adaptation of borrowings and the attempts to tame the present escalating chaos in Polish and Russian literature on the subject.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Variantivity of Anglicisms in Modern Polish and Russian – a Lexicographic Perspective}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/124301/PDF-MASTER/2022-02-SOR-10-Romanik.pdf}, doi={10.24425/slo.2022.142185}, keywords={Anglicisms, dictionary of foreign words, lexicography, Polish, Russian, variantivity}, }