@ARTICLE{Baron-Milian_Marta_“Mśc…”:_2022, author={Baron-Milian, Marta}, number={No 2 (371)}, journal={Ruch Literacki}, pages={167-191}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Historycznoliteracka}, publisher={Uniwersytet Jagielloński Wydział Polonistyki}, abstract={This article is an attempt at interpreting the experimental verse of two Warsaw Futurists, Aleksander Wat's namopaniki and Anatol Stern's romans Peru [ A romance of Peru]. A series of analyses, conducted from the perspective of the materiality of language, indicates that the key to the generic status of Wat's verse is to be sought in the concept of metamorphism. Indeed, his namopaniki are best described as metamorphic poems in which the dynamic of transformation gets the better of both their linguistic material and their presumptive subjects. By associating the linguistic experiments of the two Warsaw Futurists, who came from Jewish families, with the situation of ‘being a stranger to one's language’ (Deleuze and Guattari) and Jacques Derrida's chafing at monolingualism, the article argues that Wat's and Stern's early poetic practice represents a turn to ‘minority art’, i.e. a form of discourse subversive of the dominant hierarchies of the ‘majority’ language and literature. Furthermore, the Deleuzian concept of minor literature ( littérature mineure) may be used to seek a finer differentiation between the Warsaw Futurist avant-garde and the East or West European models of Futurism and Dadaism.}, type={Artykuł}, title={“Mśc…”: Towards metamorphic literature (Aleksander Wat and Anatol Stern)}, URL={http://czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/124642/PDF-MASTER/2022-02-RL-01-Baron.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rl.2022.140963}, keywords={Polish literature of the 20th century, Futurism, Dadaism, Warsaw avant-garde, Aleksander Wat (1900–1967), Anatol Stern (1899–1968), minor literature, Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995), Jacques Derrida (1930–2004)}, }